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Thread: Temperaments

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    Ti centric krieger's Avatar
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    Default Temperaments

    There used to be a thread that had some pretty good descriptions of the four temperemants in this forum.

    Any chance we could have those resurrected?

  2. #2

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    1. EJ – Extroverted rational (linear-vigorous temperament)

    Energy exchange. Clearly noticeably expends energy. Usually gives all that he has. Works swiftly and intensively. As long as he has strength he recklessly wastes it. He uses up all of his energy and then collapses with exhaustion. There is no middle ground: either maximum usage of energy (sometimes close to maximum) or total inactivity.

    Recommended sports. Team sports, long-distance racing, skiing, skating, bicycle riding, auto-sport, etc.

    Emotions and behavior. Straightforward, clear, rough/rigorous, no maneuvering. Not likely to have inner doubts or hesitation. They are sharp and implacable, and their actions are totally predictable. They often end up being the victims of the surroundings – non-dutiful other people, unstable situations and chaotic occurrences.

    2. EP – Extroverted irrational (flexible-laid back temperament)

    Energy exchange. Highly dependant on external information. They are calm when there is no need to use energy, but they switch on with full power when they need to be active. It’s very difficult for them to keep energy expansion at a high level for a longer period of time. In order to have flexible-laid back temperament, people have to be able to do many activities at the same time. (For example J.Caesar, who was able to read, write and talk at the same time)

    Recommended sports. Body building, wrestling, weightlifting and boxing, shot-putting, hammer throwing, etc.

    Emotions and behavior. The main trait of this temperament is the rapid changes in mood and status. This is how they differ from EJ. They can’t stand routine and predictability. Emotions seem as unexpected flashes in their generally relaxed mood. In a moment rage can turn into indifference. Note that their emotions depend on the external changes, not on the inner psychological reasons. Their behavior is very hard to analyze because it doesn’t follow any linear rules. Instead their behavior resembles a broken curve, because they try to get everything done at the same time. They give an impulse to one activity, continue doing the next activity, etc. (they keep switching between various activities). This is the only way they can get things done and it enables them to achieve a lot more than any other method.

    3. IJ – Introverted rational (balanced-stable temperament)

    Energy Exchange. They always try to conserve energy and keep it for activities that are objectively necessary. They are afraid of excess activity and non-productive exhaustion of their strength. These are the most energy-saving and sensible people. They look restrained and calm and they distance themselves from the meaningless things that happen around them. They are meticulous, and they dislike doing anything differently from the usual pattern. They are very static and inert, but also very steady and they always finish what they started. They can not adapt in rapidly changing and extreme situations. They quickly lose their working capacity and they get ill very often.

    Recommended sports. Yoga and similar healing slow sports, running marathons, etc.

    Emotions and behavior. At first glance, they seem to have no emotions at all because they are just so good at controlling their emotions. Actually they are just waiting for the right moment to let the emotions out to the right people. They can hold on to emotions for a very long time, which is what makes them the most likely to have accumulated stress. This means that they can get stress because they have been gathering emotions, but haven’t been expressing them. They might have random emotional outbursts. The rage of an IJ type is very scary, because he can collect insults for months or even for years. Their behavior is very consistent and predictable. Their actions don’t depend on the changes in the environment, they have their own rigid firm moral and practical norms. When there are conflicts between their norms and the reality, they get nervous and they start bottling up bad emotions. They need activities that amuse/entertain them and give them emotional and physical relaxation.

    4. IP – Introverted irrational (perception-adapting temperament)

    Energy exchange. Energy level is very unstable. They react to discomfort very strongly, which is why they use their energy to avoid unacceptable conditions or to create comfort. On their rare moments of activity, they become similar to the representatives of the EP temperament, but on their moments of inactivity, they seem similar to the representatives of the IJ temperament. They tend to hide from the world and cope with their personal resources, which are bigger than they might seem to others. They are not able to constantly manage with energy exchange rhythm. Their working capacity is smaller than it is for the other temperaments. They only work effectively when they are perceiving the need for it or when there are important circumstances which they can’t ignore. There is no point in pushing those people, because they will seemingly agree with the aggressor, but will find ways to evade their duties. They either can’t or won’t overwork and they don’t share other people’s enthusiasm in principle.

    Recommended sports. Gracefully rhythmic sports (swimming, riding the bicycle) or sprinting (short distance), jumping, etc.

    Emotions and behavior. Highly sensitive to the emotions of others. They can’t stand unstable moods or stormy emotions, which is why they avoid conflict and they try to solve misunderstandings. They don’t try to change the situation, they adapt to it by showing extraordinary ingenuity and flexibility. In relaxing, comfortable and safe situations they bloom, become good and social people. They try to be good towards their surroundings and act in a kind and caring way. They are pleasant and easygoing people in close relations and cold and distant towards all others. It’s necessary to treat them in a caring and attentive way to preserve their vulnerable emotionality and fragile nervous system.

    How to determine a person’s temperament

    The temperament in socionics is a dynamic quantity because it describes the energy consumption process and it shows the volume and speed of the changes in energy expenditure. This is why the temperament can be determined by monitoring the movements and activities of the person. We must observe how that person walks, works and does sports.

    EJ – walks very fast in a determined way, doesn’t look on the sides. Other people must step out of his way and make him room. Works rhythmically with a certain cyclic manner, sometimes works too rapidly. In sports, gives all he can give.

    EP – walks fast, goes around obstacles, keeps changing his walking trajectory. Often stops and looks back and also keeps looking on his sides. Works in a chaotic pattern that only he understands, sometimes works eagerly, sometimes slugs. In sports, he likes to rest and gather his strength between the exercises.

    IJ – walks rhythmically, doesn’t deviate from his trajectory, indifferent to his surroundings. Works slowly, finishes his task before he starts with the next one. In sports, tries to spend as little energy as possible. Does sports slowly without any real enthusiasm or briskness.

    IP – walks in a somewhat limp and gutless way. Walks around obstacles. He’s careful and tries to notice all the obstacles. Tries to finish all the necessary tasks very quickly so he could go back to relaxing. He gets tired very quickly. Moves fluently and tries to relax very often. He enjoys slow rhythmic activities, avoids any kind of heavy load.

    If we are able to successfully determine the persons temperament, we will narrow possible types down to only 4 types. It is obvious why temperament is so important in socionics type diagnosis. It is also a very simple method: you just have to be observant and you have to have theoretical socionics knowledge.

    Smilingeyes's comments

    The IJ emotion description doesn't seem to be very good. I don't see anything in it that doesn't apply to IPs as well. To me it seems that the following is true, but I'd love to get feed-back on this...

    The IJ is better able to control his feelings, the outside events have less of an impact on him and he is able to directly effect what goes on in his head, concentrate on what he perceives to be important and ignore everything else. This self-limiting of his informational input means that when something occurs, that might be upsetting to others, it's quite possible that the IJ doesn't even register it happened. He wards the events completely from his world. But sometimes something has a direct effect to those factors that the IJ has chosen to be important and this can not be ignored. Things that affect these select few things, will get an enormous reaction unlike anything others are capable of creating.

    The IP on the other hand does not control his feelings as much as his reaction to them. When something emotionally upsetting happens, the IP does not ward it away like the IJ, he notices it, and he soaks it, like a sponge. He acts as if there was no amount of weight that he was unable to bear and he will continue through any adversity. Yet sometimes his self-control slips, either because he's been surprised or he's tired or drunk or whatever and then he starts leaking pathos. He generally actively controls the amount of stress he gets to avoid crossing this border.

    Yet the previous was based on thinking style IJs and IPs respectively and I expect needs revision for the feelers.

    The IP seems to care about everything related to the task he is interested in. He is engrossed like as if he were a part of the task himself. This is when he likes what he is doing.

    The IJ on the other hand doesn't seem to care, or allow himself to care about the "frivolous" parts of a task. He cares only about "the important parts" of the task. Yet over those he needs greater control than the IP. He is not absorbed by the task but rather he is single-minded in his pursuit of the task. While the IP "is one with the task" to the IJ the important things seem to appear as an abstraction, a simplification, rather than as the thing an sich. This capability gives the IJ greater command over his understanding of the matter.

  3. #3
    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    there was also one where he talked about the temperaments with subtypes and how they get along with each other
    he had them listed like type 1 with 1; type 2 with 1, type 2 with 2, and so on.

    for example, the part i remember the best (which isn't very good memory) is when he talked about the EP perceiving subtypes and their interactions with other EP perceiving subtypes and then another line for how they interacted with EP judging subtypes.

    you don't happen to have a copy of that too do you?
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

  4. #4
    Ti centric krieger's Avatar
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    Those are burried in here somewhere:


  5. #5
    Poster Nutbag The Exception's Avatar
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    I'll BUMP this for you.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

  6. #6
    jughead's Avatar
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    This is the best description I've seen;it should be on wikisocion.

  7. #7
    Executor MatthewZ's Avatar
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    I find it hard to believe that introtims could have energy levels as low as described.

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    I don't think EPness necessarily relies on external information. It's characterized by chaoticness in the least, but EPs can be pretty low-energy chaotic.

    Here's a good description of the Ne-EP mindset, and other temperaments
    Last edited by 717495; 10-25-2010 at 10:36 AM.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by polikujm View Post
    I don't see why not. Everything about IP fits me very well, and these descriptions are very good.

    I also like the "what they think about other temperaments" part on the wikisocion.
    What he said. I can think of plenty of Introtims who those descriptions describe.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus View Post
    Recommended sports[/i]. Body building, wrestling, weightlifting and boxing, shot-putting, hammer throwing, etc.
    That's awesome.

  11. #11
    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus View Post
    1. EJ – Extroverted rational (linear-vigorous temperament)

    Energy exchange. Clearly noticeably expends energy. Usually gives all that he has. Works swiftly and intensively. As long as he has strength he recklessly wastes it. He uses up all of his energy and then collapses with exhaustion. There is no middle ground: either maximum usage of energy (sometimes close to maximum) or total inactivity.

    Recommended sports. Team sports, long-distance racing, skiing, skating, bicycle riding, auto-sport, etc.

    Emotions and behavior. Straightforward, clear, rough/rigorous, no maneuvering. Not likely to have inner doubts or hesitation. They are sharp and implacable, and their actions are totally predictable. They often end up being the victims of the surroundings – non-dutiful other people, unstable situations and chaotic occurrences.

    EJ – walks very fast in a determined way, doesn’t look on the sides. Other people must step out of his way and make him room. Works rhythmically with a certain cyclic manner, sometimes works too rapidly. In sports, gives all he can give.
    Wonderful. I can't speak for the others, but this is spot-on.
    "Other people must step out of his way and make him room." I didn't know that was type-related.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

  12. #12
    wants to be a writer. silverchris9's Avatar
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    Hmmm... this isn't bad. I sort of agree with the IP one, but geez, way to make me sound like a four-year-old. I mean, I can take care of myself, I'm not listless (except when I am) and I'm not cold towards those I'm not close with; I'm just fake towards those I'm not close with. It's a very important distinction . But yeah, overall these are nice descriptions. The bit that smilingeyes added about IPs controlling their reaction to the emotion and not the emotion itself is dead on for me.
    Not a rule, just a trend.

    IEI. Probably Fe subtype. Pretty sure I'm E4, sexual instinctual type, fairly confident that I'm a 3 wing now, so: IEI-Fe E4w3 sx/so. Considering 3w4 now, but pretty sure that 4 fits the best.

    Yes 'a ma'am that's pretty music...

    I am grateful for the mystery of the soul, because without it, there could be no contemplation, except of the mysteries of divinity, which are far more dangerous to get wrong.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by silverchris9 View Post
    I'm not listless (except when I am) and I'm not cold towards those I'm not close with; I'm just fake towards those I'm not close with.
    I am listless, and I tend to be a bit of a loner, not talking to people unless they talk to me.

    Interesting. Maybe I'm just IP in its pure, unprocessed, unacculturated form

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    You're all just so nerdy and middle class good-natured losers like the group of nerds designed to slay the dragon if they can only get past their differences (more like self-loathing emo ness of not being a real world jcok) and believe in themselves!

    It's pure love. It makes me want to write 5432423 more chapters. Please keep the insecurity coming. *le sigh*

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    Quote Originally Posted by MatthewZ View Post
    I find it hard to believe that introtims could have energy levels as low as described.
    Mine are that low (Ip), have been my entire life.

  16. #16
    wants to be a writer. silverchris9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brian View Post
    I am listless, and I tend to be a bit of a loner, not talking to people unless they talk to me.

    Interesting. Maybe I'm just IP in its pure, unprocessed, unacculturated form
    You could have a point there. I am much more listless when I'm hanging with my betas. But it's a sort of active listlessness. It really is like Beta STs have enough energy for both of us, especially SLEs.

    I'm too desperate for other people who will stomach hanging out with me to be a loner. If I didn't have friends I would have to spend more time in my own head, and I can only stay there for so long. Even writing poetry is an attempt to communicate with another human being. If I stayed in my own head forever, said head would eat itself (metaphorically).
    Not a rule, just a trend.

    IEI. Probably Fe subtype. Pretty sure I'm E4, sexual instinctual type, fairly confident that I'm a 3 wing now, so: IEI-Fe E4w3 sx/so. Considering 3w4 now, but pretty sure that 4 fits the best.

    Yes 'a ma'am that's pretty music...

    I am grateful for the mystery of the soul, because without it, there could be no contemplation, except of the mysteries of divinity, which are far more dangerous to get wrong.

  17. #17
    ladyinred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus View Post
    1. EJ – Extroverted rational (linear-vigorous temperament)

    Energy exchange. Clearly noticeably expends energy. Usually gives all that he has. Works swiftly and intensively. As long as he has strength he recklessly wastes it. He uses up all of his energy and then collapses with exhaustion. There is no middle ground: either maximum usage of energy (sometimes close to maximum) or total inactivity.

    Recommended sports. Team sports, long-distance racing, skiing, skating, bicycle riding, auto-sport, etc.

    Emotions and behavior. Straightforward, clear, rough/rigorous, no maneuvering. Not likely to have inner doubts or hesitation. They are sharp and implacable, and their actions are totally predictable. They often end up being the victims of the surroundings – non-dutiful other people, unstable situations and chaotic occurrences.

    2. EP – Extroverted irrational (flexible-laid back temperament)

    Energy exchange. Highly dependant on external information. They are calm when there is no need to use energy, but they switch on with full power when they need to be active. It’s very difficult for them to keep energy expansion at a high level for a longer period of time. In order to have flexible-laid back temperament, people have to be able to do many activities at the same time. (For example J.Caesar, who was able to read, write and talk at the same time)

    Recommended sports. Body building, wrestling, weightlifting and boxing, shot-putting, hammer throwing, etc.

    Emotions and behavior. The main trait of this temperament is the rapid changes in mood and status. This is how they differ from EJ. They can’t stand routine and predictability. Emotions seem as unexpected flashes in their generally relaxed mood. In a moment rage can turn into indifference. Note that their emotions depend on the external changes, not on the inner psychological reasons. Their behavior is very hard to analyze because it doesn’t follow any linear rules. Instead their behavior resembles a broken curve, because they try to get everything done at the same time. They give an impulse to one activity, continue doing the next activity, etc. (they keep switching between various activities). This is the only way they can get things done and it enables them to achieve a lot more than any other method.

    3. IJ – Introverted rational (balanced-stable temperament)

    Energy Exchange. They always try to conserve energy and keep it for activities that are objectively necessary. They are afraid of excess activity and non-productive exhaustion of their strength. These are the most energy-saving and sensible people. They look restrained and calm and they distance themselves from the meaningless things that happen around them. They are meticulous, and they dislike doing anything differently from the usual pattern. They are very static and inert, but also very steady and they always finish what they started. They can not adapt in rapidly changing and extreme situations. They quickly lose their working capacity and they get ill very often.

    Recommended sports. Yoga and similar healing slow sports, running marathons, etc.

    Emotions and behavior. At first glance, they seem to have no emotions at all because they are just so good at controlling their emotions. Actually they are just waiting for the right moment to let the emotions out to the right people. They can hold on to emotions for a very long time, which is what makes them the most likely to have accumulated stress. This means that they can get stress because they have been gathering emotions, but haven’t been expressing them. They might have random emotional outbursts. The rage of an IJ type is very scary, because he can collect insults for months or even for years. Their behavior is very consistent and predictable. Their actions don’t depend on the changes in the environment, they have their own rigid firm moral and practical norms. When there are conflicts between their norms and the reality, they get nervous and they start bottling up bad emotions. They need activities that amuse/entertain them and give them emotional and physical relaxation.

    4. IP – Introverted irrational (perception-adapting temperament)

    Energy exchange. Energy level is very unstable. They react to discomfort very strongly, which is why they use their energy to avoid unacceptable conditions or to create comfort. On their rare moments of activity, they become similar to the representatives of the EP temperament, but on their moments of inactivity, they seem similar to the representatives of the IJ temperament. They tend to hide from the world and cope with their personal resources, which are bigger than they might seem to others. They are not able to constantly manage with energy exchange rhythm. Their working capacity is smaller than it is for the other temperaments. They only work effectively when they are perceiving the need for it or when there are important circumstances which they can’t ignore. There is no point in pushing those people, because they will seemingly agree with the aggressor, but will find ways to evade their duties. They either can’t or won’t overwork and they don’t share other people’s enthusiasm in principle.

    Recommended sports. Gracefully rhythmic sports (swimming, riding the bicycle) or sprinting (short distance), jumping, etc.

    Emotions and behavior. Highly sensitive to the emotions of others. They can’t stand unstable moods or stormy emotions, which is why they avoid conflict and they try to solve misunderstandings. They don’t try to change the situation, they adapt to it by showing extraordinary ingenuity and flexibility. In relaxing, comfortable and safe situations they bloom, become good and social people. They try to be good towards their surroundings and act in a kind and caring way. They are pleasant and easygoing people in close relations and cold and distant towards all others. It’s necessary to treat them in a caring and attentive way to preserve their vulnerable emotionality and fragile nervous system.

    How to determine a person’s temperament

    The temperament in socionics is a dynamic quantity because it describes the energy consumption process and it shows the volume and speed of the changes in energy expenditure. This is why the temperament can be determined by monitoring the movements and activities of the person. We must observe how that person walks, works and does sports.

    EJ – walks very fast in a determined way, doesn’t look on the sides. Other people must step out of his way and make him room. Works rhythmically with a certain cyclic manner, sometimes works too rapidly. In sports, gives all he can give.

    EP – walks fast, goes around obstacles, keeps changing his walking trajectory. Often stops and looks back and also keeps looking on his sides. Works in a chaotic pattern that only he understands, sometimes works eagerly, sometimes slugs. In sports, he likes to rest and gather his strength between the exercises.

    IJ – walks rhythmically, doesn’t deviate from his trajectory, indifferent to his surroundings. Works slowly, finishes his task before he starts with the next one. In sports, tries to spend as little energy as possible. Does sports slowly without any real enthusiasm or briskness.

    IP – walks in a somewhat limp and gutless way. Walks around obstacles. He’s careful and tries to notice all the obstacles. Tries to finish all the necessary tasks very quickly so he could go back to relaxing. He gets tired very quickly. Moves fluently and tries to relax very often. He enjoys slow rhythmic activities, avoids any kind of heavy load.

    If we are able to successfully determine the persons temperament, we will narrow possible types down to only 4 types. It is obvious why temperament is so important in socionics type diagnosis. It is also a very simple method: you just have to be observant and you have to have theoretical socionics knowledge.

    Smilingeyes's comments

    The IJ emotion description doesn't seem to be very good. I don't see anything in it that doesn't apply to IPs as well. To me it seems that the following is true, but I'd love to get feed-back on this...

    The IJ is better able to control his feelings, the outside events have less of an impact on him and he is able to directly effect what goes on in his head, concentrate on what he perceives to be important and ignore everything else. This self-limiting of his informational input means that when something occurs, that might be upsetting to others, it's quite possible that the IJ doesn't even register it happened. He wards the events completely from his world. But sometimes something has a direct effect to those factors that the IJ has chosen to be important and this can not be ignored. Things that affect these select few things, will get an enormous reaction unlike anything others are capable of creating.

    The IP on the other hand does not control his feelings as much as his reaction to them. When something emotionally upsetting happens, the IP does not ward it away like the IJ, he notices it, and he soaks it, like a sponge. He acts as if there was no amount of weight that he was unable to bear and he will continue through any adversity. Yet sometimes his self-control slips, either because he's been surprised or he's tired or drunk or whatever and then he starts leaking pathos. He generally actively controls the amount of stress he gets to avoid crossing this border.

    Yet the previous was based on thinking style IJs and IPs respectively and I expect needs revision for the feelers.

    The IP seems to care about everything related to the task he is interested in. He is engrossed like as if he were a part of the task himself. This is when he likes what he is doing.

    The IJ on the other hand doesn't seem to care, or allow himself to care about the "frivolous" parts of a task. He cares only about "the important parts" of the task. Yet over those he needs greater control than the IP. He is not absorbed by the task but rather he is single-minded in his pursuit of the task. While the IP "is one with the task" to the IJ the important things seem to appear as an abstraction, a simplification, rather than as the thing an sich. This capability gives the IJ greater command over his understanding of the matter.
    This is very good.

    Quote Originally Posted by silverchris9 View Post
    You could have a point there. I am much more listless when I'm hanging with my betas. But it's a sort of active listlessness. It really is like Beta STs have enough energy for both of us, especially SLEs.

    I'm too desperate for other people who will stomach hanging out with me to be a loner. If I didn't have friends I would have to spend more time in my own head, and I can only stay there for so long. Even writing poetry is an attempt to communicate with another human being. If I stayed in my own head forever, said head would eat itself (metaphorically).
    I am the same way. Must be why we love Se so much

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