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Thread: Can a particle system of personality

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    Default Can a particle system of personality...

    explain the existence of the socion?

    Over the past few days, I've been analyzing the approaches that might be necessary to create a mathematical model of typology that can be applied to social environmental conditions in a way that produces "culture"; that is, a way to explain, with mathematical precision, how cultures develop and how people constellate each other through their types and values.

    Such a model would have to be pseudo-physical in nature. After toying around with a few plausibilities comparing the basic sixteen types to Netwonian mechanics (contrasting them with the Relativity theory and the crosstype experience), I've come upon a workable conclusion by further contrasting the two perspectives with quantum mechanics.

    We credit QM for unifying the small world of the atomic particle with the macro world we see and feel. This reconciliation is accomplished by use of the Special Theory of Relativity, which Einstein created to reconcile the finite speed of light with experience. For some years I've wondered how it was that Einstein's experience could be so different that even with a minimum of outside influence (indeed, most of what influence came to him tried to dissuade him from the theory) he could perceive something as bizzare as the transformation of matter into energy. It seemed to me that he was not the INTp the MBTIers had led me to believe. I've studied the man intensely, having read several biographies of him. I've compared him with other people--and favorable comparisons are very rare and never slight. I realized that his writing was very difficult to read because its precision left nothing to chance, nothing to assumption. At the same time, I began making new friends through random chances, altogether unexpected. I began to notice that all too often the people who I asked to take the MBTI and scored in the middle percentiles were radical departures from their socionics "types" in both behavior and appearance. (especially in contrast to those friends of mine who were described perfectly by the type descriptions) In particular one bore a mysterious resemblance to Bill Clinton, who is revered as a master of politics. An ESFJ? An ESFP? Why the conflict in perceptions? Another resembles Karl Rove, and is an absolute politico herself who despite her extremely young age has almost finished college. A genius by any standard. And the mysterious "INFP" who engaged a secret crush on me from afar, always saying exactly the right things at all the right times, and fascinating me with the depth of her characters....

    And the "ISFP" who enthralled me with desire for several years, driving me nearly to self-destruction for her denial of me. Someone who when I saw her evoked a sense of incredible awareness, as if to say directly to my soul "I KNOW YOU".... What was she, this woman who scored on the test variously ISFP and INFP, who seemed a chameleon that could not be discerned, to the ISFP who told her sordid tale to me and tugged at my sense of righteousnes by pulling me away from the object of desire, only to be turned away herself? Why could not this ISFP match the first "ISFP"?

    What was it these people had? Might they be... borderline, I thought, or afflicted by some other psychological disorder? Perhaps. Then if they were, then might all "psychological disorders" be indeed recognitions of personality quirks by a corrupted, misguided psychiatry system? What was the quirk that seperated them from me, from the basic 16?

    I began to discern a pattern in some of them. They avoided weakness. Other people were as amazed and captivated by them as I was... sometimes even more so. People of all ages. People, I noticed, that were often a lot like me....

    I had heard mention of a suggestion that Einstein was afflicted with a form of autism. Which meant, emotional stagnation and withdraw. This seemed plausible. Furthermore, I discerned something else: many of my livejournal friends were posting entries with vague references to a "you". At first I believed this to be coincidence, but I noticed that the clearly typed friends weren't doing it. Furthermore, the friends who were making the vague references were demonstrating tremendous flexibility and restraint in dealing with their friends, even people they didn't seem to know. They always knew just what to say. I remembered my political science teacher in highschool once expressing amazement that Bill Clinton "always knew just what to say." The emphasis on saying the right thing at the right time seemed puzzling, because it implied they were not willing to defend their own egos....

    As I studied Einstein further, I began to discern this same pattern. Einstein always said the right thing, people respected Einstein. Finally there was the issue of his transcention to the second archetypal stage, which must have been synonomous with his development of the special relativity theory. Might the Special Theory have been an act of outreach into the world?

    I began to discern that the Special Theory was a personal outreach by Einstein to explain himself and his thought processes. This implied that he changed matter to energy and energy to matter, perception to judgement and judgement to perception. Absolute report, the trait of genius. By crossing the inputs the terminating equilibrium Jung forbade was eliminated. If cross type existed for geniuses then might it exist for the rest of the types? As I explored the possibilites crosstype proposed the peices slowly began falling into place.

    So trying to develop the intuitive understanding that I know must underlie crosstype, I come now to the similarities between the quantum world of "connecting the dots" and "hodgepodges" and "spin and charge", and the necessity of the social atom. Surely if abstract notions such as "spin" can describe a particle's behavior, then so can "rationality" and "irrationality" define the behavior of a personality as it bounces and zings between all of the other personalities in existence.

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    I understand what you're getting at.

    This sort of thing is what I was refering to when I spoke of "living unlimited", but this is a much more specific example, with general relativity and Einestien. I like how you said

    This implied that he changed matter to energy and energy to matter, perception to judgement and judgement to perception

    There is..... a certain level of breaking down all the "preconcived"/early levels of human thinking. ANd then things kind of all mesh together. I've been considering this for the past few months, and lately, I've been undersatnding why those initial barriers and humanistic.... levels are there.

    I don't know enough about Quantum Mechanics or general relativity to accurately apply both, but.... both of those theories can be applied to everything......... *sigh* I don't have time to get into it all right now.....

    But it was an interesting read. Much better than what I have to read for coursework here, as far as "enjoyment" goes.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    Quote Originally Posted by UDP
    I understand what you're getting at.

    This sort of thing is what I was refering to when I spoke of "living unlimited", but this is a much more specific example, with general relativity and Einestien. I like how you said

    This implied that he changed matter to energy and energy to matter, perception to judgement and judgement to perception

    There is..... a certain level of breaking down all the "preconcived"/early levels of human thinking. ANd then things kind of all mesh together. I've been considering this for the past few months, and lately, I've been undersatnding why those initial barriers and humanistic.... levels are there.
    Right, it's what kept the system going. People who identified themselves with the world completely put down all resistance to the system, because without it people would become disorganized... and unable to work together to survive.

    I'm not confident we still need it. I think the roles can yet change.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg

    I'm not confident we still need it. I think the roles can yet change.

    I have spent a great part of the last 6 months considering this. I feel that, in order to really make progress, those roles do need to change, or at least evolve or whatever. I've been thinking about the best way to have transition between "now" and "the future" in regards to this change...

    I'd be happy to discuss anything along these lines, because I have been thinking about them a lot, and would like to hear another's opinion. I haven't been able to formulate a specific plan or idea, but it's always in the back of my mind...
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    I'm not confident we still need it. I think the roles can yet change.
    I've lost tremendous faith in people over the past year, and it has made me realize how much it is still in existence. I see more and more why it is neccesary, but... It's time to.... move on to the next level. I can't articulate this point very well at the moment.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    Quote Originally Posted by UDP
    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg

    I'm not confident we still need it. I think the roles can yet change.
    I'd be happy to discuss anything along these lines, because I have been thinking about them a lot, and would like to hear another's opinion. I haven't been able to formulate a specific plan or idea, but it's always in the back of my mind...
    This board is a good place. Or ICQ 65820311.

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