• LSE (ESTj) Socionics Type Description by Stratiyevskaya

    LSE (ESTj) Profile by Stratiyevskaya

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    See also:
    Extended LSE Profile by Stratiyevskaya
    Wikisocion - LSE profiles
    LSE observations
    LSE in pictures
    Socionics Type Tests
    Type examples in videos

    Te Block of Ego, 1st position, Program function: "Logic of Actions"

    LSE relies first of all on his personal volitional qualities, on his leadership and organizational skills, on his ability to exact from others and invest his personal efforts, on his skill to manage and distribute resources and use reserves, independent of objective economic conditions, regardless of whether they are favorable or not. The main factor is that they are stable. (In contrast to the LIE, who relies primarily on his strong intuition and his ability to adapt to constantly changing conditions, using them for his own benefit; on taking advantage of favorable objective conditions and possibilities.)

    Representatives of this type are distinguished by exceptional capacity for work and an high level of activity. The volume of their work is not limited by time nor the extend of their own powers. Impression is created, that they want do over all the tasks that enter their field of sight.

    Their business activity is limitless and inexhaustible. When they start working on something, they will be constantly "opening up" new tasks and possibilities for themselves – thus they dive into the process of work as if they are digging out a "vein of gold".

    Any type of professional occupation or work they drive to the highest degree of professionalism. The volume of their practical and technical knowledge is usually quite impressive. In any matter, they are distinguished by exceptional exactingness and selflessness: "Everything that I do, I do well". "Victory awaits those, who keep everything in order – this is called success" (Roald Amundsen).

    Their entire purpose of life is in work, in labor, in their involvement in the occupations that they have selected. People of this type usually do not understand, how it is possible to "work at half-strength". They in principle do not accept or recognize an irresponsible attitude towards one's chores and assignments. Those who work "haphazardly" in their understanding are not even people. Their relation to various kinds of "freeloaders" and "slackers" goes without mention – for them these people exist at the opposite earth pole. (At an old age, LSEs usually no longer has the strength to fight with them – one cannot eradicate all "evil" in the world, there are more important matters.)

    LSE considers selfless labor to be the norm. Therefore, as a rule, he is reluctant to give out praises and encouragement. (Instructors of this type usually assign twice the volume of work). The only thing that LSE encourages is reciprocal initiative (If he assigned to do the problem in two versions, and you made four – you're a fine person, but the next time these four versions will be a standard expected of you.) Of course, it is possible to orient the LSE to assign a smaller amount of work (this is magnificently accomplished by his conflictor, the IEI), but such an attitude usually puts the LSE on his guard and makes him feel worried – as time passes, work starts to accumulate.

    An enormous work load LSE considers to be the way of things - both for himself and for others. Only to closest people, and in the rarest moments, does he complain about feeling tired and burned out. (Overloads, strain and stress accompany these people their entire life.)

    Usually, LSE sees when someone cannot do a task, then he takes it over and does it himself, meanwhile in detail showing and explaining how it needs to be done. (LSE in contrast to SLE does not teach others "how to live" - he teaches them "how to do" and accomplish various tasks and matters.)

    Regarding invention of various methods and procedures, representatives of this type have no competition. Positive quality of LSE's methods of operation - ability to maximally use the available reserves and possibilities. (For example, an instructor of this type may require solution of complex problems to be done by most accessible means, otherwise, in his opinion, you won't learn how to accomplish this task.)

    The effectiveness of LSE's procedures often amazes with the results! Making use of the minimum of possibilities, he achieves exceptional results relying only on this methods and means and quantity of effort invested.

    Developing their tactics and methods, LSEs subconsciously seek people, who know how to allocate their forces, opportunities, and time (which are qualities of his dual, the EII). This factor must be granted attentive consideration - otherwise, following LSE's procedures and methods can lead to an overstrain on the part of whoever is carrying them out. In such cases, under no circumstances should the failures be attributed to "dubiousness" of LSE's methods. Such accusations are exceptionally painful for him, but also they will be incorrect at their roots: never and under no circumstances does the LSE recommend something of which he has not become personally sure on basis of experience, many times testing it in practice. Therefore, one should never criticize him for "impractical" or "irresponsible" advice and counsel - such advice he in principle is incapable of providing. (Another matter - if someone understood something incorrectly, but this is not LSE's fault.)

    Representatives of this type are characterized by high conscientiousness and personal responsibility. That which they promise, they will always carry out under any circumstances. They cannot promise and then not deliver. LSEs are pedantic and demanding in everything, which also extends to mutual commitments. They are usually very disciplined and executive. LSEs does not like when someone refers to them with a minor, trifling matter or request, since they relate very seriously to any requests. They themselves never seek anyone's help without good enough causes for it. They prefer to solve their problems by their own forces and the same they want to see in others.

    They don't believe in easy success. The value of any work, any creation or production for them is measures by a quantity of efforts invested. "If everything seems too easy, this shows that the artisan is unskillful and the work is above his understanding" (Lednardo da Vinci). If work is carried out too quickly, LSE begins to search for deficiencies and defects, and, as a rule, he will find them.

    LSE is good at evaluating the level of professionalism and business qualities of his colleagues. (Sometimes, however, they fall for ostentatious enthusiasm.) They highly value competence in knowledge in different fields. They themselves frequently impress with comprehensive erudition.

    Any aspect of work is evaluated from the point of its reasonableness and appropriateness. They rarely undertake useless matters. Their own actions are weighed first of all by their reasonableness and by LSE's objective interests.

    They magnificently organize the technical conditions for maximally productive work.

    LSE is not capable to sit without something to do - he is constantly ready for activity. Representatives of this type usually possess exceptional, even excessive, energy. (If, for example, he organizes his co-workers to do some common work, he will actively participate in it himself.)

    Not spoiled and pampered, and not a shirker. Always demanding of himself and of others. His attention is constantly turned towards deficiencies, defects, inadequacies, absences, and unresolved problems. He criticizes colleagues for insufficient activity, for lack of initiative and constructive enthusiasm.

    In work he is characterized by irreproachable accuracy and precision. The quality control aspect of work he does not entrust to anyone - he will check both himself and his co-workers. His work doesn't even need to be rechecked.

    The quality of his own work he does not consider to be the limit of perfection. If someone carries out work more qualitatively than him, he is sincerely glad of this fact, but does not like if the person proceeds to brag.

    Reporting on work done, he does not forget to openly list all that has been accomplished, turn attention to successes and achievements.

    Does not allow his mood to influence his productivity. (However, his poor moods and irascibility usually have an effect on his colleagues and others in his environment.)

    Carrying out crucial tasks, he never relies on improvisation, luck, or inspiration, but only on timely start and hard work. (However, LSE is usually uneasy with the concept of "timely start" - sometimes he begins too early, when the process of preparation is not yet finished, and he does not have sufficient information pertaining to the forthcoming matter.)

    Any matter he attempts to bring to completion and will not allow for work to be abandoned in the middle of the process. (Although, if he is overloaded by other tasks, he can ask someone else to finish his work, but he does so extremely rarely and unwillingly.) He does not like, when while he is working on one incomplete task he is assigned with another.

    Si Block of Ego, 2nd position, Creative function: "Sensing of Experiences"

    Representatives of this type place value on aesthetics. Everything that LSE does must be impeccable - his techniques and craftsmanship are subject to constant improvement.

    Impression is created that he is set to beat all records and feels greatly disappointed, if the quality of his work does not correspond to his own creative standards: "Not a single human hand is able to bring the work to complete perfection" (Leonardo da Vinci)*. And nevertheless the aspiration for aesthetical perfection is characteristic of representatives of this type.
    [*By some accounts, Leonardo da Vinci's type is LIE.]

    LSE greatly appreciates aesthetics in his own way of life. Regardless of his occupation, be he a minister or an unskilled worker, LSE is always composed, tidy and neat in his clothing and general appearance.

    Representatives of this type know how to handle and wear clothing with exceptional care, such that one garment or set serves them for many years and continues looking new much to surprise of others. He dresses in high-quality, appropriate and elegant clothing, without pretentiousness and excesses. To follow the latest fashions is usually not his domain. (In his tastes, LSE is usually conservative and adheres to his own standards.)

    His main style is classical, though it is characterized by solidness and high quality ("expensive modesty"). Many LSE women love professional style, inconspicuous, but expensive adornments. Cosmetic and the perfumes they select with taste and care. (A distinguishing feature of LSE-women - their ability to preserve their beauty and good looks into the old age.)

    Tastes and habits LSE changes reluctantly and slowly. He refers with suspicion to new taste sensations, and often with some prejudice. Each time, trying an unknown dish, he preemptively inquires what it is and how it was prepared. If, in his understanding, it is not edible, he tactfully turns it down. LSE doesn't easily get bored of his usual, habitual food; its monotony does not depress him.

    Representatives of this type are distinguished by upstanding posture and widely spread shoulders. They walk with a proudly raised head; if they turn, they usually do so with their entire body. Men of this type are characterized by a determined, courageous, military-like bearing, even if they have never served in the army.

    LSE is just as demanding of the external appearance of others as he is of his own: he may turn down a prospective employee who arrived at the interview disheveled and unkempt, even if this person is a specialist of high class and has outstanding recommendations.

    Beauty, refinement, aesthetics, splendid taste matter to representatives of this type. This is what they want to see in their surrounding, what they will strive to create with their own hands.

    Family dinner they may conduct as a holiday event. Best dishes are served on the table, special dishes are prepared - everything must be at the highest level (for some even everyday supper is turned into a ceremony).

    It would be superfluous to describe what splendid cooks, craftspersons and artisans are made of women of this type. Moreover, LSEs often take additional courses to learn different kinds of crafts, which sometimes sharply changes their professional orientation. (For example, teacher of mathematics started taking drawing lessons, then she learned how to compose bouquets, then took courses in ceramics and pottery, then she developed and patented her own ceramic technique, then she opened a ceramic shop for production of dishes, after which she requalified for a new profession in production of ceramic sculpture and souvenirs.)

    Cleanliness, order, high-quality comfort - these are the requirements of LSEs living quarters. In his house, there must be everything that may come needed in all cases of life. ("My house - my fortress.") In his house you won't find empty shelves nor an empty refrigerator. LSE remembers which reserves need to be replenished. Any excesses and surpluses may be kept for a long time; LSE is prompted to rid of them only in cases when he is confident that they cannot be somehow utilized. He purchases products only of best quality, without considering the price, but in small quantities. (So that he wouldn't have to throw them out.)

    The household is taken care of and managed very economically and prudently.

    LSE tries to look after his health, does not neglect himself. Places great significance on preventive measures and on need for physical exercise.

    He does not like to fall sick and usually ends his sick leave as soon as he starts feeling better. (If his subordinated take more than three-four days on sick leave, he interprets it as desertion from the working front.)

    Representatives of this type are characterized by exceptional endurance and retain splendid physical form into the old age. (LSE who complains about his health is a very rare phenomenon, and only in cases of serious problems.)

    Enjoys journeys, active and comfortable leisure. Regularly attends exhibitions, shows and theater premiers. Keeps in the course of cultural and public life.

    Ne Block of SuperId, 6th position, Activating function: "Intuition of Possibilities"

    If representatives of this type don't always keep up with the times, and the ticking of the clock that is constantly "biting off minutes" constantly holds them under pressure, then the creative thought of many of them considerably anticipates the concurrent events.

    However fantastic and far-fetched is his flight of thought, the LSE is never torn away from reality for too long.

    Even if not every representative of this type has an occupation that deals with research and development, each of them will listen with much interest to a story of some novel, bizarre phenomena. (Of course, that is if the source of information is sufficiently authoritative.)

    The LSE respects and values people, who know how to generate captivating and original notions and ideas and who are capable of nontrivial thought. He treats projects and proposals of others with respect, and expects the same for himself. He feels inspired by any real possibility to actualize his creative strivings and scientific ideas. And vice versa - the absence of potentialities and tangents impedes his activity (if not completely paralyzes him).

    The LSE needs people capable of opening and developing his creative potential, of accurately evaluating his abilities and talents, helping him actualize himself. Specifically, this kind of help is rendered by his dual, Dostoyevsky, who enthusiastically listens to his notions, ideas and undertakings, and who is capable of inspiring and encouraging his creative inclinations with his compliments and praises, and supporting his dual during setbacks and difficult moments. (EII, who usually does not like to make requests for himself, will support and reinforce the projects of LSE with exceptional energy.)

    LSE refers with a lot of attention and the interest to forecasts and prognoses - he listens to the opinion of people who know how to foresee the course of events in the future (especially, if this ability is based on experience and objective considerations). Any study, project, or science that makes it possible to make accurate prognoses elicits LSE's interest and respect.

    The LSE takes into consideration opinions of people who are capable of discerning the ethical potential of a person, his moral qualities, preferences and inclinations. (Logical and sensory potential, intellectual and practical abilities, the LSE recognizes wonderfully well for himself.)

    He knows how to test his abilities and possibilities. In a challenging, competitive situation, the LSE does not wither, but to the contrary he feels a "sporting ardor", which mobilizes his forces, and, whatever transpires in such a situation, the LSE keeps up magnificent composure and self-control.

    The LSE typically does not envy other people's successes, but feels happy for them because he considers that success does not come unduly and the person must have somehow earned it. (Although he dislikes arrogant, ambitious parvenus, who count on easy success, as well as those who try to attain popularity at any price.)

    The LSE does not criticize and condemn too harshly for failure, but to the contrary will try to cheer up and to support a person whose work and efforts for whichever reason have not been fairly judged by their merit.

    He dislikes when someone tries to prick and goad him by calling his attention to successes of others: success for him is not a goal into itself - it is necessary to work well in the process, and success will then arrive by itself.

    Criticisms of his abilities the LSE does not receive well, since he does everything possible and impossible in order to develop them. (Not every "Stierlitz" will attain professional or creative success, but each of them takes development of own abilities very seriously.)

    Fi Block of SuperId, 5th position, Suggestive function: "Ethics of Relations"

    Building personal interrelations for representatives of this type is very difficult. Subconsciously they are oriented to the system of the ethical values of their dual, the EII. Therefore their personal system of interrelations bears a somewhat idealistic nature. With whomever LSEs build relations, they are oriented at the presence of such qualities as tactfulness, delicacy, thoroughness, principality even over minor things, agreeableness, ingratiating attitude i.e., all those qualities, which are characteristic of the ethical program of their dual, Dostoyevsky.

    Naturally, the actual reality constantly disappoints Shtirlits. After analyzing previous disappointing experiences, they become even more careful in the formation of new relations. They befriend people rather uneasily, try not to impose their company, talk about their personal life very little and unwillingly.

    Very reserved - it is possible to work alongside with the LSE for several years and still know very little about this person. In communication, they hold large psychological distance. Outwardly they are quite distrustful and inclined towards suspiciousness. Nevertheless they don't permit themselves to conduct "honesty" checks - they consider this dishonorable for themselves and insulting for their partner. They consider that if someone has abused their confidence and trust, let this remain on this person's conscience. (If, for example, Shtirlits suspects someone of his subordinates of ill-intended actions, he will give a general warning to the entire collective, counting on the members of the group to uncover the wrong-doings and oust the troublemaker. Matters take a turn for the worst, if the group turns against him personally. Shtirlits waits out a certain time, hoping that the "main conspirators" will commit some obvious mistake and then it will be possible to disarm them and dismantle their plot, or that one of the members of the association will oppose and extinguish the sentiment. If neither that nor this occurs, he fires everyone.)

    Any manifestation of dishonorableness, meanness, treachery, dishonesty, cheating are agonizing for the LSE. (Shtirlits in respect to ethics is generally very susceptible and can be deeply wounded. He covers up his internal vulnerability with external severity and inaccessibility.)

    The abuse of his confidence is very unpleasant for the LSE. Moreover, the matter here is not in his pride and ambition, but in the fact that its ethical code has been affected. Shtirlits is subconsciously oriented at trustworthiness in people. Trust and decency he considers to be the standard in relations. A person not in possession of such qualities, in his understanding, is immoral, a villain, and should be treated correspondingly.

    Shtirlits knows how to recognize his errors and fault (although this greatly strains him, for such an acknowledgement, as a rule, comes with deep feeling and suffering), thus he does not avoid responsibility. Directness and honesty are the most prominently displayed features of LSE's ethics. Woe is to him who forces Shtirlis to answer for another's fault - at his own will, he can "cover" for whomever he wishes (for whom he thinks it's necessary), but shudder to think what will happen if someone sets him up, even due to a misunderstanding. (Although this will be considered a "softening" circumstance, nevertheless Shtirlits will conduct the most thorough investigation, until he discovers the true motives of act.)

    Relations with people who have disappointed him, LSE breaks without any regrets and tries not to think of them henceforth. Any references concerning such people are extremely unpleasant for him. (When he is reminded of them, he puckers and turns away.)

    When someone tries to aggravate and sort out relations, Shtirlist perceives as a declaration of war: he mobilizes and energetically begins devising a plan of actions in the prevailing situation. Moreover this war usually goes on "to the victorious end" and costs him an enormous amount of efforts and nerves, which subsequently affects his health.

    Shtirlits sometimes exacerbates relations himself and sufficiently quickly acquires a number of enemies. Therefore, the ethical program of his EII dual has a rescuing and preserving effect for LSE's own "problematic" ethical program, since it orients Shtirlits towards mutual amiability and understanding, mercy, grace. Dostoyevsky teaches Shtirlits to be magnanimous, to know how to forgive, he "softens" Shtirlits, smooths out the sharp and painful aspects of his relations. Next to his dual, Shtirlits is calmed, seeing before himself the ethical example of Dostoyevsky, who knows how to humbly endure any setbacks and disappointments and not become unsympathetic. The idealistic principles of Dostoyevsky are embodies into reality when they are followed by his dual, Shtirlits.

    Source: http://socionika-forever.blogspot.co...post_3117.html
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Stratiyevskaya: ESTj started by Expat View original post
    Comments 13 Comments
    1. Beautiful sky's Avatar
      Beautiful sky -
      Quote Originally Posted by above View Post
      The selfless labor Of shtirlits is considered standard Therefore, as a rule, it is meager to the praise and the encouragement (instructors of this type usually is assigned work in the dual volume) only, which does encourage Shtirlits, this counter initiative (if it it did charge to make a task in two versions, and you it did make into four - fine person, but following time these four versions they will be already your standard) of course it is possible to orient Shtirlitsa, also, to that so that it would give the smaller volume of work (that magnificently it does know how to make its conflict? Esenin), but its this orientation usually pricks up ears and greatly he disturbs - time departs, and work is accumulated.
      What does this say?
      @WorkaholicsAnon, learn from me my dear, never take on more than what you can handle; the above says that if LSE sees that you're handling 2xs the work they make that a standard for you for all time. Heck no. Girl you'll be working your ass off even when you're tire.

      Quote Originally Posted by above View Post
      And if the partner Of shtirlitsa is his dual Dostoyevsky, the spent efforts worthily and entirely reward.
      I absolutely try
    1. Suz's Avatar
      Suz -
      Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
      What does this say?
      @WorkaholicsAnon, learn from me my dear, never take on more than what you can handle; the above says that if LSE sees that you're handling 2xs the work they make that a standard for you for all time. Heck no. Girl you'll be working your ass off even when you're tire.

      I absolutely try
      You're very right about that maritsa, but I also have a hard time estimating how much time things will take me to do; also sometimes one just can't say no... especially if I like them and want to help out and they're like BEGGING. The nice thing is that at least, even when I'm beating myself up not meeting my own expectations of myself, the LSEs in my life admire me for being hardworking and conscientious, so at least i'm appreciated.

      But you're right, i do need to improve that way... for the sake of my own health and sanity.
    1. Beautiful sky's Avatar
      Beautiful sky -
      Does the second part say that IEI is given work and ignores it or that IEI makes sure that LSE does less work hence the result is that less work is done and so work accumulates?

      Someone please help
    1. silke's Avatar
      silke -
      @Maritsa it says that IEI is able to influence the LSE to be less demanding, usually by indicating the insignificance of any given action or task.

      There was a thread on Russian socionics forums where a few posters were sharing phrases for subtly getting their LSE bosses off their backs lol, especially in cases when the later would start calling them home late in the evening to give them more assignments, or telling them to take a portion of work home because they piled up too much for the day and come back in the morning with finished result.
    1. Beautiful sky's Avatar
      Beautiful sky -
      Quote Originally Posted by siuntal View Post
      @Maritsa it says that IEI is able to influence the LSE to be less demanding, usually by indicating the insignificance of any given action or task.

      There was a thread on Russian socionics forums where a few posters were sharing phrases for subtly getting their LSE bosses off their backs lol, especially in cases when the later would start calling them home late in the evening to give them more assignments, or telling them to take a portion of work home because they piled up too much for the day and come back in the morning with finished result.
      How is that possible since LSE know how to arrange work for productivity and relaxation?

      So LSE's conflict influences them to be less demanding? Isn't that a positive thing and one better suited for duality?
    1. silke's Avatar
      silke -
      Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
      How is that possible since LSE know how to arrange work for productivity and relaxation?
      They don't, have you read the Ni/PoLR section of that profile?

      Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
      So LSE's conflict influences them to be less demanding? Isn't that a positive thing and one better suited for duality?
      Not in the manner that IEIs do it - indicating to a LSE or ESE that their activities are pointless has an extinguishing effect on them and makes them feel demotivated at best, annoyed at worst. Stratiyevskaya mentioned in that profile that EII is able to accomplish the same by teaching the LSE to be more sensitive to himself and others, by making him be more considerate of "humanity" in himself and other people, which is the right approach instead of telling them that they being fussy for nothing. It's how the EII promotes integration of LSE's suggestive Fi, in theory.
    1. Beautiful sky's Avatar
      Beautiful sky -
      Quote Originally Posted by siuntal View Post

      Not in the manner that IEIs do it - indicating to a LSE or ESE that their activities are pointless has an extinguishing effect on them and makes them feel demotivated at best, annoyed at worst. Stratiyevskaya mentioned in that profile that EII is able to accomplish the same by teaching the LSE to be more sensitive to himself and others, by making him be more considerate of "humanity" in himself and other people, which is the right approach instead of telling them that they being fussy for nothing. It's how the EII promotes integration of LSE's suggestive Fi, in theory.
      Yes, some of them don't listen or respond because they have boundaries and set up cold barriers between themselves and me.
    1. Absurd's Avatar
      Absurd -
      Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
      Yes, some of them don't listen or respond because they have boundaries and set up cold barriers between themselves and me.
      Those LSEs, ehhh. I would shoot them.
    1. Beautiful sky's Avatar
      Beautiful sky -
      It's nice to reread this thread every once in a while.
    1. DirectorAbbie's Avatar
      DirectorAbbie -
      @Maritsa I've called you back to read it again. Have fun.
    1. Beautiful sky's Avatar
      Beautiful sky -
      Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
      @Maritsa I've called you back to read it again. Have fun.

    1. Muddy's Avatar
      Muddy -
      "LSE in contrast to SLE does not teach others "how to live" - he teaches them "how to do" and accomplish various tasks and matters."

      This is by far the best sentence I've seen that illustrates difference between SLE/LSE. SLE wants to control the lifestyle of their partners, i.e what their political/religious affiliations are, what they do in their free time, how they manage their living space, etc. The LSE wants show and instruct people solutions the are specific to the matters at hand, and are much less concerned about trying to alter the habits of their partner.

    1. Beautiful sky's Avatar
      Beautiful sky -
      Quote Originally Posted by Ares View Post
      "LSE in contrast to SLE does not teach others "how to live" - he teaches them "how to do" and accomplish various tasks and matters."

      This is by far the best sentence I've seen that illustrates difference between SLE/LSE. SLE wants to control the lifestyle of their partners, i.e what their political/religious affiliations are, what they do in their free time, how they manage their living space, etc. The LSE wants show and instruct people solutions the are specific to the matters at hand, and are much less concerned about trying to alter the habits of their partner.

      LSE will get upset if their partner is voting democrat if they are republican. And, will continue to throw how stupid and misguided they are to their face for a long time. What LSE won't do is walk away from the relationship because of it.