I've done a study here which contradicts Gulenko's Law of Quadra Sucession : oldforumlinkviewtopic.php?t=11513

I have done some research recently, basing myself on my research on connexions between Socionics and Spiral Dynamics, basing myself this time on Graves' Learning Systems.


Levels of learning are :

1. Habituation
2. Classical (Pavlovian) Conditioning
3. Operant (Skinnerian) Conditioning
4. Avoidance Learning
5. Expectancy Learning (mainly based on trial & error)
6. Observation Learning

Graves stopped here. Chris Cowan then said :

7. Informational Learning
8. Experiential Learning

The 16 aspects of socionics include 8 aspects of perception. Let's suppose Learning does first by Sensing. First four levels are :

1. +
2. +
3. -
4. -

But here, Sensing isn't anymore capable of managing complexity, so Learning System will switch to Intuition, to handle more approximative, but larger streams of data.

5. +
6. +
7. -
8. -