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Thread: Socionic aspects (information elements) for each Enneagram type

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    machintruc's Avatar
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    Default Socionic aspects (information elements) for each Enneagram type


    Sense of creativity, in order to make something that would be perceived as "cool" and "bold"
    Clever lying (if unhealthy), or seducing others by being straightforward and authentic
    Achievement, sense of self-image
    Assessing motives to know who the individual should relate to

    Sense of seeking opportunities in order to improve self-image
    Sense of efficiency, of doing things that work
    Agreeableness, in order to be commercial, sense of seeking quality
    Friendliness, seeking to be popular and admired


    (don't know)
    Imposing own laws or system's laws, or creating them ; detecting lies ; seeking to be noticed ; autocracy
    Seeking physical power, intimidating others, seeking strength in self and others, or vulnerabilising others in order to control them ; seeking impact
    Assessing motives, and finding what others deserves objectively ; loving others very passionately (intimate variant)

    Long-term vengeance
    Drive, efficiency, sense of directing others to accomplish things
    Sense of survival, of pleasure ; moodiness ; playing bad dude/girl
    Overt anger

    7 Etypes remaining. LET'S GO!!

  2. #2
    Ezra's Avatar
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    This is interesting. It also shows how some functions are more evident in the individual than others e.g. Ni in the Eight. It's unlikely that that would be the Eight's base function, but it's still evident how it could be a function in the Eight, be it creative or demonstrative or something else.

    For the Eight's Ne, read up about the Eight on the Enneagram Institute website. There's a quote from Jung (yes, I know, Jung) about Ne in the Eight, and it hardly contradicts Ne in socionics. Phaedrus would say "of course it doesn't - they are the same thing" to something like this, but for anyone else, read it, and see what I mean.

  3. #3
    machintruc's Avatar
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    TWO (the coolest Etype)

    (don't know)
    having esteem for the most tough-minded people, but wanting to manipulate them, as some kind of "challenge"
    possessiveness, wanting to control others, especially the beloved one (SEE, ESI)
    having good motives, and manifesting love as motives

    romantic imagery, idealism
    being a "super mummy" (I think E2 is compatible with LSE)
    being physically agreeable to others (not necessarily sexually)
    emotional manifestations, emotional control, empathy, manipulation, friendliness


    intellectual independence, seeking power by knowing more than others
    rigidity, wanting to have a clear and consistent thinking process ; thinking like a classical philosopher ; complex reasoning
    having some "distant" willpower, but usually no more than necessary
    trying to know what's "good" or "bad"

    understanding hidden interactions of the world
    understanding of technology, of algorithms, of mathematics ; sense of being a "directive expert"
    being very agreeable to others
    anger at problems, sense of being socially expressive and playful, as a way to have impact (especially Intimate variant)

  4. #4
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    (don't know)
    (don't know)
    acting rednecky, recklessness, sense of extravagance, straightforwardness (SEI) ; seeking pressure, seeking pain, having esteem for strong people (IEI, ILI)
    (don't know)

    imagination, dreaminess, romantic imagery, idealism
    (don't know)
    moodiness, playing bad dude/girl, seeking pleasure
    sense of emotional expression, even if it usually lacks drive ; trying to act dramatic (especially Intimate)

  5. #5
    machintruc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ezra View Post
    For the Eight's Ne, read up about the Eight on the Enneagram Institute website. There's a quote from Jung (yes, I know, Jung) about Ne in the Eight, and it hardly contradicts Ne in socionics.
    do you have a URL ?

  6. #6
    machintruc's Avatar
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    I think the E8 version of would be like "acting like a maverick, gross sense of creativity". I mean, like giving someone a chainsaw as a gift.


    Being clever on dealing with norms, getting round them. Normative and ethical idealism.
    Setting norms, being rigid and scholastic. Acting in a methodical manner.
    Being harsh and severe with others. Demanding a lot of self and others. Accomplishing goals. Sense of self-image (some Ones are like Threes). Sense of straightforwardness.
    Sense of what's right or wrong.

    Instrinsic idealism, seeking perfection.
    Working hard, not necessarily for accomplishing things, but mostly because it's right.
    Seeking a balance between pleasure and ascetism (when healthy). Seeking quality in things.

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