I'm finding it hard to type him, being that I know him so well, and feel like I can't see the forest for the trees. Thanks in advance for your help.

I'm just going to talk random, because I have no idea where to start.

He hates incompetence. He runs a company, and he seems to encounter incompetence at every turn. It could be his favourite word. "I have no tolerance for stupidity" is an often-used saying of his. He likes efficiency and warmth.

I see him as a very logical person. I like the way he thinks. He puts things in clear, consise, matter-of-fact terms. If you ask him a question, no matter how straightforward, he never gives a 'yes' or 'no' answer. He'll give you a bunch of background information and 'set the scene' before driving home the point. He seems to know something about everything. If you bring up any subject, he'll be sure to have an opinion on it - and he can qualify it too.

He's an entrepreneur type. He started his own computer business and now owns 3 businesses. He prefers to work with his hands though. He bought this marina, handed the reins over to a manager, and then spent weeks just sanding, painting and doing up a boat entirely by himself. He'll get completely involved in an interest he has and learn everything he can about it. For instance when he bought the marina, he knew nothing whatsoever about boats or sailing, so he went and took this sailing course, bought a sailboat, and for awhile that was all he did or talked about. Now he's lost interest in that, but he's bought this huge property. He went and bought a bunch of bobcats and diggers (I don't know what they are ) and other equipment he knew nothing about using and just started teaching himself how to use them. He can easily afford to get it done professionally, but he prefers to dig the roads himself and do all the leveling and manual labour. And whatever he does is of top quality too - he doesn't do shoddy work.

I wouldn't say he's a workaholic. I mean I never see him sitting around all day, but he'll have no problem coming home and relaxing after a day's work.

He's not an emotional type at all. His attempt at a smile for photos is painful to behold. He likes some romantic-type things though. Like sappy movies and emotive music. He finds it hard to show affection. He does so in a joking way though, like he's a bit embarrassed about it.

He thinks he's introverted and says he hates big parties - but then he's normally the one holding the fort, talking and laughing the loudest ... so I don't know. He can get carried away while telling some of his stories and not be able to tell when people are losing interest. He tells stories in a colourful way though.

Um, Idk - any questions?