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Thread: Augusta's Original Type Descriptions

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    Default Augusta's Original Type Descriptions

    Does anyone have them? Translated into English? ...Hell, doesn anybody have them at all?

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    Brief characteristics of types (on Aushre To auguste)
    Don Quixote. Intuitive- logical ekstravert, ENTP
    1. Crane in the sky. It excellently sees prospects, possibilities. That is made, always seems it insignificant on the comparison with the opened prospects, from which cannot be refuse, and cannot be ischerpat'. Scientific work it is inclined not to publish infinitely, considering that the main results are still in front. Lives for the future, the absence of its acknowledgement until a certain time it does not confuse. It is occupied by the fact that it is interesting, but fact that it is profitable.

    2. Recharging. It needs constant emotional lift, ardor. For this to it is necessary continuous sensory- emotional "pumping". Itself cannot ensure it, strongly it depends therefore on environment. If next there is no duala, which feeds by its impressions, by positive emotions it turns sour, loses fitness for work and taste for life. Sometimes instead of one duala it contacts with a large quantity of friends, it conducts active public activity, clubs or scientific schools are created.

    3. Leader. A good organizer, because it sees the potential possibilities of people and situations. It needs the justification: why precisely it in the authority: the critical situation, in which no one another will manage /Cherchill' he became prime minister at the heaviest for England moment of war and it was re-elected immediately on its completion /, the selection of most of those controlled, designation is more than. It begins from the selection of the interest of subordinates. He tries to do everything for them and it only then requires /Suvorov/.

    4. Servant. Dependence on the emotional field of others is expressed in the extreme pliability, when the discussion deals with the trifles and the way of life. Especially because attention freed in this case can throw to its, favorite occupation - the understanding of the essence of things and phenomena. It does not divide people into its and strangers. To all he tries to be equally useful.

    5. Nondifferentiation of a feeling. It considers that all people good and good everyone loves each other. It is sufficiently ridiculous, when situation requires initiative in the manifestation of feelings - it this completely does not examine.

    6. Danger. Sharp sensations recharge it just as the good emotions of those surrounding. The greater around emotions and panic, the more active it is and the more confident. Cannot be intimidated the Don Quixote - this leads to the inverse effect. With the readiness beret for itself responsibility in the critical situations. Then under the peaceful, calm conditions confidence in its right to occupy critical post loses. It will not carry competition and departs.

    7. Familiarity loves, but initiative in this it does not manifest, it awaits it from others.

    Dumases. Sensory- ethical introvert, ISFP
    1. Friendly, constantly well and optimistically disposed person. It does not tie by others its will. It hides its present experiences. Always equally warm, thoughtful, that is smiled. It cannot either forgive or, require services, he tries to satisfy all its needs by its forces.

    2. Thinly feels nature, skill. It knows how to memorize and to reproduce the once experienced emotions. So Ayvazovskiy wrote its sea views in the room with the dark red walls, which emerge on the side opposite from the sea. Life in all varieties values. It loves pleasures and knows how to give them. Artist in the love.

    3. Greatly it is considered conveniences in other people, it is attentive and thoughtful. Very rapid, conscious emotional reactions, directed toward study and change in the emotions of those surrounding. This is the reason for many jokes from, which, if they inopportunely, quickly reject. Occur a constant emotional creation, the search for the most efficient versions, which activate partner. The moods of its close ones are checked with the special zeal.

    4. Cannot brawl, speak "no", interrupt undesirable acquaintance. Therefore it fears those, who can "stick". To it is necessary man, which with any aggravations is not also inclined to enter into the scandal, but it departs after flapping by door. Specifically, so behaves its dual - Don Quixote. Dumas- father himself selected from many his mistresses for the ides To ferr'e as the fact that it held it on the longer guide than rest.

    5. It sees the needs of people, the system of their motivations, it campaigns and persuades with the pleasure of all. But it needs the Don Quixote in order to know, whom it is worth persuading and on that, because the Don Quixote knows the potential possibilities of people, ideas, undertakings.

    6. It does not love to resemble about itself, until it is necessary. He tries not to be separated - either as front-rank worker or as lagging. It does not love to compete. It is initiative-taking only in its territory. Initiative and responsibility in this dyad - prerogative the Don Quixote, even if is done entire of the Dumases. It is interesting that for great Dumas was necessary the secret co-author - max, which wrote billets "three musketeers", "graph of Monte- Krista" and majority of other novels writer, them before undertook.

    7. Poor health forces it to hide, to get numb from lying. Falls mood it cannot manipulate by people. But then why to associate?

    Hugo. Ethics- sensory ekstravert, ESFJ
    1. Ardent. The emotions are strong, are picturesque, frequently imperious. It knows how to light up by idea and to be to it accurate entire life - Schliemann even in the childhood decided to dig out I divide into three, for which it was necessary, in spite of poverty, to obtain formation, and then to still and become rich. Worshipper of skills as the source of realized happiness. Mood creates to itself and it knows how to transmit to its others. Emotionally thin, good, compassionate.

    2. It is untiring. It is constantly active. Always among the people, always in the runs. Easily it is switched. It works very zealous. It is sufficient at any work and persistently is led it to the end. In the work is not separated interesting and uninteresting - this is not the object of reasonings and analysis, it it is necessary to do everything. From the side seems very self-confident and self-sufficient, everything, for which it undertook, it succeeds for it. It seems that it acts it is rapidly and achieved good results. Itself it more frequently adheres to the opposite point of view; therefore greatly it loves the frank praise of its work.

    3. My house - your house. Pleasant collocutor, exceptionally attentive listener. It knows how to find approach to any. Giving happiness to others, itself is glad. Loves celebratory meal, merriment. Guest - is pet. It knows how to understand, to be enraptured, to approve, to sympathize. It believes to people it is not envious, it is glad at the successes of others. It thinly notices deficiencies in the people, it banters above them, but not it oskorblyaet.

    4. Conservative. It does not search for and does not love the new solution, it prefers the old, tested ways. It can solve complex problems having only remained in the solitude. It gives too much attention to people, they distract it. With the work on the people it makes many excess motions, as in order to hide how it in reality is occupied. Thus it sets in operation of its duala (Robesp'era), which suffers no command. It loves so that they would believe to it, it does not love to prove. It is not aggressive, but it protects very actively. It does not give itself into the offence even authorities.

    5. Amateur of order. It loves to dress, it follows its appearance. It does not transfer disorder and uncertainty in everything, beginning from the appearance and ending with the garage and the pantry. Others to be adapted it does not want to the taste. The compliments of its appearance disappear for free - it considers that it knows itself, as it appears. It notes not only the spiritual, but also physical qualities of partner.

    6. Vital connections. Those surrounding are considered its opinion, but they try to avoid close contact. Close friends it is small. It is not always easy to maintain its emotional pressing. For itself it attains in all by its labor, it does not hope for the aid of other. Family for it - the main thing in the life. If it would be necessary to select between the love and the thesis - would select its first this vital destination, and science selfish pleasure.

    Robesp'er. Logico- intuitive introvert, INTJ
    1. I think - consequently there exist. Men with the developed logic, the strong capability for analysis. It knows how logically to be dug to the essence of phenomena, to reveal their internal structure. A representative of this type - Karl Gustav Young developed the basis of typology, utilized in sotsionike. "foresight created me for the quiet office work, after returning to it entire enthusiasm of my soul" - said Thomas Jefferson, in the time of presidency of whom the territory OF THE USA almost was doubled. All vital situations are examined from a logical point of view.

    2. "validity - my craft". Type of revolutionary or political conspirator. In the conflict situation the committee on fight with the offender organizes. It considers that in the world everything must be logically, and consequently - it is correct. It is capable to disregard its own benefit and safety, protecting obizhennogo. It imposes on itself the increased requirements. Cannot be not worry about it: it simply will bring itself to the exhaustion. Garibaldi, Robesp'er, Dzerzhinskiy, Jefferson revolutionaries, who dedicated itself to idea.

    3. Ascetic. Has extremely obstinate form. Frequently - shrill view from under the impending forehead. It hardens itself, training to cold, to hunger, to deprivations and to the disapproving ratio of those surrounding. Only, in what it is willingly subordinated to partner - this in questions of clothing, taste, way of life. The need for for quite being occupied by this it irritates. Usually it does not note, in that it is dressed. It suffers no command. Its dual of Hugo, as without knowing this, implicates Robesp'era into the work by not direct indication, but fact that it begins to fuss, makes many excess motions. Robesp'er is included after this, and work occurs rapidly, logically and well. Itself it is not very initiative-taking, they will lock and it is taciturn.

    4. Molly-coddle. Its selflessness with the protection of validity becomes especially striking, if one considers that it feeds aversion to everything, which disrupts silence and measured off motion of its life. It very thoughtful relates to its health. So by Raney Descartes "considered the health of body as basic from the goods of this life after truth". In the youth it is frequently inclined to the merry means of life with the friends, the maps, the drinking bouts. Then it comes to the conclusion that to it it is necessary. It is not especially ambitious, but it does not suffer when it they go around on the service - from the same feeling of validity. It occurs in the extra-heavy situation, after reaching the chief, whom it does not respect.

    5. "that lived happy, who was covered well." It is sufficiently reserved, it does not love neproshenykh visitors. To the observations it reacts sharply, but sometimes hides irritation for a somewhat artificial smile.

    Maxim Gor'kiy. Logico- sensory introvert, ISTJ
    1. Sequential follower. It knows how very to reasonably and accurately select best of the existing systems, the dogmas and with the lack of compromise, which reaches the obstinacy, to fight for its introduction. Categorically rejects everything, that it cannot into it enter. Is led this system to the ideal state. It is very reliable in the realization of its system - even if this system - inconstancy. Thus, Taleyran knew how to occupy position necessary to it with the churls, the commune, directory, Napoleon and again with the churls and died in wealth and luxury, which the aim is.

    2. Sober realist. Never it falls into the desperation and yields to illusions is always is equally flat, calm, logical. Itself is not inclined to the fantasies and does not love sluggishness in others.

    3. Researcher. Has tendency toward the in-depth research of narrow problems. Their connections with that previously studied tediously are established. It knows how to listen collocutor. It is frequently capable to hear immediately two those saying. High standard of solitude. Little it reads, much reflects - this is its the dear state. Knowledge are always led to the state of practical application. Those, who does not possess its thoroughness of understanding situation, his behavior seem paradoxical and not predicted. Sees output, where others do not see it.

    4. Mixture of delicacy and adventurism. Sufficiently they will lock and it is reserved. It does not love to be the center of attention. In the contact it is sensitive and nenavyazchiv. Listeners are at the same time necessary to it. By its purposefulness in the introduction of our own system it implicates people. If it something sees accurately, and others accurately - it falls into the aggression. Is obstinate beskompromissen (Martin lyuter). Being leader - it is inclined to tighten up the nut. It is tactful, it feels people, but it relates to them as to the tools. Personal feelings, sympathy and its antipathy in this case I do not distract, meaningful results. Ethics it subordinates logician (Stalin). It does not suffer when they touch its things - this for it blood offence. It heavily transfers aggressive people, although it does not enter into the disputes with them.

    5. Stoic. It is hardy and wrong, does not expend time on the way of life it prefers to hide its sensations: hunger, fatigue, pain, fear. Sick child does not moan not in order not to traumatize mother.

    6. Close ones. Inclination it does not hide, it sometimes even seems that it specially demonstrates them. It does not pass not noticed and invaluable not of one person of opposite floor. However, feelings of those surrounding he judges only by their external manifestations: as it looks, as partner talks with it. Therefore comparatively easily it can be mistaken and its desire to be dear to accept for a feeling of partner. He knows about this; therefore it is trusting and suspicious.

    Hamlet. Ethics- intuitive ekstravrt, ENFJ
    1. To be or not to be? Serious, concentrated on the global issues person. Peace sees in the dramatic and even tragic paints. It awaits the troubles of every kind. Its leit-motif - four notes from Beethoven - the theme of fate. Personal problems it is inclined to place and to decide according to the large calculation. Humanity frequently attempts at the same time to be partial toward.

    2. Romantic. It is inclined to constant doubts and fluctuations. It is sometimes received by those surrounding as the unbalanced, legkovozbudimaya personality. For example, it irritate any excess motions, it sees peace and so by too dynamic. It does not love to display initiative. Feelings are placed above reason.

    3. Boldly it enters into situation, if it were introduced well to it, thoroughly everything prepared. It waits, it will border situation from all sides, it insures from all possible troubles and after this acts for sure. Strategist knows how to distribute his forces in the time. To any work it relates seriously, with the great responsibility, it attempts to bring it to the end. To attain victory at any cost; to it to more easily be defeated than to go to a compromise. In the extreme situations from its super-caution it does not remain and track.

    4. Good and evil. Never it will make that which considers evil, it is very intolerant to the evil in others. However, ethical theory is created itself to itself, without considering the customs and the authorities. Sometimes its views on the problems of good and evil are very unique. In any event it consecutively and persistently protects them.

    5. It is attentive to the people, and now and then even it is obtrusive and exacting, it sympathizes by them, he tries soak into the heavy minute. Surrounding with it it is not easy: in it there is no ease of the perception of life. Is more frequent - a good family man. Its feelings to the partner are expressed not by the concrete concern about it, but dramatic stories and warnings about the dangers, which can to it it will be piled. For this duala importantly - he greatly does not feel future. It is possible to ring Hamlet by night; to a question "4 you it woke?" Gaily it will answer "yes, it woke". (Dostoyevsky, also very inclined to the sympathy, it will answer nevertheless no, it did not wake, by such tone, that you will understand your tactlessness).

    6. It does not love to be occupied by the everyday matters with the witnesses, not at all it can on the people work. If can - it sends all with the commissions. Greatly it fears, that its motion, behavior of neestetichny.

    7. It has unique, seemingly haughty manner to be held. It seems from the side that it for some reason puts on airs, it depicts something. Not bad leader.

    Zhukov. Sensory- logical ekstravert, ESTP
    1. Eventual result - only, which interests it. Everything which necessarily for achievement of this "eventual result" considers it its vital matter. Volitional, purposeful person. "if stars ignite at night, it means this to someone necessarily". Emphasized it is not demonstrative, it does not worry about impression left in others. "he did not understand, you will repeat" he spoke S. p. Korolev. This "did not understand" it could himself allow not each leader. Which does all, makes uvlechenno, passionately it is intended to bring to the end. It has the nature of the restless champion, who must at any cost gain the top above other one or enemy or another. "one ought not to avoid difficulties! It is necessary to know how to overcome them "- its motto.

    2. Decisive and rigid nature. Expression "it is strict, but is valid it became already commonplace according to the relation to such people marshal Zhukov was steep very, it was steep. But only it could say to Stalin: "if you count that chief, general staff it is capable nonsense to only grind, then to it here it can't be helped. I please to free me from the responsibilities of the chief of general staff and to send to the front ". It does not doubt its right to lead people. With the entire love for the collectiveness last word always will be reserved. This usually, it is compensated by deep enthusiasm and skill to carry along people by the matter.

    3. Good tactician. It rapidly grips the created situation and the arrangement of forces. Decision is made and it acts. It is capable to the political, lavirovaniye, but never it will miss, nevertheless, its line. It possesses strong logic, but these are logic is purposeful, "is party", it serves not for the philosophical theorizing, but for the creative search for the shortest path to the purpose. To it more easily to be received by logic, than by purpose.

    4. Little it is subjected to fear, hatred and other negative emotions. It does not be surprised and does not envy. The more dangerous the situation, the sobranneye it is and the more decisive.

    shch.Ne loves to speak about feelings. This not of its parafiya. But if it is said, it feels itself then, as if itself betrayed. It fears love as the undeserved luxury. It fears any other feelings. Judging about others on itself, it does not doubt, which can be we desire; but rarely it is confident, that also we love. It needs the emotional support of partner and subordinates its emotions to it. However, in behavior it is not inclined to be adapted to the partner, but only to dictate.

    Esenin. Intuitive- ethical introvert, INFP
    1. Somewhat dreamy romantic, man of faster reflection, than action. Individualist. Present generally disturbs it weakly, it inspire the bright prospects for bright it is municipal, which, probably, they will be sometimes built. It is sufficiently emotional, are understood well feelings of other and it does not hide its own. But its emotionalism is constantly a little incomplete, with the sufficiently clearly expressed elements of the expecting observation. Emotions manifests not when in other "overfilled cup", A when it itself it will calculate by necessary. Approach to the emotions is very creative: for example, fury can consider it ethical, and the restraint of unethical.

    2. It is amorous. Other among the gray mass for it separate force, purposefulness, intellect. Undoubtedly, if this force yields to its emotional expansion. Greatly we suffer to the people, they are understood and he tries to pardon by them weakness.

    3. Tutankhamen's Smile. Under the extreme conditions its weapon - the skill to demonstrate its relation to proceeding, to show its ridiculous sides. Hence thin feeling of humor by /Dzherom K. Jerome and very characteristic transparent smile at the sharp moments. Smile is warm, is warmed warm and is excited excite. Smile, most frequently, the sign of anxiety. Because of this his alarming smile Gagarin became the first cosmonaut. Designation of this smile to raise combat spirit, to disturb partner.

    4. Elegant. It appears balanced and pulled. The widely open eyes practically never strain the eyes. Eyebrows, as a rule, are arched, without the tendency to descend. Elegance on each day, but not on the holidays. Rarely you will see it in the inelegant pose, its intonations are refined. Plastic of motions and rhythm. That are more surprising two things: it does not turn special attention to the elegance of others /ego of dual - beetles - emphasized is not demonstrative /; in its apartment chaos and things reigns, and people, which fell into its house, must themselves find for themselves place. Or someone must prompt this place.

    5. Maecenas. Champion for the emotional emancipation of people. Feels responsibility for the mood of its close ones, their vital tone. His thin feeling of humor is used in order to move, to rastormoshit' people. In the company it examines gathering not in order to define, as who is dressed, and in order to see as who itself chuvstvuyet./Eto precisely is that that one should retell and others/. according to the large calculation - it dreams to introduce accordion into the society. History for it - this is the history of skill. The clearly expressed inclination to the beautiful: verses, painting, elegant trinkets. Itself tries to be elegant. It adores to associate with the artists, poets, Bohemia and generally with the exotic people.

    Jack London. Logico- intuitive ekstravert, ENTJ
    1. Time does not await. Untiring toiler, with the pleasure deals with the science or any other objective matter. Entire is done very soon, work is in full swing in its hands. Even it walks uniquely - only jumping, and if it is possible - it prefers to run. Jack itself London replaced in the life many professions: peddler, worker, prospector, seaman, writer. This was self-immolation - into the name of skill and into the name of success.

    2. Romantic. It is very frequently occupied by mountain climbing, tourism. It draw distant they gave, it the first rushes into all doubtful enterprises. It frequently blows out romantic adventures itself in them then it believes. These fabrications have usually real prototype in the life. It adores to demonstrate its fearlessness. Its carelessness in the exterior view also seemingly courageous call by all.

    3. Scattered professor. Because of the developed abstract thinking it is inattentive to the appearance. It walks always tattered, it completely entrusts to the taste of partner, it makes possible for it in private life itself to command. It does not transfer, when it is examined, into the support /poetomu of its dual Dreiser avoids to look into the eyes to collocutor/. indeed it because of its inattention to the environment it is not investigated as him they see others, it is not always confident in its appearance and it a little survives its imaginary nekrasivost'. To it is necessary partner with the developed aesthetical feeling, to taste of which it is possible to entrust; to it it is necessary to feel - 4 it I please myself despite the fact that the taste in it is developed, nagging and even pretentious.

    4. Optimist. Rapidly it reacts to everything, that causes emotions - especially positive. It is programmed to raising of the mood of its, always as, a little frightened or angered duala. Constantly emits friendliness, positive emotions, it smiles. He tries to make laugh, in every way possible it pulls at and pulls partner, until it causes in it reaction - positive or negative. Otherwise is not obtained information about its state. It loves to say and to discuss that read and heard. To it it is easy to turn to the unknown person.

    5. Zhiznelyub. It searches for constant, constant human relations. Greatly it does not examine feelings and inclinations of another person. Therefore is more careful, it fears to be ridiculous. Greatly it values human life. One of the main themes of the jack of London fight with the merciless element. Even the nerodivshiysya person of roads therefore among the lonely mothers is many representatives of this type.

    Dreiser. Ethics sensory introvert, ISFJ
    1. Easily it enters into the confidence of people. It is polite, tactful, has thin aesthetical taste and knows how it to use /Turgenev, Fittsdzheral'd/. it error-free knows, who whom loves, who does not love whom, who what wants who on whom it influences and why. Moralist. It is frequently characterized by the sharpness of the estimations of /Makiavelli/. it excellently remembers both good and evil, it considers it necessary on them to pay back. Greatly it values friendship and does not pardon treachery. In the love to the marriage the inconstancy manifests, since does not consider it possible to prolong ischerpavshiye themselves relations. It does not love those, who cannot love itself. Relations regulates not so much by words, as by tone and by expressive view. It does not demonstrate emotions; therefore it seems cold. At the collocutor it does not look, as in order not to incinerate it. Its complex ethical situation inspires.

    2. In the new company this, usually, quiet, modest person. It follows and listens to in order to understand, is it possible to incline those being present to itself, to its ideal of mezhchelovecheskikh relations. If it is cannot - it continues to keep silent or even it departs. - it is active, talkative among its. But its - this those, who accepted its ethical standards. It subordinates emotions to the emotions of others. Among the merry - oars, among the evil ashes.

    3. Enemy must envy. Anger and hatred never it will show, it will be emphasized polite and self-satisfied. Only good friend can see his to those tattered and is insufficient those pulled. It is always "buttoned to all buttons", it is internally mobilized. It is maximally intolerant to the untidyness, the disorder.

    4. Sexual freedoms - not for it. Is stored faithfulness to husband not for it, but for the self-esteem. To woman - Dreiser is not tolerated thought, that somewhere there is the man, who "had" it. To it it is unpleasant, when someone rummages in its abilities, potential possibilities or brags by its own abilities against the background of others.

    5. It lives only by present day and does not love to await. It prefers the works, which it is possible to rapidly make and to admire by result. It seems it that it constantly is late, others consider it its punctual. The need for making something to its specific period makes nervous. Therefore its dual after purchasing in the week tickets into the theater, he will not speak about this to the last day.

    6. It loves not in a word, but by the matter, but is not inclined to devise these "matters" itself and concerning the pleasure in the entire daily concreteness yields to the will of partner. One matter throws at any time and another begins, if to the partner of this it is wanted. It can sacrifice itself in order to serve society. For example, it can take upon itself entire burden of way of life, if partner is occupied with the socially significant matter.

    Napoleon. Sensorily ethical ekstravert, ESFP
    1. It is proud of its influence on the people, their love and respect, popularity, with the pleasure it conducts after itself, it is daring and categorical in the erotic, but it is careful in the relations with the objective peace, it is distrustful to the new scientific ideas and generally to entire objective. Its conscience is clean only if it manipulates by people, but not by objective peace.

    2. Agitated activity, greediness to the practical activity. Not only it does not hide its feelings, but on the contrary, it is proud by them. It is comparatively easy, if this answers its internal mood, voices its admiration. Both by words and by views. It always for the valuable love and physical and mental, if only this to it is necessary. Even when a feeling short-term, very well knows, what it wants from the object of love, it is not inclined to be adapted, but only to dictate. It is haughty. It is optimistic. It does not quail before the complex situation, but he tries to solve it immediately on the place.

    3. Much attention gives to the aesthetics of environment, to the order. It most frequently possesses the innate taste, it knows how to dress well and the same it requires from those surrounding. It is attentive to physical data of partner. It is very initiative-taking in its entire activity. But here feelings of measure for the measurement that effected does not have. It is not constantly confident, that made everything, which could.

    4. Its life poison the requirements of close ones to consider their activity, to behave wisely. It this does not transfer, this requirement derives it from itself, it really ceases to consider the logic. It enters wisely and logically until this from it they require, until it "respect" I it "are considered". It cannot be argued with its logic. To influence it is possible only by contradicting against its purposes others, more noble are more difficult those accessible.

    5. Initiative and efficiency is so great that no criticism, even constant vorchaniye of its duala of Balzac, by whom is condemned the almost each manifestation of activity, do not spoil mood. Even vice versa criticism calms, it shows that it made and it makes sufficiently much, that its activity is noted.

    6. Because of its initiative and exactingness fairly often it is disappointed in the objects of its feelings. Those prove to be "not similar", not not sufficiently understanding the impulses of their soul. But they be in the fact that is necessary man to which it is possible to be adapted, without being adapted. If next there is no duala - it plays pranks in order to draw duala.

    Balzac. Intuitively logical introvert, INTP
    1. "imagination governs me". It possesses strong, intellectual imagination. Honore de Balzac created the portraits of 2000 people, which are been more living than present: "him it is possible to compare perhaps that with the urban setting" wrote about it morua. Strikes with the accuracy of details the phantasmagoric peace of Gabriel G. Marcus. The future sees well because of this quality. From separate behavior of man it constructs the working model seemingly. Generally it knows everything previously. If from its any threatening trouble /udachi less they interest it would not warn previously, apparently, it would feel itself by excess person.

    2. "minister impassivity". Almost never it manifests emotions, it protects from them its close ones. It is sincerely convinced that the too strong passions bear to man loss. O. Balzac invariably shows, as a feeling he grows, similar to monstrous cancer, which corrodes of soul and, after all, suppresses everything. What its duala of Napoleon - personality, super-active and carrying along - this is the perfect truth.

    3. Deep analyst. It is confident, that if we do not be aware in the orders, tsaryashchikh in the world, then it cannot be lived. The one who does not consider herself the real state of affairs, goes to the catastrophe. Cynicism prefers to hypocrisy. Any situation, about which it they tell, it examines thoroughly and very soon it begins to tell to the amazed collocutor those details, roots and aspects, which that missed. Its analysis is deprived of any self-delusion. "all this not is better than the kitchen - stink so many, but if you want to cook anything - soil hands, only then know how to wash off well mud; here is entire morals of our epoch." - speaks Votren about the life. This misanthropy can discourage whom conveniently - besides Napoleon.

    4. "it, first of all, is good". With entire its negativism, it on the nature of its of men very soft. The given words about Balzac belong Georges Sand, which knew sense in the kindness. It loves people strong, well knowing their road, requiring concessions, people, which free it from the need for devising purposes, and they themselves use it by the devised methods of operations, to which he is great master. It knows how to pour out the tub of water to the enthusiast, but it knows how to dissipate the desperation, when by others it does not convey, when everything falls from the hands, when fate seems hostile.

    5. This is how describes the knight of her dreams the student Of layma of /Napoleon /: it must be beautiful and clever. Eyes are large and are sad. It is taciturn, it does not pronounce compliments. And therefore, is created the impression of inaccesibility. It torment tens of problems, to which, in my opinion, does not be worth turning the attention. Me attracts his grief, seriousness, I try to cheer up, to raise mood, to gladden. If on the party there is this fellow, 4 I do not be bored." This descriptive description of Balzac, who in his feelings is very constant, not inclined to the adventures, desires complete dependence on demanding that loved.

    Shtirlits. Logico- sensory ekstravert, ESTJ
    1. Rapid, clear, sober brain. It knows how reasonable and logically to act. Sport carriage, the sharp, rigid features of face, as if now finished into the granite and concealed nervousness, high poetic nature. Force and internal fullness, debt and latent nervous vibration. The innate intelligence officer - gathers information along all channels, attaining complete clarity for the action (Richard zorge, Sherlock Holmes).

    2. That I do everything - I make well. "there is a gift, by which the great players and great commands are without fail allotted in baseball. This is energetic nature. This the ability to run more rapidly than is necessary, to move more living than is necessary, to be more persistent than it is necessary (F. Brooks). Initiative-taking, decisive, love to be in the center of attention. Its ideas it defends boldly and with large ardor. It does not quail before the authorities, even it is aggressive. He knows that the matter goes well, if the corresponding rate to it communicates here. It does not suffer delays. Passionate champion for the quality, the soundness of work. Good officer. It is capable of working on 19.5 it is hour in a 24 hour period (Edison).

    3. "brightness - the great god of strong people". It is inclined to derive those surrounding from the state of complacent calmness. He does not speak about good, is considered by itself being understood. It attempts by its grumbling emotions to bring down the emotions of those surrounding. It considers that the superfluous emotions tire people and - concerning its duala (Dostoyevsky) - this is correct. In the conversation it presses to the collocutor, even he tries to intimidate, but if it they do not fear it becomes courteous and polite. Fury is its refuge in the extreme situation, which it itself cannot manage. Its designation - to mobilize partner, and, when this problem is solved - it is calmed.

    4. Faith in the honest game. Subordination to rules is considered strong feature, manifestation of nature. It does not suffer craftiness and insidiousness, it hates cheats and dodgers. "political maneuvers can lead to the rapid reaching of result, but on the present lasting and reliable effect gives only persistent everyday work" (Kim Filbi). The order loves: after purchasing new thing, it will compulsorily study instruction and only then will include. Amundsen travelling entire life, it avoided heavy situations. "victory expects that, in whom all in the order, he said, this is called success". Follower of honest labor. "if everything seems lungs, this error-free proves, that the worker is very little skillful and work his above razumeniya"(Leonardo of da Vinci).

    5. "characteristic of servicemen restrained force". It is outwardly pulled, it is characterized by carriage, even if never it served. It dresses well and elegantly, but, it is not appointed. It bears clothing for long and it constantly astonishes by its freshness, as if time factor on it does not act. Itself does not bear inconvenient foot-wear, but also all others must dress only very beautifully. Aesthete.

    Dostoyevsky. Ethics- intuitive introvert, INFJ
    1. Carrier of quiet, internal view, imperceptible sea of feelings. The peace of its feelings is so fine and rich that the verbal proofs of love are not necessary. It and without the words sees, who, whom and as it loves, who is necessary to whom, but who is not necessary to whom. Valuable property - skill to be adapted to the emotions of another person. To be anxious, to remove emotional stress, to quiet.

    2. This, usually, quiet, friendly person, whereas which in the company more greatly keeps silent and observes, among the close familiar vice versa. It is not possible to name it too constrained, because it excellently sees, as it includes others, and he knows as this relation to improve. It attempts to subordinate to its understanding of ethical and unethical other people. But here the emotions of its never it ties, but it accompanies, it is anxious the emotion of other. Unique emotional dying down demonstrates. It is confident, that by others it is necessary to calm, flat, serene. He wants to be as the "compress", which others can apply to its wounds.

    3. If it they request to make something, it cannot refuse. Therefore they frequently exploit it. Is necessary dual, being subordinated to which, possible it will fence off from the excess. In the relations with the people its interests are limited only to the specific group of the persons, and here in its objective peace interests absolutely everything: complete omnivorousness at the level of its intellect and abilities. It is not capable to estimate the quality of its work and time lost in this case. It cannot be dismantled, that trifle, but which is important. He knows that it is possible to make, but he does not know that it is necessary to make. It cannot but work, when all work, and it continues to work, when all do not work. Greatly it does not love, when with one unfinished work they charge another.

    4. It is critical to its own beauty, will, energy. It painfully transfers their disapproval. However, compliments on this theme it does not receive as ambiguity, only if they are said in private, by soft tone, without the underlining. It is necessary taciturn or low acknowledgement. It cannot allow itself to be slovenly.

    5. Partner ensures the pleasant emotions, necessary for this type, with his rationality, logic, exactingness, skill to protect. It is necessary not to be late to the meetings, to carry out its promises, to be polite, thoughtful. More than no proofs of love or conversations about it it is necessary. If the cleverest partner presents his opinion in the forms of reflections, and not in the form of short, mandatory wordings, then next to it Dostoyevsky feels himself by constantly dissatisfied and unhappy. However, his main requirement itself for the partner - faithfulness. It does not pardon inaccuracy.

    Huxley. Intuitive- ethical ekstravert, ENFP
    1. Hot enthusiast. High(ly)-spiritual, artistic personality, rapidly solves personal difficulties. It always relies on its ability instantly to improvise, instead of previously preparing of work. It adores the situations of the new, interesting undertaking, when it is possible to appear its and strange abilities,; when it is possible to still assume the most improbable course of events.

    2. Don Juan. Many diverse merits see in the people and it cannot be held from not reporting by them this in most emotional form. Its frequently bryzzhushchiye emotions start for feelings, to what is obliged by reputation the Don Juan. It is sufficiently conservative in reality in feelings, it ties to the small circle of its people, whose opinion for it is extremely meant and completely determines its mood, behavior, knowledge. But if it and actually rake - this does not hide.

    3. Touch-me-not. Of its speech about the love and the melancholy ardent, smile enticing, but further this matter it goes far from always. Its motto: emotional authority above all and sexual freedom from all.

    4. It is not ambitious, since it can be contented by society of friends, also, in the anticipation of something interesting. In contrast to Napoleon, who loves to be the explicit control of situation, it attempts to be its secret control. In this case its influence is directed in essence toward that in order to force those surrounding to appear its abilities, talents.

    5. Scientific husband. It is sensitive to the estimation of its mental abilities. Frequently it attempts to protect thesis, it attains scientific degrees and titles. This gives to it the possibility quietly to work. It is extremely sensitive, when ideas expensive to it catch, deny possibilities its and close people. Therefore it attempts to contact with the people, close to it in the ideological credo.

    6. Men of mood. Everything depends on mood: plans for the future, the relation to itself, the idea about the peace. Iridescent plans can be changed into painful experiences, but the interesting news, the praise, which was suddenly represented interesting possibility instantly change attitude. Simply it falls ill from the boredom.

    7. For others. It is ready soak to people in the solution of their problems. The greatest pleasure to find a way out situation, which by others seems hopeless. Affability and benevolence can demonstrate to any. Makes, something for those, it relates seriously to whom. And it makes then much more than they await from it and than it itself promises.

    Gaben. Sensory- logical introvert, ISTP
    1. Iceberg in the ocean. Obstinate, locked, almost always equally cold and mysterious. The motions are calm, are precise, exceptionally economical. It seems from the side that the result reached is always more than the spent efforts. Inconspicuous quiet perseverance with the required completion of entire of that begun, internal responsibility for the matter and modesty. "Englishmen are not demonstrative in their relation to the labor", as they are not demonstrative in the manifestation of their feelings generally. At first it can seem that they do increasingly with the the prokhladtsey, haphazardly. But gradually you begin to understand, that their undeliberateness reflects the general rhythm of the life: the combination of state of being unchained with adjustment.

    2. Talented laziness. It not the Don Quixote aimlessly to work will not begin. The innate inventor, but with the introduction of his ideas does not hurry, until he ripens conditions for the maximum return. It is proud of its skill not to be occupied by anything, that it does not bring benefit. Adores comfort, conveniences. With actions combined with someone all dearly and nenavyazchivo is arranged in the manner that it is convenient to it. In the region of space accessible for it everything is organized ideally for work and leisure. Aesthete, who completely entrusts to his taste. It dresses very accurately, with the taste, but not provocatively. Sensitive skin: "princess on the pea" - this about it.

    3. Restrained emotional saturation. Specifically, the tendency to hide emotions under the mask of inaccessibility and coldness gives to them thin otshlifovannost' and even expressiveness (V. vysotskiy, A. Mironov, A. chelentano). It is calm in any case, but in different ways. It remains coldly it is inaccessible when it loves. Do not hurry to believe in feelings of its several frivolous duala (Huxley). It is very jealous and distrustful: panically it fears, that its emotions will be advanced on the laughing-stock. In the dangerous situations it obstinate nothing fears, to quietly approach a source of danger. This is its basic motion to go straight to the enemy; is maintained the one who is stronger. These are the basic pose of actor Jean gaben - obstinacy, obstinacy, internal rightness and fearlessness. Is the more lonely, the more inaccessible.

    4. Purposes and methods. If next there is no its duala, it is possible to accept it for the lazy person and the chatterer. Much says, but itself makes nothing, it waits something. It really waits - howl about the aid. It will not begin aimlessly to work, and purposes itself to invent it does not know how. Only hot enthusiast of Huxley manages small key starting into the action the precise and error-free mechanism Of gabena. As reward Gabenu serves happiness, which it reaches by its labor. The sincerity of desires he judges by the intonations, which will automatically mobilize it. Both desire and happiness best of all knows how to manifest Huxley, greater moreover master to discover talents and be enraptured to sincerely by them. But Gaben, must be pet, it does not suffer wage-leveling. To purchase it is possible only by the sincere feelings, expressed by eyes and intonations.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  3. #3


    those translations make my eyes bleed

  4. #4
    Ti centric krieger's Avatar
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    They've actually retained much of the spirit of the original writing... I have to say I prefer them over the ones at

    Other than the translations they seem to be identical to those.

  5. #5
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    That could be the best and most complete description of myself as I relate to ILE-ness that I've seen to date.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  6. #6
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    It's interesting that the Alpha NT descriptions focus far more on the superego than the others (excluding INFp).

  7. #7
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    THose are actually Igor Weisband's descriptions -- the first complete set ever in socionics. Augusta's (9) were published together in a volume of her works, and each is 20-30 pages long and has lots of symbols.
    It is easier for the eye of a camel to pass through a rich man than for a needle to enter the kingdom of heaven.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bionicgoat
    those translations make my eyes bleed
    I second that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by labcoat
    They've actually retained much of the spirit of the original writing... I have to say I prefer them over the ones at
    But they're pretty much the same I thought. The essences of them both were very similar.

    Other than the translations they seem to be identical to those.
    I take it I've just repeated what you mean.

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    That was good timing asking for this ... I am currently working on creating the new website and was looking for stuff from Augusta. Thanks Expat, I'll be adding those descriptions to the main website when it is up in a day or so.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by rmcnew
    That was good timing asking for this ... I am currently working on creating the new website and was looking for stuff from Augusta. Thanks Expat, I'll be adding those descriptions to the main website when it is up in a day or so.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rick
    THose are actually Igor Weisband's descriptions -- the first complete set ever in socionics. Augusta's (9) were published together in a volume of her works, and each is 20-30 pages long and has lots of symbols.

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    *Thumbs up*

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rick
    THose are actually Igor Weisband's descriptions -- the first complete set ever in socionics. Augusta's (9) were published together in a volume of her works, and each is 20-30 pages long and has lots of symbols.
    Yes, later I recognized them -- but they are listed in as being Augusta's .

    So I don't know, then.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Sorry, I was mistaken. Augusta only completed 7 out of 16. Weisband did a sort of survey among socionists who knew their types for sure and created these descriptions you see here (from
    It is easier for the eye of a camel to pass through a rich man than for a needle to enter the kingdom of heaven.

  15. #15
    Farewell, comrades Not A Communist Shill's Avatar
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    This isn't a type profile, but it was allegedly written by Augusta:

    Description is indicative (dichotomies) sotsionicheskikh types on Aushre Augustinavichute *


    Each ekstravert is characterized by the specific uneasiness of feelings, the specific activity, something, which chases it to act in the situations, in which introvert only observes. It observes, creating in this case the impression of pogruzhennosti into itself. Very important go back that the concentration this of introverta pogruzhennost' not into itself, but with respect to external peace. I.e., observation of the relations between the subjects and the objects, which he in contrast to ekstravertu - does not want and it cannot disrupt. If introvert in its "pogruzhennosti" about by something reflects, then not about the problems of its internal life, but about the problems of interrelations with other subjects and objects. The impression of "pogruzhennosti into itself" - the result of the fact that any relation to the external peace of men receives as its feeling.

    Ekstravert loves opened active life. About it it is possible to say that it, displaying initiative, always to a certain degree climbs on to link. But it climbs not so much so that it they would see, as in order very to have the capability to see and to evaluate more than "objects". It with the pleasure evaluates and advances others. Introvert advances neither itself nor fact more others. It not at all notes others. And it does not evaluate. If only on how they it activate by their attention and improve communities psychological climate, they do not interfere. It completely honestly asserts that the leading work not but to it. But if by it they advance, it cannot refuse, he does not feel right. But after engaging some post, it remains there for long years and feels itself irreplaceable. Ekstravert can leave and itself, ekstraverta can be removed for the errors. Introvert in the planned economy of errors does not make, because with the plan as with the relation, always in the harmonies, nowhere it will miss. No relations it disrupts, nich'ikh feelings it does not irritate, but its passiveness indecision always knows how to explain by objective factors. At each, who is more active it, it regards to that occupying by self-advertisement. Indeed in the depth of soul it also approaches enormous activity, but to display initiative, until this in each specific case they require from it, cannot. It fears to be inappropriate active. But will be this "inappropriate activity" it is named impudence or, for example, by stupidity - has already been determined by type BY THEM man.

    Ekstravert acts in order to become more valuable and more necessary to society. To be more qualitative object. If it is necessary for irreplaceable. Because it constantly doubts good feelings of people. And for the possibility to display initiative, which also nothing else but only method to provoke the positive qualities of others.

    Introvert acts only of necessity, fulfilling debt and duties. For this reason not passing to someone road, not to spoil its relations with the people. And to at any cost remain in all in sight. Because, if it not is in sight, from it not they will require activity, its responsibilities will limit, it will remain not in the matters. They frequently indicate that introvert allegedly acts only for this reason it would leaving of at rest. This is visibility. It does not desire this. 1/1 that, why in no way it can forego any leading post, although it sees that the work it does not manage, there is fear, that after it "will leave at rest", not they will note, and it will remain no one not necessary. This gives birth to egocentrism and unhealthy sole tendencies at any cost, by all truths and by untruths to hold on "to authority". Even if this sharpens health. Fear to become not noted is stronger than the common sense.

    Ekstraverty do not love debt and responsibilities, they love responsibility. For everything which around is created, they feel the responsibility, which activates, them, it makes it necessary to act. Assumes responsibility for work, people and entire anything. Responsibility understands as privilege. But they here fear debt, responsibilities in them are associated with the violence. Introverty, on the contrary, do not love responsibility, love responsibilities. With the pleasure is carried out that which is considered their debt and responsibility that it makes it possible to be active, and in every way possible they try to leave from the fact that it is called responsibility. Word itself responsibility of it resembles sentence, punishment.

    Rovno to the same degree, as introvert it avoids superfluous activity, ekstravert avoids to show superfluous feelings, i.e., its relation to the different objects and the subjects. Because ekstravert fears to be neskromnym and to prevent, by others by its feelings, introvert by its activity. This they consider poor tone, tactlessness.

    For the psychological comfort to ekstravertu it is necessary to surround itself by introvertami, i.e., by people, oriented to the relations, which know how to consider feelings of other people. However, Introvert feels the need for being that surrounded by those knowing how to note and to evaluate people themselves and their activity by ekstravertami.

    In the company of ekstravert is focused attention on others, he tries to move them, it is contented, when to people this is guided. If not on whom to focus this its attention is boring. Introvert, on the contrary, attracts attention to itself. If its no one notes boringly.

    To the zatvornicheskoy life of more than tendency manifest introverty. But this in no way not from grow prettier life, but only when they feel itself unnecessary and excess, when on them no one turns so attention necessary to them. In all we count 8 types of introvertov. Undoubtedly, to each of them is necessary attention to some other aspect of the manifestation of their personality. One is necessary attention to its labor, to another to its emotions, abilities or will. Man is calm and contented if and only if others they note and speak precisely, that to it is necessary.

    Ekstravertu is also necessary this attention. Only to other to its feelings. The faith in the voluntariness of its feelings is necessary to it. In the fact that it worries about other people, that it loves them, correct it evaluates that he is not egoist T. and.

    Briefly the difference between all ekstravertami and all introvertami can be determined thus. Ekstraverty with respect to peace are design, active, they have the strong need to attain purpose. Introverty even when they are active, rather avoid troubles and failures. If ekstravert is constantly dissatisfied fact that it did not make still something, that it was possible to make, then introvert it badly itself feels, if it made something, that, as more lately it proved to be, it was excess. It fears to be upstart in its and strange eyes, to destroy the prevailing relations. On its deep internal conviction, to be occupied by the fact that it is not compulsorily necessary, is reprehensible.

    Typical example from the student life. Ekstraverty are almost always a little dissatisfied after the successfully returned examination, that they did not have time something to read. The majorities of introvertov with the same displeasure think about the fact that they read, but it was not required at the examination.

    With the aid of the criticism for awkwardness, laziness of introverta it is possible to move. Any careless remark about the fact that it overdid it, showed excess activity, the desire of any activity takes away to the long period. When ekstraverta is subjected to criticism for the insufficient activity, it becomes aggressive, evil, it feels itself misunderstood. Criticism for the superfluous activity receives faster as compliment.

    Ekstravert initiator, inspirer organizer. Introvert covers the rear positions it concludes matters begun by others, even if at first and it did not manifest enthusiasm. It modest and calmer, less believes in importance and importance of the fact that makes, is more self-critical. And it is at the same time more than egotsentrichen.


    Logical types BY THEM are differed from ethical in terms of their relation to the objective peace and to other people.

    The force of ethical is manifested with respect to the people, the force of logical with respect to the objective peace. Ethical are not assured that they can make something valuable, logical do not objectively know that they are in the eyes of other people, such as rights on them have.

    Logical everything tries to make itself. Its necessity to others it proves by its matters: you look at that effected by me, evaluate and assume according to merits. Ethical feels its necessity to other people, knows how to adjust with them relations, to manipulate by their feelings or emotions, it does not doubt its rights Pa them. And it is not constantly confident in its own forces and abilities, which it for long, agonizingly and passively considers, when it remains in private. Usually logical types are received as more independent. But the only being seemed, because in the relations with the people this independence are characterized by ethical. The independence of logical is manifested during the solution of problems and problems of objective peace, the independence of ethical with the solution of problems human interrelations and the adjustment of emotional life. All efforts of logical to be by positive, strong, good people based on the desire to please to ethical, to earn acknowledgement. Logical frequently be surprised at the dependence of ethical, when it is necessary to solve objective problems, ethical how the first do not know how to use people, they do not understand its influence on them.

    A very important difference in the logical from the ethical is the fact that logical usually prove their rightness, and ethical persuade, by them not difficult and to ask. Logical neither to persuade nor to request know how, but they frequently yield more easily to the persuasions of others. To the promises of logical it is possible to believe more than to the promises of ethical. Because the first at any cost try to hold in control their word, but if something they not can, they indicate previously in order "not to deceive man". Ethical so it is not important not to deceive man, it is how much not to spoil with it relations; therefore it frequently promises not that which will be able to carry out, but that, what from it as from a "good person", they expect. He feels itself not by liar, but only by careful diplomat.

    Evaluating behavior of other people, logical more greatly use criteria logichno-nelogichno, pravil'no-nepravil'no, razumno-glupo, it is rational -irrational. Is good that is reasonable, reasonable cannot be poor. Ethical khorosho-plokho, is necessary not necessary for people or individual person, gumanno-negumanno, it is honestly dishonest.

    Ethical knows how to worry about the people, about itself and about its close ones, to make with them pleasant. But it properly honestly worries only about those, whom it adds to "its". It knows how for them to request and thus to shift this concern, also, to the outside people. Therefore close ones value and love them, pardon all errors. Logical at best, when it sensory, knows how to obtain that which to it is assumed "rightfully". For the ethical there exist not the disposition of one person among other people, but that that actually it is possible "to knock out", to obtain, Pa which is possible to incline, "to inveigle" other people by any persuasions, by requests and by emotions. The best pusher is ethical, undoubtedly, when it sensory.

    Ethical manipulate by feelings and emotions of other people; therefore truth and untruth for them make relative sense truth it frequently becomes that which makes pleasant to people, it bribes them, and it raises it, i.e., also makes pleasant. To be pleasant and dear that, what virtuoso attains each ethical. Op knows how to produce a good impression, knows how to report for that effected, to write reports and besides to praise all and, first of all, itself. It excellently feels itself in any company, among any people, it easily becomes emotional it is center company. Logical with the reports is inclined to speak about that not yet executed, about its and strange errors and shortages, because to starayetsya/razobrat'sya in the real situation, to see and to show real state of affairs or prospect. It must be noted that the ethics of all logical normative, they strictly carry out established by others ethical standards and no creation in this for itself makes possible. In execution of standards they approach perfection and it is never assured that they reached it. Therefore in these their tendencies frequently they are disappointed. The ethics of all ethical more or less creative, they are considered not so much the norms, as with the concrete situation. Is ethical that improves the situation of ethical, it makes with its more charming, more more necessary, stronger among other people.

    The same can be said about the logic. The logic of all ethical is normative. They strictly carry out all logical norms, by them it is very important that it is scientific or at least universal taken, because neither new logical relations nor the new methods of action they open nor develop. In its behavior and logical reasonings it is very careful and it is never assured to their perfection. The horizon of their logical interests is wide for the same reason, they read much more than logical, they are good tellers of different scientific truths. Logical are usually characterized by the erudition in the region of artistic literature, which gives the possibility to get to know ethical standards.

    Ethical are characterized by the finesse of feelings and emotion, although they not are more sensitive than logical, exactly as it is the logical not more intellectual than ethical. The essential difference between them in the fact that ethical see and are understood not only their, but also feelings and emotions of other people. After comparatively unspecific behavior, random words, mimicry ethical sees the complex peace of feelings of another person. And this is better than them sees logical itself, for which its own feelings - maloponimayemaya riddle, and it is necessary that someone would be located, who will guess it. Ethical types all behavior and feelings of other people as if measure with their own. Love is the sphere of ethical thinking. Its task and its talent. Basic talent of logical to evaluate the logic of others. Only they correctly evaluate mind and consistency of ethical and to it very they explain. They can estimate the activity of other in the same way as ethical the kindness of man, the depth of his experience. A quantity of its labor cannot estimate same ethical, it is inclined to sink in any matter, including in the housework, it is never confident, has already moral right to leisure or not. Therefore the mutual friendship of individuals with the logical to by the ethical thinking (although not in each combination) enriches both, increases their satisfactoriness by itself. Ethical next to the logical does not doubt the logic of its behavior, logical that all its behavior are behavior of a good person. This is continuation of one person in other.

    According to the data of our of study, logical type is more extended among the men, ethical among the women. But ethical more greatly they try to be such, as it is necessary, as it is accepted. Therefore frequently emphasized by courageous in a good sense of this word there are men with the ethical thinking. Most feminine women also with the ethical thinking. Logical type is separated by the absence of any exponential elements. Therefore men frequently seem "any", and woman, if only they not introvertny, maskulinnymi. Logical thinking interfere withs running after the rapidly changing mode and making many irrational, not being of practical use trifles (short-term hair-dos, manicure, tuskli on the inconvenient heel), since gives the ability to value its efforts and expenditure of energys.

    As has already been spoken, people with logical thinking do not know how to speak about their feelings, they avoid this. Their feeling makes it necessary to act in favor of the dear object, but not to speak about it. If in the relations with those loved they are not sufficiently affectionate, accomplish errors, then only because they are not familiar with other models of behavior. To this man frequently more easily to ask "you will leave for me?", than to say "love". Feelings of individual with the logical thinking - tender, fragile, it is easy "to frighten off them". So that they to okrepli, are necessary time and the impulse actions of partner.

    Feelings of logical slime are more steady, because require more than time for decision making when feelings are checked by logical reasonings. More than time it is necessary for the cancellation of the solution accepted. Therefore logical, which decided to connect with someone its fate, this its solution was inclined to be held more stably.

    Ethical loves consciously, loves, because he wants to love. Love is the conscious creation of the emotions accepted to itself and to other. If by others most important do love they, by these they do love: "me you do not love, so that zh, then you I love 4..." this expansion is most frequently successful, since it is directed to people, which, as it is assumed previously, must be returned. If the object of attention is not surrendered, about it in the most serious means they say that it proved to be unworthy of love and therefore let it charges itself. Who did not answer feelings thankless, unreasonable or imagines, which to him is necessarily greater attention how it was given. This means that he wants too much, wants more than it deserved. The life of these people is frequently complex only because the objects of love appears too much, it is unknown, when to stop that love as if to eat, but there is no present support in other person. Which because of the incomprehensible reason tires the strange feeling of uneasiness, which requires changing partners, and that there is not in one of them which them would make its object of a constant love and would finally give calmness."

    For the man with the ethical type BY THEM love is one of the very most important questions in the world. However, to it is necessary partner with the logical type TO THEM, which does not demonstrate its feelings, but in them, these feelings, it is steady. It they attract composure and the logic of logical. If girl with the ethical thinking for a while was friends with very clever, but to its idea, by fellow, she will compare all other her friends with it. And thus far it will not find such, which will seem by clever, it will feel itself unlucky and unfortunate. The same can be said about the youth with the logical thinking.

    Ethical type does not fear any feelings. Both the loves and the hatred. Loves that is good, but with not smaller force it hates evil, then that the unpleasant emotions are caused. And it does not hide this. Therefore, if it is disappointed in the love, it can become dangerous. He wants to love. Even when its feelings are inappropriate. It can one feeling exchange to another to a positive feeling to another object or negative to the same, but not forego a feeling itself. When it is convinced, what loved is "poor", "unworthy", "changes", i.e., although nothing new in fact it occurred, some drop overfilled the cup of its patience, a positive feeling is converted into the negative, the love into the hatred. If partner thinks that the services and the concessions of ethical are infinite, that the renunciation is the part of its nature, then makes mistakes and digs to itself pit itself. Not knowing how to measure its good deeds, the ethical finally nevertheless regains vision. I.e., comes the moment, when it cannot longer hide from itself the "ingratitudes" of the not evaluating its services partner and it comes into the fury.

    the Sensorika- intuition

    Sensory types BY IT live in the true sense of this word by the sensations: they know how to receive nature, skill, to delight in by all by that seen, heard, percept. Very accurately feel their physical "4" and its needs, they have marked rhythm of life.

    Sensory lives as if only by this day. Everything which will be tomorrow, for it a little unexpectedly. Because of the undeveloped abstract thinking it does not have a feeling of foresight and it hopes only for its forces and will. It either is too active (ekstravert) and to itself by this complicates life, or it is too passive (introvert), it fears errors, it is not confident in the need for making that which like to make "is necessary". Fears to overdo it this it would make its estimate in its own eyes, and also in the eyes of all other introvertov.

    To the sensations of intuitive types BY THEM brightness does not be sufficient, they are constant rasseyanny. Even its physical "4" is received neopredelenno. The confidence in its materiality frequently is sufficient only until they look into the mirror.

    Sensory lives another life: otherwise it eats, otherwise it dyshit, it otherwise feels nature, beauty, i.e., it differently receives the completeness of life, which intuitive becomes accessible only next to its loving and respecting sensory. At the same time sensory because of the friendship with the intuitive can more quietly contemplate proceeding, entrust to future, avoid unexpected contingencies. Intuitive with the pleasure is adapted to the rhythm of sensory necessary to it, if it approaches but to other parameters (intellect, interests, culture), at the same time giving the prospect for future or enriching by a feeling of the relativity of the value of each activity and by the interminable number of new possibilities.

    Sensory in the true sense of this word are attentive to all its physical needs, evaluate them as the integral part of their physical "4". Therefore inclination is inherent right to samorealizatsiyu and means of influence on other people. For the intuitive inclination as all concrete environment and its "4", not not completely the perceptible and not very reliable phenomenon. They are not constantly assured and doubt: reality this or only product of fantasy, fabrication. Therefore is not taken initiative into their hands, they await it from others. Sensory searches for the object of inclination and tries to attain its physical realization. Intuitive feels the need to become this object, since this gives the possibility to become completely itself, acquiring right Pa its needs and desire. Inclination of partner the proof of his materiality, i.e., the moment of mental addition. Means of embodiment, materialization of its "4". An inclination for them necessarily, necessarily, you desirably and have with the fact dangerously. They unavoidably are pulled into the vital rhythm of partner as into the whirlpool, from which they themselves be selected cannot. Hence caution and fear to fall into the subordination.

    Consequently, only to sensoriki, but not intuitive try to draw the object of attention. In their hands and the initiative of refusal of the "discolored" feelings, if it occurs that the second satisfies far from all mental needs, is not the present addition of personality. In the partner to sensoriku are necessary the constancy and the unique dependence, obedience. Similar can be only intuitive, which supports the initiative of sensory, but it cannot take in its hands of it. Intuitive rapidly understands, what is desired, but also activity does not show after this. Its own sexual activity for it of taboo. Not because of the shyness and a good training, although this creates additional difficulties, but because of the specific character of their sexual activity. If the activity, which exceeds the activity of partner, shows, they feel itself very badly, the former positive installation to the partner is converted into the negative. Any rapprochement for the intuitive is complicated; therefore it is more restrained and, in spite of entire its freethinking, which it is frequently characterized by, as a rule, it is not inclined to use sexual to freedoms.

    Interesting function of jealousy in the interrelations of intuitive and sensory. Intuitive knows: nothing it will change from random behavior of partner. Is jealous sensory, which is judged but to his own experience. Positively the small dose of jealousy influences intuitive, it gives to it value in its own eyes. It recalls that it is necessary, zhelanen and irreplaceable. This is the most convincing proof of its value.

    Each intuitive more successfully it worries about others than about itself. Sensory understands its material interests and it knows how to defend them. Intuitive awaits which will remain from others, or others thus far will care about it.

    Sensorika of intuitive normative, it adheres the established aesthetical norms, for example mode, it is ready not to what revelations. However, if none its sensorik supplements, it gets tired from these its efforts, it is lost and can reach floor noy of neglect and disorder in private life. About the aesthetics it usually knows much, but in its aesthetical taste it is not confident. It is not confident and the esthetic value of its - goal, clothing, motions. Therefore it sufficiently frequently becomes clumsy. Undoubtedly, if there is no direction from the side of that supplementing. With the presence of "director" it reaches perfection and it passes sensorikov contented by itself. The same norms relate to the health of man. Sensorik entrusts to its sensations and does not doubt, when it is healthy, when it is sick: the very same "feels". This doctor must be subordinated to his concrete, real sensations, but not he to the unjustified diagnoses of doctor. If one doctor "nothing found", he goes to another and attains his. Intuitive their own sensations seem by less objective than the diagnosis of doctor. Diagnosis this "norm", and it behaves with respect to diagnosis, but with respect to health.

    In sensorika normative intuition; therefore it is exceptionally careful with respect to the use of its time, and also with respect to the use of potential energy, potential possibilities of objects, subjects and phenomena. Undoubtedly, no creation here it is obtained. Therefore sensorik tactician, and intuitive strategist.

    They differ and outwardly: by eyes, by gait. The eyes of intuitive this of the eyes, which look and do not see. The eyes are of the sensory on the contrary, eye very well vidyashchego and all noting person. The gait of each intuitive is less assured, it seemingly a little steams in air and is ready to yield to each road. The gait of sensory is characterized by clearness, self-confidence, obstinacy.

    Interestingly still such. By the narrowest seem the persons in people with the black intuition. Widest in people with the black sensorikoy. Let us take, for example, intuitive ekstravertov and sensory ekstravertov. Both each tsiklotimy, which means, of any innate differences, if we take average representative of one or another slime, there must not be however face of intuitive ekstravertov, as a rule, they seem oblong. This in essence due to the wrinkles around the mouth and on, forehead. But here are the persons of sensory ekstravertov round. This in essence due to cheek-bones developed in these volitional people. The compressed cheek-bones especially strike in sensory- ethical ekstraverta.

    By the eyes it is possible to judge not only that, sensorik of men or is intuitive, but also about that, ekstravertny or introvertny of its sensorika and intuition. This is determined by raskrytost'yu of the eyes: the widest eyes in people with the white intuition (A), the narrowest, most squinted in people with the black intuition (A). This is most noticeable, when man in the pensive state. Sensoriki are distributed in the middle, moreover in people with the the white of sensorikoy eye are wider and less sharp than in people with the black sensorikoy. This because the first try to envelop entire observed space, and the second only concrete objects. On raskrytosti or prishchurennosti of eyes under otherwise equal conditions, i.e., during the similar addition of face, from all types BY THEM it is possible to form this number (from the wide to most those squinted):

    1. intuitive- logical and intuitive- ethical introverty;
    2. logico- intuitive and ethics- intuitive ekstraverty;
    3. sensory- logical and sensory- ethical introverty;
    4. logico- sensory and ethics- sensory ekstraverty;
    5. logico- sensory and ethics- sensory introverty;
    6. sensory- logical and sensory- ethical ekstraverty;
    7. logico- intuitive and ethics- intuitive introverty;
    8. intuitive- logical and intuitive- ethical ekstraverty.

    We said earlier that ethical do not know how to evaluate a quantity of their labor. However, its qualities cannot estimate intuitive and therefore also they sink in the interminable matters. They are not simply assured that it is made sufficiently good, and therefore they cannot finish.

    the Rationality- irrationality

    In what does consist this innate difference between the people? According to our data, it is determined by the arrangement of hemispheres. One hemisphere of man receives and processes the information, obtained with the observation of the static objects, by objects in the state of rest, another with the observation of the objects, find in the dynamics, i.e., by the moving objects. Therefore one hemisphere can be named static, another dynamic. This is not difficult to verify to each, shutting first one, then another eye. When man after the control or simply so through the window of machine controls the running houses, in speckled much more intensively works dynamic eye. When machine stops, works another static. When at something that moving we look by static eye, it begins a little to ripple and it is possible to feel even small vertigo. This can be noted and when we watch TV.

    Since static and dynamic hemispheres in shizotimov are located differently, in tsiklotima only after this it reacts to the situation by emotion or by act. They react not immediately to emotion and behavior of those surrounding. More precisely react not Pa their behavior and emotions, but Pa caused by these behavior feelings. Therefore their reaction as retarded, smooth, very fitted out to the situation, but not previously considered, "creative". There are many behavior simply "on the habit", on the prevailing installations. Shizotimy react to the emotion by emotion, to the act by act without swinging, immediately. They react very reasonably, deliberately, on the basis of entire existing experience. Therefore seem stricter more decisive, "rational", their motions more rapid and more angular, emotion sharper and colder. Feeling for shizotima - consequence of act, but not its reason:

    after correct act or emotion the health is improved, is good, it deteriorates after incorrect act. Therefore both behavior and forms of the manifestation of emotions thoroughly are studied and are considered. If they felt itself badly, they think not about the past, but about the future: it follows to make what in order to change health.

    Behavior are impulsive in tsiklotima, they are none other than as soon as adaptation to a real situation and their own feelings. It is possible to say that tsiklotim it acts, when it should leave some of situation, some state, and shizotim on the contrary, when it is necessary to create some state, such as health. For example, by tsiklotim is prepared food in order to put an end to the unpleasant feeling of hunger, shizotim in order as a result of this its activity to acquire the pleasant sensation of satiety. It is interesting that a feeling of hunger in the mood of tsiklotima is reflected much more strongly than on the moods of shizotima: hungry shizotim can longer quietly await than tsiklotim.

    But here in the contacts with the subjects and the objects everything occurs vice versa. As tsiklotim it cannot act, until any feeling envelops it, so shizotim it cannot associate with the man, until it to it experiences some feelings, until some installation was formed. Without this installation or matured feelings it cannot purchase even the simplest everyday object. Occurs the same "rocking". Tsiklotimy contact begin without the "rocking", i.e., without the installations, from the direct contacts, during which the people and their quality thoroughly are studied. Only installations and feelings appear after this, relation is determined. Therefore, although contacts with the people by tsiklotim it ties rapidly, they nothing speak about its feelings to them. As shizotim it is easy, "rationally" change its behavior and forms of the manifestation of emotions, if they prove to be insufficiently reasonable, then by tsiklotim "rationally" change people, with which it associates, if they by their qualities do not correspond to its needs. The same relates to the objects of custom and other objects.

    Other qualities

    There are other, less noticeable, opposite qualities, by which are distinguished the partners in the dyad. Some usually speak into the interrogative, others in the affirmative intonations. The first love to obtain explanations, to explain others, to say, to proclaim different truths. With the long contact of two people with the interrogative intonations they tire each other by their problems. With its declarative unnecessary truths.

    In the interrogative intonations they say: logico- sensory ekstraverty, intuitive- logical ekstraverty, ethics- intuitive ekstraverty, sensory- ethical ekstraverty, sensory- logical introverty, ethics- sensory introverty, intuitive- ethical introverty, logico- intuitive introverty. This, as we see, all ekstraverty of one social ring and all introverty of another social ring. (wider about this in the "theories of intertipnykh relations".) In their eyes is sufficiently distinctly "is visible the question mark". Especially in the eyes of sensory- logical introverta and logico- sensory ekstraverta.

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    Farewell, comrades Not A Communist Shill's Avatar
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    This page has links to (only) seven of the profiles - seems quite an coincidence - the name? at the bottom of each is 'Елена Заманская', so I don't know what to make of that. They look good though - I thought the Robespierre one was very good.

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    Here's a question: what is Augusta talking about here?

    A. Augustinavichiute
    One More Reason in Favor of Each Person's Using All the Types of Thinking
    By the example of the relationship of contrast (total contrariness) peculiarities of different thinking styles described in terms of the information metabolism model (Model A) are demonstrated.
    Key words: socionics, Model A, readjustment pair, the relationship of contrast (total contrariness).

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