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Thread: My Results

  1. #1

    Default My Results.....

    I recognize a lot of peeps here! *waves* I also saw that Steventj was here so I emailed him my results...but he recommended I put them up here since it's so confusing.

    What do you guys think???

    Thanks!!! D

  2. #2


    Go away and don't come back!

    (McNew will respond shortly.)

  3. #3



  4. #4


    Oooops..that was me. Forgot to put my name at the top!

  5. #5
    six turnin', four burnin' stevENTj's Avatar
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    I told Christi that she could copy all or part of my email out to here if she wanted, but the main thing I noticed about her results were all of the conflicts.

    On the strong questions she favored

    Fe (43) over Te (35)
    Fi (29) over Ti (27).

    But then on the Weak questions (higher number = weaker!) she suddenly favored

    Te (-20) over Fe (-10)
    Ti (-13) over Fi (1)

    I'm not sure how Reuben has this thing programmed, but I think that's what tripped all of the conflict flags.

    Otherwise I'd say ENFj or INFj. For ENFj she had a rather strong PoLR Si though (37). For INFj she'd have a weak PoLR Se which made sense, but I thought her Fi (29s or 1w) looked a bit weak for a 1st function for an INFj.
    Te-INTp/ILI, my wife: Fi-ISFj/ESI, with laser beam death rays for ESTp/SLEs, lol
    16 years of bliss in an Activity relationship

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    I agree those results are confusing and also very obviously conflicting ...

    All I can say is that you are probably a type that has in either the ego block somewhere or as the hidden agenda. That leaves ENTj, INTp, ENFj, INFp for the former ... Concerning the latter, I also see a chance that this is really an ESFj result in regards to the 6th and 8th function and if not that INTj or INFj in regards to the 4th function ...

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    Quote Originally Posted by rmcnew
    I agree those results are confusing and also very obviously conflicting ...

    All I can say is that you are probably a type that has in either the ego block somewhere or as the hidden agenda. That leaves ENTj, INTp, ENFj, INFp for the former ... Concerning the latter, I also see a chance that this is really an ESFj result in regards to the 6th and 8th function and if not that INTj or INFj in regards to the 4th function ...
    i seriously doubt it.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

  8. #8

    Default Our email conversation- for what it's worth :o)

    Hey Steve! How have you been? Long time no talk! Everything going okay?

    Well, I just took the socionics test and I can't interpret the results. I have been trying for hours! I think I'm too conflicted in my functions LOL. I went to a forum and I saw you on there and saw that you know a little about interpreting so here's my results....what do you see???


    hey there,

    whoa, holy smokes! lol. Your results look like they're all over the place. Just a question, have you been feeling "normal" and completely like yourself when you took that? I've pretty much come to the conclusion that if you're under stress in any way or not feeling like yourself at all, that's the worst possible time to be taking a personality test. That explains how i was coming out as INFP.

    rmcnew the test author keeps switching things around so I'd actually post your results on forum. There are a lot of different ways that could be interpreted. If you're truly an extrovert I would say ENFj (FeNi) first and ENFp (NeFi) second. You could be an introvert though in which case INFp (NiFe) would probably be most likely followed by INFj (FiNe).

    You consistently thought that Se was your weakest function though, and that's characterisitc of INFjs. But for an INFj, Fi would be your 1st function and should be pretty strong but it was definitely weaker than your Fe ("Fe monster", lol).

    Did you take this just for fun or are you seriously questioning your type? I assume just for fun since you post a lot of test type threads on N-central. You seem like an ENFj to me, and your self-perception (from the test) is definitely that you're an ENFj. In your overall functional strengths though, the difference between your T and F functions was not that great. It also looks like you're biased into thinking your much more of an F than you really are. On the strong questions you favored F, but when it was reversed around and asked you based on weak questions you actually favored T which shows some biasing!

    As us engineers would say, "hmmmmm.... thaaaaaaaat's iiiiinnnteresting" lol

    I'm still not quite sure on how to interpret all of the type pattern stuff, especially since it said you had a lot of conflicts. I'd go ahead and post that up on and see what the others say, esp rmcnew.



    LOL!!! I am DEFINITELY an NF. Yes, I took it for fun and was actually pretty relaxed when I took the test. I could be borderline E/I -NFJ....what do you think?

    I am NOT an ENFP. I am WAY too J to be ENFP. But then again,. I'm not questioning my type at all. Hahahaha! It said I had 13 conficts! *shrug*


    The 13 conflicts I think comes from what I said in that on the Strong questions you favored

    Fe (43) over Te (35)
    Fi (29) over Ti (27).

    But then on the Weak questions (higher number = Stronger!) you favored

    Te (-20) over Fe (-10)
    Ti (-13) over Fi (1)

    That's the bias checking part of the test and for some reason when asked a question one way you answer in one way, but when the same question is asked in another way you answer differently.

    I'd say INFj is a definite possibility because of the weak Se which as per Socionics theory would be one of the weakest functions for an INFj. The weakest function for ENFj would be Si, but you actually felt that was a fairly strong function. Overall I'd say the results look more ENFj than INFj though. I've seen some other people that are very sure they're a certain type still test very strongly in the function where they ought to be testing really weak.

    The curious thing about the results though are the conflicts and the strong F over T and weak T over F deal. rmcnew would definitely want to double check that because for all I know he may have made some errors in the test programming and it's giving garbled results.

    BTW, feel free to copy any or all of my email out to I just kept replying via email because you initiated via email, but I see you posted out on the forums now. ;-)

    But then on the Weak questions (higher number = Stronger!) you favored

    blah...I had that reversed. on the weak questions higher numbers = WEAKER

    So Te -20 > Fe -10 and Ti -13 > Fi 1


    LOL! Really? So that means I THINK I'm F...but I could be borderline F/T? INNNTTEEERRREEESSSTTTIIINNNGGGG.................

    When I was SEVERLEY depressed I always tested INTJ. Hahhahaahaha! But I FEEL better now...and when I operate in Se, I feel the best! Probably bc it's not natural for me to operate in Se at all and when I work at it, it's like a balance to me always being up in my head- ya know??

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    Quote Originally Posted by rmcnew
    I agree those results are confusing and also very obviously conflicting ...

    All I can say is that you are probably a type that has in either the ego block somewhere or as the hidden agenda. That leaves ENTj, INTp, ENFj, INFp for the former ... Concerning the latter, I also see a chance that this is really an ESFj result in regards to the 6th and 8th function and if not that INTj or INFj in regards to the 4th function ...
    i seriously doubt it.
    I saw that later and you posted before I could ... can not change it now since other people have posted.

  10. #10


    Saw what later???? *gives puppy dog eyes and pleads for explaination* :wink:

  11. #11


    That was me again. Grrr!!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Saw what later???? *gives puppy dog eyes and pleads for explaination* :wink:
    Because I was confusing ISFj with ESFj and got their PoLR and Hidden agenda switched around, and Rocky posted about it right before I was going to edit the post.

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