
I've recently done a few tests and consistently score as an infp. A lot of the descriptions seem quite spot on so I've been reading up on it and I came across a peice that said 'blah-de-blah-de-blah but this does not stop them from becoming sloppy mechanics, sloppy engineers, sloppy programmers'. As someone who has been a programmer for over a decade this is both incredibly spot on and worrying. I've been feeling totally miserable in my work for sometime now, I enjoy starting new projects and get extremely excited by the prospects but the actual implementation bogs me down, I get frustrated, easily distracted and the whole thing ends up a mess and this in turn makes me depressed. I currently spend half my day procrastinating and surfing the net and I've got an increasingly impending sense of doom that this will be noticed at some stage and I'll end up getting the sack but I just can't motivate myself. In short, I'm a bit of a mess.

Looking over the preferred career-types for infps there are certainly some that appeal, has anyone else been in a non-suitable career and made a change one more suited to there type and whats been your experiences?
