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    Last edited by Dee; 02-26-2009 at 02:22 AM.

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    I have a headache but I'll try. I believe I'm IxFp:

    - i like to be told and learn about any type of factual information. knowing about the world and it's aspects whether social, political whatever, knowing where what is, who is who, what is what, any facts are welcome and interesting. False. I don't give a shit. I want to hear about how you're thinking, feeling, what things mean to you, your personal motivations and ideals etc. I might want you to fix something for me....but keep the facts to yourself and just entertain me while you do it and pay attention to me.

    - the same for instructions and plans of action. False. I want people to protect me, but for them to more or less let me figure out everything on my own goddamn time, otherwise I'm a useless fuck to everybody. I want to help them just as much as they help me, but in a different way.

    - i do not like to do the things that i know are objectively the right things to do. False, only because it requires effort, and sensory experience that while I can anticipate said sensory sensations strongly with intuition; I can't physically be there until I am there, so it creates a cycle of "Whatever." I need people to energize me out of that cycle, or I'm fucked and won't ever see the light or grow as a person. I tried to just do it on my own, but it doesn't work that way. You really need your Quadra members (pref your dual) to support you in life or you're screwed and you will always be miserable and jaded.... anybody who disagrees with me btw, is a moron. People need people, not saying somebody has to wipe your ass for you, but even the simple exchange of things can have a life-changing lasting effect...even if they're a few seconds long. You need the thing that they can give you, otherwise, you're FUCKED. (not in the good way either)

    - i do not really know what are the objectively right things to do and so i act chaotically. False. I'm inert, inactive, waiting for power. I'm not careless or reckless by any stretch of the imagination, and I've seen too many guys my age die over that shit so I try not to let that "you're not a man unless you do this" nonsense get to me. I admit I love the thrill, and love feeling intense- but at the price of never being alive again? Forget it. I'll take a more diluted, everlasting happiness.... and leave the upside down motorcycle throat-fucking while spinning 360 degrees to some idiot, stereotypical straight man that just died right in front of me. (Actually that happened, some idiot was showing off on his motorcycle and he died. It was either a straight man, or a gay man pretending to be straight and tough- either way he's now a DEAD IDIOT AND GOOD-BYE, YOU RETARD. I actually did have so much compassion for him before, but the hell- he can't feel it now, he's dead. Maybe I'll believe in God again one day and I'll believe that he felt my empathy for him but probably not.

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    I'm not kidding with the motorcycle story by the way. I didn't really know the guy, but I was in shock and disbelief over it. Death sucks, but it's probably better than life anyway. (brb making myself a peanut butter sandwich)

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    Default Re: if you are an xxFp, then please follow this link

    Quote Originally Posted by dee
    please say whether you are an ExFp or an IxFp and whether each of what's below is true or false for you. thanks a mil.
    These really aren't clear cut True/False questions, but here goes...


    - i like to be told and learn about any type of factual information. knowing about the world and it's aspects whether social, political whatever, knowing where what is, who is who, what is what, any facts are welcome and interesting.

    I am rather the information vampire. Of course it depends upon category. I like a smattering of political, more sociocultural, psychological, biological. Anything relevant to my personal interests. Irrelevant things like celebrity gossip somehow make through my filter, though... damn !! >=(

    - the same for instructions and plans of action.

    Not so much. This is really a vague query, btw. "Plans of action" for what?? And I only read/pay attention to "instructions" when I'm say, putting a table from IKEA together.

    - i do not like to do the things that i know are objectively the right things to do.

    [color=indigo]"Objectively"? Again, I do things that I have personally deemed subjectively ethical. The "right thing" varies for different people, although there certainly are cultural norms that should be respected by all.[/indigo]

    - i do not really know what are the objectively right things to do and so i act chaotically.

    Generally I'm chaotic neutral. I know what the "generally acceptable" choice is and don't feel the need to defy laws, etc. But I do get irritable in terms of social behavior "shoulds".
    socio: INFp - IEI
    ennea: 4w5 sp/sx


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Twain
    Only kings, presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial 'we'.

  5. #5
    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    please say whether you are an ExFp or an IxFp and whether each of what's below is true or false for you. thanks a mil.
    some of these can be answered for my daughter who is ESFp

    - i like to be told and learn about any type of factual information. knowing about the world and it's aspects whether social, political whatever, knowing where what is, who is who, what is what, any facts are welcome and interesting.

    I don't particularly care to call it "facts". But I do tend to ask for a lot of information, particularly relevant to what I am working on. But then what I'm working on changes constantly, so therefore would the information I need. Being able to say that this tree is a cherry tree and that tree is a apricot tree is only important to me if I actually need to know about cherry trees or apricot trees. I have no problem referring to a sweater or a coat or a pullover or a raincoat or anything that is meant to protect from outside weather as a "jacket". They all serve a similar purpose and to have to specify which one exactly that I mean is flat out annoying. "Get your jacket" really just means "Get something that will protect you from the weather." I, personally, am not interested in political stuff, but I can see how an ExFp who IS interested in that would want information about it. I often forget names, remembering instead the face and some bits of information about them that triggered some kind of reaction from me, whether it was confusion, disgust, interest, whatever. (Mind, it's the information that triggered the feeling not applied to the whole of the person…so one person could be remembered by various emotions which are related to various bits of information about the person and thus is what is used to remember that person…The person themselves aren't "judged".) I do also like random funny or odd facts.

    My daughter is very much a fact person. She wants to know that this is a cherry tree and that is an apricot tree, etc. Once she knows that that is a cherry tree, you cannot call it just a tree without her insisting that you call it a cherry tree. If I tell her to get a jacket, she wants to know if I want her to get a sweater, a coat, a pullover, or a raincoat. If I point to a button up sweater and say "get your jacket" she'll insist that that is not a jacket but a sweater. Every flipping time!!! ARGH. She very much wants to know who is who, what is what, and virtually any fact is interesting to her and will be spouted off seemingly randomly to others. She'll bore you with unnecessary details . . . But oddly seems to leave out many of the necessary details one needs to understand her story. (obviously this is unnecessary vs necessary TO ME) When she explains something that someone did "wrong"…meaning she didn't like what they did… she very much sounds like she is chewing them out. She goes on and on saying the same thing over and over. It's cost her a few friendships. But heaven forbid anyone else explain to her what she did "wrong"…meaning how she may have affected another person other than herself. She'll argue over even the most obvious action (without motivation applied) or thing. It's almost as if what is in her own head is all that applies and we are expected to not only know what is in her head..but ignore everything else that isn't. (Alas, a similarity to my father that drives me nutso)

    - the same for instructions and plans of action.
    I want the instructions given to be necessary and clear. However, I still want room for being able to do things my own way. An example, I was taking a nature survival type class and the instructor was showing us how to make rope out of grass. His instructions were confusing. He obviously knew what he was doing, but many of us had a difficult time understanding them. After finally doing it the way he had told us to do it, I noticed that something seemed…off..about the instructions. Like there was an extra unneeded step and something was backwards. So I played around with it and figure out a much easier, faster, way of doing it that resulted in a stronger rope. One of my fellow students saw me doing it my way, watched me, asked a question, and then began doing it my way. He liked it far better. By the end of that session, 5 of the students (including me) were doing it my way, and 2 (including the instructor) were doing it the instructor's way. The instructor proposed a contest of the ropes, and ours held up under more pressure than theirs did. So, yeah, instruction is good, but I still want room to do things my own way.

    As for plans of action, I'm pretty bad at figuring out plans of action. And I often find faults when people tell me what I should do. Usually because they aren't aware of all the little details that affect what actions I can/will take. What I do like, however, is someone asking questions that basically force me to pay attention to aspects I may not be thinking of. This is one of the things an ISTp did for me. I think he asked the questions because he wanted to know what actions I was going to take for some project I was working on, but the questions he asked were ones I hadn't paid much if any attention to and in order to answer them I had to give them some thought. I found this very helpful.

    When someone asks me for advice on what they should do, I first try to find out as much information as I can on it without being too..digging into areas they don't want me digging in. After I get that information then I try to see what possible options I can come up with that might help. Unfortunately, there always seems to be some bit of information that the person is unwilling to be forthcoming of that prevents some of the possible solutions from being able to work. I tend to feel sad and frustrated when this happens.

    My daughter likes instructions that are clear and detailed. But they can't be too wordy because she wants to be able to dive right in and do the instructions as they are given to her. She very much likes step by step. (where as I'm more of an overview if possible, details if relevant.) The only plans of actions she seems capable of most often are the ones where she's already done it before. And heaven forbid you attempt to alter any portion of that plan/instruction.

    One thing that both my daughter and I have in common is that we very much like to know about the event being described and will often ask questions about who was where when what happened, who said what, how did they say it, who overheard, how did they respond, etc.

    - i do not like to do the things that i know are objectively the right things to do.
    Who determines whether something is "objectively the right thing to do"? This sounds an awful lot like a "should" kind of thing, and I really really hate "shoulds". Particularly the ones that come from outside of myself. My daughter doesn't seem much different in this, though she hasn't met up with as many shoulds in her young years as I did.

    - i do not really know what are the objectively right things to do and so i act chaotically.
    Again, who is determining what is "objectively right thing to do"? By saying "right thing to do" you are placing a value statement on an action. Values are not objective. Values may be shared by people, but that doesn't make it objective. I don't perceive myself as acting chaotically, though many people may perceive it that way. I am acting based on my own values, and sometimes trying to include someone else's values if needed/wanted. I believe most people do that. If someone is acting chaotically, then you might have to dig deeper to find out what value is affecting their actions…basically, their motivations may not be your motivations, and their actions may not reflect what YOU (general you) would do in the same situation, but then, they are not the same person as you (general you).

    However, I have to admit that I find INFps far more chaotic than ExFps. Though I've a feeling that they may say the opposite, lol.
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

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    Default Re: if you are an xxFp, then please follow this link

    - i like to be told and learn about any type of factual information. knowing about the world and it's aspects whether social, political whatever, knowing where what is, who is who, what is what, any facts are welcome and interesting. Hmm. I can't answer this. It depends what kind of factual information. For instance I greatly dislike memorizing facts. I like to just be aware of what there is and look up the specifics when needed... I see no need to busy my brain with factual-retention (well, to a reasonable extent... some facts need to be in there at different times). As long as I know the concepts connecting the facts, then I don't need the facts necessarily... I can look them up when I do need them. I want that which connects the facts more than I want the facts themselves.

    - the same for instructions and plans of action. I don't know how to answer this either. I frequently don't read instructions if they are really lengthy... It's kind of a pain sorting through all the unnecessary redundant stuff.

    - i do not like to do the things that i know are objectively the right things to do.
    I don't understand what this means. If there is a clear objective right thing to do I'll probably be pleased because for once something is actually clear. Hmm. Meh this whole objective/subjective thing... all I can think at the moment is... whatever.

    - i do not really know what are the objectively right things to do and so i act chaotically. I do sometimes act chaotically but I don't know why I do that.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by ann's daughter
    She'll bore you with unnecessary details . . . But oddly seems to leave out many of the necessary details one needs to understand her story.
    My daughter likes instructions that are clear and detailed. But they can't be too wordy because she wants to be able to dive right in and do the instructions as they are given to her.
    damn...thats me.

 it too late to do this? already gathered your data?
    SEE Unknown Subtype
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    [21:29] hitta: idealism is just the gap between the thought of death
    [21:29] hitta: and not dying

  8. #8
    redbaron's Avatar
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    Default Re: if you are an xxFp, then please follow this link

    I'm INFp

    Quote Originally Posted by dee
    - i like to be told and learn about any type of factual information. knowing about the world and it's aspects whether social, political whatever, knowing where what is, who is who, what is what, any facts are welcome and interesting.
    I guess so. I watched Nova last night and was fascinated learning about samurai swords. (weird, eh?)

    Quote Originally Posted by dee
    - the same for instructions and plans of action.
    Not as much. I dislike being told what to do unless I am severely in the dark. I don't like plans of action either, generally speaking.

    Quote Originally Posted by dee
    - i do not like to do the things that i know are objectively the right things to do.
    Hmmmm, depends. I do buck the rules at times but only when it makes sense to me. I think it's right to do the right thing and I try to do the right thing even when it's hard. Not always successful but those are my intentions.

    Quote Originally Posted by dee
    - i do not really know what are the objectively right things to do and so i act chaotically.
    No, I feel like I do know what the right things are to do.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

  9. #9
    liveandletlive's Avatar
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    Default Re: if you are an xxFp, then please follow this link

    Quote Originally Posted by dee
    please say whether you are an ExFp or an IxFp and whether each of what's below is true or false for you. thanks a mil.

    - i like to be told and learn about any type of factual information. knowing about the world and it's aspects whether social, political whatever, knowing where what is, who is who, what is what, any facts are welcome and interesting.

    - the same for instructions and plans of action.

    - i do not like to do the things that i know are objectively the right things to do.

    - i do not really know what are the objectively right things to do and so i act chaotically.
    I'm an ESFp and I agree with points 1 & 3 but not 2 &4. 2 not at all and 4 i know what the objectively right things to do are and that is the reason why i act chaotically.
    ESFp-Fi sub
    6w7 sx/so/sp

  10. #10
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    Default Re: if you are an xxFp, then please follow this link

    Quote Originally Posted by dee
    please say whether you are an ExFp or an IxFp and whether each of what's below is true or false for you. thanks a mil.

    - i like to be told and learn about any type of factual information. knowing about the world and it's aspects whether social, political whatever, knowing where what is, who is who, what is what, any facts are welcome and interesting.

    - the same for instructions and plans of action.

    - i do not like to do the things that i know are objectively the right things to do.

    - i do not really know what are the objectively right things to do and so i act chaotically.

    im gonna answer anyway.

    1 and 2 i agree with. 3, its more like, i don't like to be told to do the objective right thing. so maybe i won't do it out of spite. and 4, what liveandletlive said.
    SEE Unknown Subtype
    6w7 sx/so

    [21:29] hitta: idealism is just the gap between the thought of death
    [21:29] hitta: and not dying

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
    My daughter is very much a fact person. She wants to know that this is a cherry tree and that is an apricot tree, etc. Once she knows that that is a cherry tree, you cannot call it just a tree without her insisting that you call it a cherry tree. If I tell her to get a jacket, she wants to know if I want her to get a sweater, a coat, a pullover, or a raincoat. If I point to a button up sweater and say "get your jacket" she'll insist that that is not a jacket but a sweater. Every flipping time!!! ARGH. She very much wants to know who is who, what is what, and virtually any fact is interesting to her and will be spouted off seemingly randomly to others. She'll bore you with unnecessary details . . . But oddly seems to leave out many of the necessary details one needs to understand her story. (obviously this is unnecessary vs necessary TO ME) When she explains something that someone did "wrong"…meaning she didn't like what they did… she very much sounds like she is chewing them out. She goes on and on saying the same thing over and over. It's cost her a few friendships. But heaven forbid anyone else explain to her what she did "wrong"…meaning how she may have affected another person other than herself. She'll argue over even the most obvious action (without motivation applied) or thing. It's almost as if what is in her own head is all that applies and we are expected to not only know what is in her head..but ignore everything else that isn't. (Alas, a similarity to my father that drives me nutso)
    Your daughter sound *just* like me! Except that she seems like my mirror rather then identical as she seems more proactive and energetic then me and also I would never outright *demand* things of people. If they called it say a tree, or a jacket, I'd inquire additional information, like her, but I would merely correct you rather then demanding that you refer to it a certain way. Like you say give me a jacket but mean a sweater "That's a sweater not a jacket". Whether you continue to call it a jacket is your thing, I'm just informing you.

    My daughter likes instructions that are clear and detailed. But they can't be too wordy because she wants to be able to dive right in and do the instructions as they are given to her. She very much likes step by step. (where as I'm more of an overview if possible, details if relevant.) The only plans of actions she seems capable of most often are the ones where she's already done it before. And heaven forbid you attempt to alter any portion of that plan/instruction.

  12. #12
    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by snegledmaca
    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
    My daughter is very much a fact person. She wants to know that this is a cherry tree and that is an apricot tree, etc. Once she knows that that is a cherry tree, you cannot call it just a tree without her insisting that you call it a cherry tree. If I tell her to get a jacket, she wants to know if I want her to get a sweater, a coat, a pullover, or a raincoat. If I point to a button up sweater and say "get your jacket" she'll insist that that is not a jacket but a sweater. Every flipping time!!! ARGH. She very much wants to know who is who, what is what, and virtually any fact is interesting to her and will be spouted off seemingly randomly to others. She'll bore you with unnecessary details . . . But oddly seems to leave out many of the necessary details one needs to understand her story. (obviously this is unnecessary vs necessary TO ME) When she explains something that someone did "wrong"…meaning she didn't like what they did… she very much sounds like she is chewing them out. She goes on and on saying the same thing over and over. It's cost her a few friendships. But heaven forbid anyone else explain to her what she did "wrong"…meaning how she may have affected another person other than herself. She'll argue over even the most obvious action (without motivation applied) or thing. It's almost as if what is in her own head is all that applies and we are expected to not only know what is in her head..but ignore everything else that isn't. (Alas, a similarity to my father that drives me nutso)
    Your daughter sound *just* like me! Except that she seems like my mirror rather then identical as she seems more proactive and energetic then me and also I would never outright *demand* things of people. If they called it say a tree, or a jacket, I'd inquire additional information, like her, but I would merely correct you rather then demanding that you refer to it a certain way. Like you say give me a jacket but mean a sweater "That's a sweater not a jacket". Whether you continue to call it a jacket is your thing, I'm just informing you.
    Note...not necessarily part of being ESFp: She treats it as if it was a personal affront. Calling a cherry tree a tree or a sweater a jacket is treated in exactly the same way as if you had just attacked her with insults. She'll throw a huge hissy fit, tears included. Lately though she's been better at it but she still gets a pained expression on her face. And I mean literally pained. As if she'd just been pricked inside her brain with a needle or two. Since coming to socionics I have a better understanding of what's going on, though. (This part does have to do with SeFi.)
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by dee
    @ K: g, you look lovely even with the worms on your face
    lol thats the blood and goo from shooting me in the face
    SEE Unknown Subtype
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    [21:29] hitta: idealism is just the gap between the thought of death
    [21:29] hitta: and not dying

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    Quote Originally Posted by Khamelion
    Quote Originally Posted by dee
    @ K: g, you look lovely even with the worms on your face
    lol thats the blood and goo from shooting me in the face
    Oh dear.

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    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
    Note...not necessarily part of being ESFp: She treats it as if it was a personal affront. Calling a cherry tree a tree or a sweater a jacket is treated in exactly the same way as if you had just attacked her with insults. She'll throw a huge hissy fit, tears included. Lately though she's been better at it but she still gets a pained expression on her face. And I mean literally pained. As if she'd just been pricked inside her brain with a needle or two. Since coming to socionics I have a better understanding of what's going on, though. (This part does have to do with SeFi.)
    Hmm, I don't get insulted but be honest I react similarly. I feel the pricks in the brain that make me respond immediately with a correction. It's like, you are running and hold on, what was that happens. But as I said, I don't feel insulted. In fact, if the other person insisted I'd just back off.

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    Default Re: if you are an xxFp, then please follow this link

    I'm an ESFP, but I don't think it's very strong..
    I'll bold the ones that are true for me!

    - i like to be told and learn about any type of factual information. knowing about the world and it's aspects whether social, political whatever, knowing where what is, who is who, what is what, any facts are welcome and interesting.

    - the same for instructions and plans of action. (depending on whos giving them and if I like the plan)

    - i do not like to do the things that i know are objectively the right things to do.

    - i do not really know what are the objectively right things to do and so i act chaotically. (sometimes, but maybe chaotically is an exageratted word.. maybe more like annoyed )

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    Quote Originally Posted by dee
    @ V: where are you from?
    as in where do I live?
    Washington usa

  18. #18
    snegledmaca's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dee
    sneg's avatar is so Si.
    No.... it's Fe.

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    Quote Originally Posted by snegledmaca
    Quote Originally Posted by dee
    sneg's avatar is so Si.
    No.... it's Fe.
    it's so cute!

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vicki
    Quote Originally Posted by snegledmaca
    Quote Originally Posted by dee
    sneg's avatar is so Si.
    No.... it's Fe.
    it's so cute!
    I know! I love it.

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