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Thread: IEI/INFp and semi proud of it

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    Default IEI/INFp and semi proud of it

    It's so hard to be an INFP. I'm going to list a few things about what I do and how I usually am. I'm 99.9 sure I'm an INFP (even though I often forget the letters) but hey, I can dream. (LMAO)

    - sometimes when left alone, feels sorry for myself, feels like nobody loves/cares about me, feels alone, depressed, sad, sometimes for no reason at all

    - am very aloof to strangers/general population but chatty and warm online (now, which side is the true side?)

    - likes to cuddle at night, prefer to sleep with someone than alone if that someone doesn't steal covers, that is

    - thinks good of those who I can talk to/relate to without feeling out of place, even if that person is not a good person

    - daydreams a LOT, I can't even wash the dishes without daydreaming about something

    - have a hard time of letting go of people who I have been friendly with even if that person is a downright asshole, part of me still wants to believe that there's good in them

    - sometimes believes in the beauty of life, sometimes just wants to commit suicide and give up because the odds are far greater

    - attracted to ESTPs or well I only met one, feels the connection but can't trust him because he's pretty screwed up, suspect that everything's in her head which may be true regarding this particular ESTP (anyone know the stages of development for that type of relationship?) See, I'm fantasizing!

    - really mad at math and science

    - people keeps telling me I'm a pushover and nonconfrontational and I don't know how to act any other way not that I want to just because they say I should but I hate being that type of a person

  2. #2

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    Yes, you remind me of me quite a bit. By the sounds of it, you're an INFp alright. Welcome to the club! The bittersweet (mostly bitter) club!

  3. #3


    I like your screen name!

    *does the IEI dance*

  4. #4



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    Quote Originally Posted by aurora_faerie
    No it isn't, DiscoJoe.

  6. #6

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    Def. not unless you got drugs/cigarettes or something. I just wrote a very depressing little short story. Oh boy.

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    Default Are these IEI/INFp traits?

    I am still unsure why type I am for sure, but I am leaning heavily toward INFp. So I thought that maybe if I listed a few traits of mine and they were decidedly INFp traits then I could put my doubts to rest.

    1. I have a very hard time making in the moment decisions, even for mundane things like which route to take when both take the same amount of time, and I often end up reversing my original decision. To clarify, I do not reverse my decision once I have started doing a particular thing, but in the time leading up to doing something I may determine that I am going to do it one way, but then right at the moment when I am to start I do it a different way.

    2. I am very easily embarrassed and self-conscious. For example, I was walking with a friend and we met up with some of his friends who I did not know. For a little bit of the way he and one of the girls skipped together down path and there were lots of other people around at the time. I wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary, but just being associated with them made me feel uncomfortable. Also (I am embarrassed to admit this, it makes me feel like a jerk thinking about it but) I often feel uncomfortable/self-conscious/embarrassed when I am walking with not very attractive or somewhat clumsy/dorky people. Even as it is happening I feel bad about it, but I just can not help feeling that way at the time.

    3. Absolutely hate calling someone on the telephone or picking up the phone. I just hate it. It makes me feel awkward because I feel like I do not know what the other person is really thinking when I have them on the phone and that I just can not communicate properly.

    4. Very often I find something that I absolutely love, and I just do it all the time, like play a particular game, or a sport, listen to a piece of music or watch a particular movie. I just do this one thing over and over again for weeks, but then suddenly I get tired of it and do not do it anymore. I just stop liking it and the thought of it makes me annoyed with myself for having done it for so long.

    5. I feel as though, when other people are around, that I am always being judged. Not just by people I know, but even when it is all people I do not know and I am by myself, I always feel that someone is 'sizing me up' so to speak. This leads to some of the self-conscious stuff I mentioned earlier.

    6. Always in doubt. When I am writing a paper for a class, say, and I am about half-way through, I am guaranteed to go through a phase where I think everything that I have written is wrong and that I missed the whole point, that somehow I have plagiarized and that what I am writing is completely unoriginal and crappy. Then I get over it and move on, but then it will come back again later on and I have to deal with it then. This sort of thing happens to me a lot with lots of different things.

    7. I am always late wherever I go. Only on very rare occasions or when I am going somewhere with someone else (because they force me to be on time) do I make it to where I am going at the right time.

    8. I am very good at expressing myself, my ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc. in my head, but terrible at getting them out to tell other people. Just awful. If I do not mentally prepare in someway, then it is bound to be a mess. I am at my worst when trying to explain something to someone, I just can not do it for the life of me. Even when it is something I know, like directions for example, I can perfectly imagine the entire walk or ride there, but I just can not explain it to the person who does not know.

    9. I tend to think that characters like Leonidas (from 300), or Hector (from the Iliad [epic poem] or Troy [film]), or William Wallace (Braveheart) are instances of the ideal sort of person and I try my best to be more like them. However, I do not tell anyone this because I know that most would think it silly to find 'action heroes' from war movies examples of the ideal sort of person.

    10. I really dislike having to learn things that I do not believe are true. The reason for this, I think, is that for me to truly learn something and understand it, I have to accept it as part of my own world-view. This is something I do not like the thought of because it means sacrificing my own view, albeit temporarily, for another view which I think is false. I guess I am afraid that then I will be tricked into keeping that view and not switching back. I don't know. Maybe I am just to lazy to learn other views, but I do not think it is that simple. I just have an extremely difficult time moving along in understanding a view once I find one thing that I think is incorrect. This sort of thing happens a lot as I am a philosophy major and so part of what I have to do is learn the views of different philosophers. When I think they are wrong I just want to toss them aside and move on. "Nothing to gain here," I say, "this guy is an externalist about knowledge and epistemic externalism is wrong, so forget it." That is the sort of thing that goes on in my head.

    So, are these INFp traits? If not what are they? I would like to know what everyone thinks so that hopefully I can nail down what type I am once and for all.

  8. #8
    eunice's Avatar
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    I kind of relate to the descriptions.
    I'm supposedly ISFp. Hope it helps.

  9. #9
    snegledmaca's Avatar
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    Don't know if it means anything but I don't identify with you.

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    Some of those could be IP traits rather than INFp traits, but there are some things there that I don't identify with, either, for what it's worth.
    Oh, and Leonidas from 300 is an actual historical figure, just like Alexander the Great. Aspire to be like him if you like, you are allowed a role model.
    INTP/ILI(Ni) /5w4

    "When my time comes, forget the wrong that I've done.
    Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed."

  11. #11
    Jarno's Avatar
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    INFP is certainly plausible, but the information you're giving isn't distinctive enough and sometimes not function related. Ofcourse not your fault. And I'm not an expert on INFP's, so that's not helping either.

    Maybe this helps a bit. I know a girl who's INFP. She has her house filled with strange slightly artistic things, for the rest she doesn't care about householding a lot... She feels insecure about a lot of things. She likes to philosophy about humans.
    She sometimes like to play the clown, and doesn't care if everybody is laughing her.

    A guy I know who's INFP is very chaotic. He's always interested in what you have to say, and he's the most honest person I've ever met.

    And my final daring advice is, read some MBTI descriptions, they look at things from a different angle.

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    I can actually identify with some of the traits that you described, and I'm ISTj. So that might mean that you're ISTj, Beta, or that my type is completely wrong. But, please understand that I am not very good at Socionics.

    As for specifically which traits I identified with:

    1. I tend to just make the decisions. I'm not sure whether this is or isn't type-related.

    2. Maybe, but not to the extent that you describe.

    3. Somewhat. But I think that awkwardness over the phone is normal. As Jarno said, maybe some of your traits are just what everyone else feels.

    4. I did this when I was young, and sometimes do it now. But, then again, doesn't everyone?

    5. Not me. However, I did, in the past, want to 'be respected' for being a certain type of person. This lead to a big interest in personality typing, so I could say to myself "I'm worth something because I am Type X."

    6. Not really.

    7. Definitely not me.

    8. Don't think so.

    10. Never thought about it.

    I've left number 9 out so that I can talk in more depth about it. (Is that why your username is 'Hector'?) I'm moved by selfless acts of heroism. That moment in 300 when all the Spartans lower their shields and spears, I found a little moving. I've also just been reading through Black Hawk Down, where a medic ran across a street under fire 3 times to help get aid to injured soldiers grouped in a building. X-Men, and Wolverine nearly killing himself so that Rogue lives. Acts of heroism in Heroes, especially when the characters are using their powers for good -- I find it moving. I'm not sure quite whether this is type-related or not, but I think we share this a little.

    I'm not sure what all this means, but maybe this'll help you a little.

    All the best, Hector,

  13. #13
    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    Some of this sounds kind of ENFp-ish. Like #1 and #4. We've talked about #3 and ENFp in Delta before. And #8 to some extent. I often have ideas I have a hard time figuring out how to share with others. You were thinking INFj was a possibility though? Read the INFj and ENFp descriptions too. You sound like you might have strong . Maybe. It's hard to say sometimes.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

  14. #14
    redbaron's Avatar
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    Default Re: Are these INFp traits?

    I'm pretty sure I'm INFp so I'll tell you what parts of your description I can identify with.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hector
    1. I have a very hard time making in the moment decisions, even for mundane things like which route to take when both take the same amount of time, and I often end up reversing my original decision. To clarify, I do not reverse my decision once I have started doing a particular thing, but in the time leading up to doing something I may determine that I am going to do it one way, but then right at the moment when I am to start I do it a different way.
    Absolutely. Yes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hector
    2. I am very easily embarrassed and self-conscious. For example, I was walking with a friend and we met up with some of his friends who I did not know. For a little bit of the way he and one of the girls skipped together down path and there were lots of other people around at the time. I wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary, but just being associated with them made me feel uncomfortable. Also (I am embarrassed to admit this, it makes me feel like a jerk thinking about it but) I often feel uncomfortable/self-conscious/embarrassed when I am walking with not very attractive or somewhat clumsy/dorky people. Even as it is happening I feel bad about it, but I just can not help feeling that way at the time.
    I used to be this way, not so much anymore. But I think that's because I'm older and a lot more confident than I used to be.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hector
    3. Absolutely hate calling someone on the telephone or picking up the phone. I just hate it. It makes me feel awkward because I feel like I do not know what the other person is really thinking when I have them on the phone and that I just can not communicate properly.
    Absolutely true for me. I detest the phone.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hector
    4. Very often I find something that I absolutely love, and I just do it all the time, like play a particular game, or a sport, listen to a piece of music or watch a particular movie. I just do this one thing over and over again for weeks, but then suddenly I get tired of it and do not do it anymore. I just stop liking it and the thought of it makes me annoyed with myself for having done it for so long.
    LOL I will do that with music.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hector
    8. I am very good at expressing myself, my ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc. in my head, but terrible at getting them out to tell other people. Just awful. If I do not mentally prepare in someway, then it is bound to be a mess. I am at my worst when trying to explain something to someone, I just can not do it for the life of me. Even when it is something I know, like directions for example, I can perfectly imagine the entire walk or ride there, but I just can not explain it to the person who does not know.
    Yes yes! I am exactly the same way. I go over conversations in my head and they sound great--they're perfect but then when it's time to get them out of my mouth it's a disaster. Or if I'm trying to explain why I felt a particular way, once it comes out it doesn't make any sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hector
    9. I tend to think that characters like Leonidas (from 300), or Hector (from the Iliad [epic poem] or Troy [film]), or William Wallace (Braveheart) are instances of the ideal sort of person and I try my best to be more like them. However, I do not tell anyone this because I know that most would think it silly to find 'action heroes' from war movies examples of the ideal sort of person.
    I'm not like this, but I find it very charming!

    Not sure if you're INFp but I can relate to much of it.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

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    I think it's nothing wrong because u r unique
    Im a infp aslo

    i know i don't capitalize my letters because im too lazy to do so

    1. i have a hard time making kind of decisions, small or big. it might takes me a long time or even week to make one simple decision.

    2. i blush a lot at my work, especially at girls i like.

    3. i hate calling new friends sometimes even the old friend makes me nervous.

    4. when i like something i stink to it. an example would be i only play suikoden series and nothing else.

    5. i think people r judging me everyday and everything i do. mostly i think about the negatives but i realized that it's all in my head.

    6. i have the same problem, when i write anything i would stop half way and think it over. i need the teacher to give me feedback or i think she didnt' like it.

    7. im late for everything but i dont mean to be. if my life depended on me being on time i wouldn't be here.

    8. i am person that likes to express my myself with my emotions. i like to talk to close friends about my problems and i like to listen to their as well. i want to be a psychotherapist.

    9. I like fantasy hero such as characters in videogames. a hero to me is not the one that kill and shoot bad guys but the one who did the right thing. willing to sacrifice him or herself to save others is a hero to me.

    extra notes

    i like to try new things
    i like small group than large gathering
    like to watch horror movies
    helping people makes me feel good and i dont expect them to return to favor

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