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Thread: An SEI I have known

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    eunice's Avatar
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    Default An SEI I have known

    She is very calculative with money and to her, every cent counts. In order to save a few cents, she would compare prices for the same items across different shops before coming to a conclusion about what to buy. Despite her thriftiness, she would tend to spend more money on entertainment eg. cable tv, karaoke sessions, pool, eating out etc. Other than that, she dresses very simply and tends to give people who don't know her well the impression that she is very tight up for money. In terms of dressing, she prefers to go to bargain shops to buy her clothes and likes to choose very bright and gaudy looking ones.

    She is majoring in Real Estate by default and if she had a choice, she would rather study Chemistry. She doesn't consider the career prospects of Real Estate when she took up this major. She sees the future as uncertain and prefers to take things a step at a time. Whenever she talks about the future, she would come up with random and unrelated career ideas eg. setting up a matchmaking agency, becoming a wedding planner, joining an event management company etc. even though she has no experience or even passion in these areas. Anything she hasn't tried before appears novel to her and she sees familiarity as boredom. I see such uncalculated career ideas as unrealistic to a certain extent because she doesn't seem to understand what her strengths and weaknesses are, and how her knowledge, skills, ability and other factors can contribute to her chosen career. However, she has a stable idea of how a career should be like: a stable job which earns a lot of money and can support her family.

    She is very present-oriented to the extent that I have never known anyone who can be like her. For instance, a friend of ours who just graduated from college was on a couple of months' of contract work, but she managed to secure a permanent job with another and decided to tender her resignation before her contract expires. Both the SEI and I have different viewpoints about this matter. I see it as a great opportunity for the friend to move on to something which might have long-term career prospects. However, the SEI was bewildered by our friend's sudden change and tried to persuade her to remain in that job. When I pointed out to the SEI the aftermath of the end of contract, the consequences of staying put in the current company finally occurred to her.

    Money-wise, she is very good in stretching the dollar, but she doesn't know about investment. She tends to be risk-adverse and therefore doesn't like to gamble even for the thrill of it. She tends to spend more on her family than herself. Besides "expensive" hobbies like karaoke, she also likes playing board games, reading fantasy and science fiction novels (eg. Chronicles of Narnia, Harry Potter) and books by Einstein. It seems to me that these are the only books she reads and she doesn't read much. Surprisingly, she once proclaimed that she doesn't enjoy watching drama serials (especially romantic dramas) due to the lack of realism in their plots. In selecting a partner, she prefers a guy who is a planner and helps her to organize her unstructured life.

    Detail-oriented and very sharp in terms of observing people's level of sensation, she would tend to show concern about my health whenever she sees that I look tired. She would keep asking me to get a definite reply from me to make sure that she understands how I am exactly feeling and how she and other friends can help. To a certain extent, I find her incessant enquiries irritating even though I know that she meant it well because most of the time she doesn't take my word for it. With Fe in her ego block, she understands that people tend not to be direct about themselves and thus she thought that I was been avoidant about my health status too.

    She doesn't like rock and heavy metal music because she tends to associate them as "dark, heavy, depressing and violent" and she is very senstive to even a tinge of anger in music (including lyrics). As such, she would sound her displeasure when I listen to rock music and it is very evident these days to see how bothered she is when I am listening to music by an Australian Te-INTp rocker:

    (An English song)

    (Notice the music video's similarity with Bittersweet Symphony)

    "Dark, heavy, depressing and violent"? Come on. *roll eyes*
    Last edited by eunice; 01-14-2008 at 05:29 PM.

  2. #2
    Your DNA is mine. Mediator Kam's Avatar
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    She is very calculative with money and to her, every cent counts. In order to save a few cents, she would compare prices for the same items across different shops before coming to a conclusion about what to buy. Despite her thriftiness, she would tend to spend more money on entertainment eg. cable tv, karaoke sessions, pool, eating out etc. Other than that, she dresses very simply and tends to give people who don't know her well the impression that she is very tight up for money. In terms of dressing, she prefers to go to bargain shops to buy her clothes and likes to choose very bright and gaudy looking ones.
    Sounds just like me. I hate spending money, because I have regrets when I do. I hate losing precious items(yeah, money is precious to me, makes the world go round.)

    She is majoring in Real Estate by default and if she had a choice, she would rather study Chemistry.
    This is funny because I am seriously considering becoming a chemist or a chemistry teacher.

    Whenever she talks about the future, she would come up with random and unrelated career ideas eg. setting up a matchmaking agency, becoming a wedding planner, joining an event management company etc. even though she has no experience or even passion in these areas.
    She might have sounded serious, but trust me, she wasn't. She was bringing up far-fetched job ideas to lighten the mood. Also, SEI's love to match-make and get people together. SEI girls are even more likely to want to do that.

    I see such uncalculated career ideas as unrealistic to a certain extent because she doesn't seem to understand what her strengths and weaknesses are, and how her knowledge, skills, ability and other factors can contribute to her chosen career.
    I think you are missing the point. Her strengths are weaknesses are of no importance to her in this arena. She is just seeking in a way, trying to do something new. They might seem uncalculated to you, but has made a lot of calculating in her heart about what she wants to do next. In my opinion, she knows what her strengths are, but doing new things wins out.

    Anything she hasn't tried before appears novel to her and she sees familiarity as boredom.
    That is the motto of ISFp's everywhere.

    Surprisingly, she once proclaimed that she doesn't enjoy watching drama serials (especially romantic dramas) due to the lack of realism in their plots.
    It's not surprising, I can't stand when people tell stories and they couldn't happen in real life. Of course, exaggeration is fine, but stories like "The Little Red Riding Hood" and the idea that Master Chief's suit never has holes in it even though he's been shot about a million times. That pisses me off.

    She doesn't like rock and heavy metal music because she tends to associate them as "dark, heavy, depressing and violent" and she is very senstive to even a tinge of anger in music (including lyrics).
    She's weird, I love that kind of music.
    D-SEI 9w1

    This is me and my dual being scientific together

  3. #3
    Éminence grise mikemex's Avatar
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    That doesn't sound like my ISFp friend at all. She's really bad about money and never knows what anything costs. It's like she was completely obvlious to monetary thinking and is precicely how Te PoLR manifests. I'm sorry but your ISFp is probably ISFj.

    And, as for setting people up, it sounds more Fi than Fe.
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    You know what? You're an individual, and that makes people nervous. And it's gonna keep making people nervous for the rest of your life.
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  4. #4
    Your DNA is mine. Mediator Kam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikemex View Post
    That doesn't sound like my ISFp friend at all. She's really bad about money and never knows what anything costs. It's like she was completely obvlious to monetary thinking and is precicely how Te PoLR manifests. I'm sorry but your ISFp is probably ISFj.

    And, as for setting people up, it sounds more Fi than Fe.
    I think you are incorrect here. It is because of my non-understanding of monetary concerns that makes me so cheap. I cannot trust myself with money, therefore I learn to keep it away from use.
    D-SEI 9w1

    This is me and my dual being scientific together

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    My ISFp friend does not control his money well and tends to overspend.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mikemex View Post
    That doesn't sound like my ISFp friend at all. She's really bad about money and never knows what anything costs. It's like she was completely obvlious to monetary thinking and is precicely how Te PoLR manifests. I'm sorry but your ISFp is probably ISFj.

    And, as for setting people up, it sounds more Fi than Fe.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
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  7. #7
    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    This sounds remarkably like someone I used to go to HS with, particularly the shopping at thrift shops for clothing that will make an impression. She actually succeeds (which is beyond my ken) at crafting it all into a cohesive fashion style, though that's kind of her thing. Strangely, she's an international business major.

    I wish I still was in contact with her but the only time I really had a shot at that I was in a bit of a fugue with my life and sort of lived like a hermit for a couple of years, which I think she took personally. That's probably TMI though.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kamangir View Post
    I think you are incorrect here. It is because of my non-understanding of monetary concerns that makes me so cheap. I cannot trust myself with money, therefore I learn to keep it away from use.
    I strongly second this.
    ISFp <3

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