As an ENFp, my humor is extremely strange to others. Not really the verbal humor but the physical humor. Verbal humor just involves making fun of things that involves anything that is very peculiar that only an ENFp or an ENTp would notice because of strong , other types would probably notice too, but not to the same extent or won't make a joke of it.

Anyways, my physical humor is another story and actually quite bizarre. Once, when I was in vacation in Acapulco in a hotel. I was really bored and experimented by putting a pillow in my shirt and my younger brother did the same. Then I thought of the wacky idea to walk around in the hotel with a pillow in our stomach and backs with shorts that we could see through on top of our heads. I was actually resistant at first, but my ESTp brother talked me into it. So basically, two stuffed bozos were walking around the pool area and everyone just looked at us at the same time in shock, while we just lied down at the benches and people thought we were drunk.

I once danced around on my front yard with a garbage bag on my head when cars were driving around, I could see the cars slowing down and pausing. I also once faked death and convinced friends to do it too in front of a stop sign, and cars would pause and look and then drive off. I also did jumping jacks on front of car on the stop sign and then walked off.

Once with my brothers, (I'm pretty sure this was illegal) we drove a remote control car through an intersection with several cars coming and going and a bike ran over it and I was laughing my head off. Yes, we ENFps are fucked up with our sense of humour. I like to see the reactions people give, but too bad I didn't have the best vision to do my concealment. Keep in mind that I don't do this quite often and its very rare, but it sure is fun when I do it with others. Anyways, I'd like to hear from other ENFps if they have similar humor and from other types on what they think of it.