This is just a question I'm throwing out there, I am no pro to the socionics construct.

However, what I do know is that there are 8 slots and 8 functions. Each function occupies a slot. Some of these slots play a dominant role in defining the person's behavior and awarness of a particular function, other slots play a more passive role in defining the person's behavior and awarness of a particular function.

What I am wondering is, in certain extreme or unusual situations do the functions switch to occupy a more dominant slot.

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For example a person with dominant intuition would become temporilarily more sensing (aware of there surroundings) when they perceived a loud noise or fast movement. There would be no difference in the function sensing plays to one with sensing as their dominant function for that small amount of time. The difference would be in the long run where the intuitor would prefer to "work with" intuition when "given a choice".

Another example would be a dominant thinking type that becomes temporilarily more feeling (heightened emotional awarness and expression) when they are in a certain situation. The most obvious situation I can think of is sexual, its just so biologically hardwired to be feeling in that situation.

Finally my last example is a one with the introverted dictomy. Now introverted I understand is different than the "pop psych" definition. Provided by Carl Jung it means to be internally focused vs externally focused. However, once again I think its concievable that someone focuses their energy outward in a comfortable situation, like a person who is around a group of close friends. In fact alot of MBTI or socionics websites will say introverts are categorized by a small group of "close friends". I think this is a direct result of this, that extroverts are more frequently "putting their energy" out there in social situations whereas introverts do so primarily amongst close friends. In fact if one were lead to believe an introvert absolutely never put their energy outward, it would be impossible to have "friendships" at least as they are commonly refered to. By definition friendships are abstractly speaking a bond between two peoples "energy" whether that is sharing thoughts, experiences, imaginative ideas, or feelings.


Furthermore the interest would come in determining the most propable switch when these situational types come out. An INTJ that becomes extroverted in a particular situation, would mimic an ENTP. This would be due to the two dominant functions they share. In fact if this was true, the dictomy xxxJ would change to xxxP, suggesting the usually stiff and rigid INTJ would be very impulsive like an ENTP. Whereas a INTP may become more like an ENTJ, suggesting that their more imaginative philosophical absent mindedness (xxxp) would transform to a more outward logical concise (xxxj) nature.

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What do u think?