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Thread: Functional Revise ???

  1. #1

    Default Functional Revise ???

    I was reading through some Socionics material, when I came across this on Wikisocion:

    Functional Revise

    Is this an effective way to assist in typing someone, such as by fitting them to one of the descriptions?

    N/S Quadrants

    The Originals, The Non-Conformists (+Ne/-Ni in ego, +Si/-Se agenda) INTj; ENTp; ENFj; INFp

    This group attempts to be original and unique. It has a strong need to overthrow authority. This group is into novelty and anything that is unique. As a matter of fact, the feelers in this group tend to make up a big majority of “gothic/emo” people. This group has a strong need to rebel. Also, this group is very optimistic about the future and often at times think about all the great things that could happen. This group tends to analyze the past and remember all of the failed mistakes it has made. This group often fails to complete its tasks. Often lacks the willpower to get things done.

    The Imaginatives (-Ne/+Ni in ego, -Si/+Se agenda) INFj; ENFp; ENTj; INTp

    This group is define by its timeless and dreamy like imagination. This group notices all the alternatives that can go wrong in a given situation. This group is also good at seeing the mediocrity in things. The worthlessness of things is always visible to this group. This group is also good at reading people. This group likes to read people. They want to know the true motives behind peoples actions. It is good at predicting the future due to seeing past and present trends of things. These types live in the world of what will happen, not what could happen. These types have a strong need to make sure that nothing bad happens to them. They don’t want to be in pain or agony. These types will wash their hands often and keep up their hygiene. This group lacks initiative. It often has a hard time starting new endeavors. It hardly notices the wonderful little things in life that make the body feel pleasant.

    The Doers, The Aggressives
    (-Se/+Si in ego, +Ne/-Ni agenda) ESFj; ISFp; ISTj; ESTp

    This group is the aggressive types. This group gets things done. They have a certain element that makes them have to make sure that everything is perfect. This group is good making sure things are done on time. They notice all the positive sensations that their bodies produce; beauty, taste of food, the enjoyment of relaxation, etc. They take good care of their bodies. They try to keep their bodies in top physical condition. This group can be openly direct with people. This group lacks the ability to see the negative potentials of things. It only has a need to be optimistic.

    The Experiencers (+Se/-Si in ego, -Ne/+Ni agenda) ESTj; ISTp; ESFp; ISFj

    This groups main focus is to enjoy the world. The feeling types will try to interact with the people here and find enjoyment in things like parties. This group has a need to see the world and explore it. This group enjoys the things that the world has to offer. This group also has a strong need to notice the negative potential in things. This group can be very skeptical of how things turn out. This group notices all the negative sensations that the body produces. This group notices all the pain that the body produces. This group likes new and unique sensations. This group has a hard time see the positive potentials of things.

    T/F Quadrants

    The Creators/Systematizers (-Ti/+Te in ego, -Fe/+Fi agenda) INTj; ENTp; ISTp; ESTj

    This group is the producers of ideas in the world. The intuitive types introduce and implement new and extraordinary ideas. The sensing types attempt to produce and implement ways to be economical. This group can be very analytical, they analyze the situation and put the best idea into production. This group tries to break things apart and analyze them as them are at their deepest core. This group can be very rude, as its their functional need to be sarcastic and mean to people. In the intuitive types though, social anxiety can get in the way of this. This group wants to love and be happy. This group has a hard time appearing happy to the people around them. They are hardly ever completely nice to people.

    The Controllers
    (+Ti/-Te in ego, +Fe/-Fi agenda) INTp; ENTj; ISTj; ESTp

    This group works best when put in a position of chaos. It can get rid of the problems of things and make sure that nothing stands in the way of an accomplishment. This group as leaders have no remorse about getting rid of people via firing them. This group follows the rules. It knows its place in the hierarchy of things. These people organize things and make sure that things are organized and in order. This group is extremely decisive. This group tries its best to be nice and kind to people. Inside though, these type has a need to be lonely depressed and withdrawn. This group doesn’t know what happiness or love is.

    The Peacefuls (+Fi/-Fe in ego, -Ti/+Te agenda) INFj; ENFp; ISFp; ESFj

    This group can be very mean and rude to people in an attempt to get them to do something to better them. Inside they are happy and love people unconditionally, but outside they can be very emotional, dramatic, and alarming. This group has a need to understand the inner workings of things. It also has a need to be productive. This group pays little or no attention to detail. Although the sensing types like to clean, these types lack logical organization.

    The Depressives
    (-Fi/+Fe in ego, +Ti/-Te agenda) INFp; ENFj; ISFj; ESFp

    This group feels very depressed and lonely inside. They tend to feel a touch of dissatisfaction with the people in which they are in a relationship with. They push people away. They have a sorrowful and tragic view of the world. They are nice to people. They try to bring out the positive emotions of people. They laugh a lot and attempt to get other people to laugh. This group has a need to organize and study things carefully. This group may read a lot.
    Classical socionics: (), ILI-Ni
    Dual-type theory: INTp-ENTp

    5w6 sp/sx

  2. #2


    that's in the hypothesis section... in other words, only one or two people, at the most, believe in it (for the moment).

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    Hacking your soul since the beginning of time Hitta's Avatar
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    Reconstructed Model A is the best thing that explains all the phenomenon that socionics has right now.
    Model X Will Save Us!


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    this is hitta's shit and i suggest you ignore it completely.

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    Ti centric krieger's Avatar
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    There definitely is a difference between the concrete (+) and abstract (-) versions of functions, and it needs to be taken in account. I would personally not put much stock in one person's interpretation of what this difference constitutes, though (and that is what these are: one person's interpretation).

    This page also presumes that all types have a function inverse in +/- and extrovert/introvert for each of their ego functions; something that I think might have merit, were it not that I haven't heard any good explanations as to how these would manifest in behavior. My own theory is that these "inverse ego functions" form a secundary personality that allows the person to behave like a type inverse in Process/Result and Aristocracy/Democracy, while not leaving their 'club'(eg. NT, SF, NF, ST). This personality would then be most likely to be used when conversing with people in adjacent quadras (in other words, people inverse in Aristocracy/Democracy to the persons own type).

    This secundary personality would be a "regressing" version of ones own type's Contrary, in other words a Contrary with the + and - of it's ego functions reversed. In the case of the INTj, this would be a regressing ENTj with Te+ Ni-, for example, where an ordinary ENTj uses Te- and Ni+. The type can also be thought of as a 'hybrid' of the Illusionary and Semi-Dual, as it contains functions from both those types.

    An interesting implication of these theories: contrary to common sense, when Alphas and Deltas interact, the function axis that is shared is not the Ne/Si function axis, but the Te+ Ti-/Fe- Fi+ axis. Same for all other quadra combinations...

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    Ti centric krieger's Avatar
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    this is hitta's shit and i suggest you ignore it completely.
    The theory needs to be entertained, or no one will ever know wether it is right. Please leave others to this task if they choose to do so by their own volition.

  7. #7
    Hacking your soul since the beginning of time Hitta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by labcoat
    There definitely is a difference between the concrete (+) and abstract (-) versions of functions, and it needs to be taken in account. I would personally not put much stock in one person's interpretation of what this difference constitutes, though (and that is what these are: one person's interpretation).

    This page also presumes that all types have a function inverse in +/- and extrovert/introvert for each of their ego functions; something that I think might have merit, were it not that I haven't heard any good explanations as to how these would manifest in behavior. My own theory is that these "inverse ego functions" form a secundary personality that allows the person to behave like a type inverse in Process/Result and Aristocracy/Democracy, while not leaving their 'club'(eg. NT, SF, NF, ST). This personality would then be most likely to be used when conversing with people in adjacent quadras (in other words, people inverse in Aristocracy/Democracy to the persons own type).

    This secundary personality would be a "regressing" version of ones own type's Contrary, in other words a Contrary with the + and - of it's ego functions reversed. In the case of the INTj, this would be a regressing ENTj with Te+ Ni-, for example, where an ordinary ENTj uses Te- and Ni+. The type can also be thought of as a 'hybrid' of the Illusionary and Semi-Dual, as it contains functions from both those types.

    An interesting implication of these theories: contrary to common sense, when Alphas and Deltas interact, the function axis that is shared is not the Ne/Si function axis, but the Te+ Ti-/Fe- Fi+ axis. Same for all other quadra combinations...
    Ive never met an INFj that had a need to be original. INFjs tend to want to fit in most of the time, and have relationships and such.
    Model X Will Save Us!


    jessica129:scrotums r hot

    :" hitting cap makes me envision cervix smashing"

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    Ti centric krieger's Avatar
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    Ive never met an INFj that had a need to be original. INFjs tend to want to fit in most of the time, and have relationships and such.
    I'm not sure which part of my post you were reacting to. If anything this repeats what I meant to say in the last line of the post: Alpha Ne is not Delta Ne.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hitta
    Ive never met an INFj that had a need to be original. INFjs tend to want to fit in most of the time, and have relationships and such.
    This matches my observations (except during angsty phases perhaps). After all, there's a reason they get along with LSE's so well.

    Check out my Socionics group!

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    Hitta: Jesus is as original a person as you will ever find, and he's an INFj. I've met INTjs, too, who "only wanted to fit in" even though they eskechewed traditional popularity "cliques". Whether someone makes their own place or finds their place in someone else's, it's a factor of will. (and age, I should add)

    BTW, labcoat has come to believe Jung an INFj, and I am inclined to agree. Certainly the development of personality function typology was an original act.

    Howard Dean is another. Most people would call Howard Dean original.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
    eskechewed, hehe
    Or was it "eskewed"? I didn't research it before I used it.

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    eschew is the appropriate word.

  14. #14
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    Wait, I thought Jung was INTj with a possible archaic function.

    But now that you mention it, an INFj should have an intuitive understanding of other's minds and that seems to fit Jung's work pretty well
    type #33
    but maybe LSE, and maybe E3w4(p)

    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    It's why you have a mana bar, not a rage bar.

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    Ti centric krieger's Avatar
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    BTW, labcoat has come to believe Jung an INFj, and I am inclined to agree. Certainly the development of personality function typology was an original act.
    I reach that conclusion by combining the intuitions that he was an introvert judger, intuitive type, and not INTj (anyone who thinks he was a holographic/reductionistic thinker (Negative/Result/Static) needs to snap out of it).

    But I am not so sure about the introvert judger bit these days.

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