It was interesting. I think it was Fe-ENFj or very Fe-INFp kind of Fe. Initially I was drawn to it. It was so crazy. So out of control. So not from this world. But after a while it got tiring. The effect it initially had kind of faded away and I felt like I needed a break from it. It was exhausting. But it just didn't stop. I didn't get a break. I was showered by it and couldn't make it stop. I was somewhat relieved when I finally got away. Now that I have had time to regroup I think I am again drawn to it. I could expose myself to it again. But I know that the same thing would happen again. Initial interest but growing tired after a while.

I don't know what that means in socionics terms. I mean I have been typed to have Fe PoLR or Fe creative or Fe demonstrative or who knows what. I don't know how these types should feel about being exposed to Beta Fe.