• Aspects Semantics (Prokofieva)

    Aspect Semantics

    T. Prokofieva
    Source: http://en.socionics.ru/index.php?opt...254&Itemid=137
    You know, we cannot foresee
    The echo of words pronounced.
    F.I. Tyutchev

    The matter of aspects semantics is one of the main matters of socionics. If socionics is the science of information metabolism, then its subject is the information exchange. Certainly, we communicate with each other both verbally and non-verbally. And a great role in information transfer belongs to gestures, mimics, and also the very image of the person speaking. But we can not deny the most important role of words in the information exchange.

    Watching attentively the representatives of different types of information metabolism (TIM) we notice typical words for each TIM and reactions to them. One and the same word will activate one TIM, will cause irritation with another one, will upset the third one and so on in accordance to the force and deep understanding of the corresponding function.

    According to this a socionics expert should know the results of his influence. Then we can foresee the effect of our words on different TIM representatives or at least understand post factum what happened when people did not understand each other, got insulted and quarreled not intending to do so. Analyzing all this “mess” caused by misunderstanding we give them a chance to reconcile with each other and not make such mistakes again. This can be called socionic diagnostics or even wider – socionic conflictology allowing to find a way out of conflicts or to prevent them.
    A word hurts, we should not forget that. Especially, if we find ourselves in socionically unfavourable relationships which each of us inevitably comes across in our life. The knowledge of socionics does not take responsibility off us and a person knowing socionics cannot afford conflicts with a person because of unfavourable intertype relationships.

    To study this, it is necessary to understand clearly which words are related to certain socionic aspects. This matter has not been studied well enough yet. That is why we speak about the things known by the present time. There are terms (words and phrases) which could be this or that way related to one of the aspects. These are, for example, time, history, generations relationships, future, past, prognosis – related to intuition of time ().

    We will give examples of reactions of 3 different TIM representatives to these words. It is important to demonstrate here how differently people react to one and the same words.
    • Socionics experts can often observe a logical-intuitive extrovert (LIE; ) with his slogan “Time does not wait!” trying to put as many events as he can in a short period of time; a logical-sensoric extrovert (LSE; ) being afraid of missing something, accurately keeping his diary; an intuitive-ethical introvert (IEI;) without any visible effort finding himself in a right place at a correct moment.
    Try to use one of the above mentioned words while talking with each of them and watch attentively their reactions. You will see: LIE () will experience burst of creative energy, LSE () will feel anxiety, IEI () will be calmly confident.

    Other word groups will cause their own specific reactions with different type representatives. These reactions could be foreseen with the knowledge of information distribution for aspects and also with the knowledge of the place of the according function, processing the information of the certain aspect, in the type model. All this is studied in the socionics part called “Aspects semantics”.

    Thus, aspects semantics meaning is necessary:
    • in diagnostics of socionic type;
    • in diagnostics of a person’s problems;
    • in diagnostics of interpersonal conflicts;
    • in building effective interaction between people of different types.
    Correspondence of information aspects with Jung’s functions has been proved experimentally in observations of many years. That is Jung’s colossal practice and the great work by Aushra Augustinavichuite [1], by her students and stalwarts. We come across the first semantic tables in Medvedev’s, Vaisband’s (Onufrienko’s) works. Such research are going on till present time, articles on this theme are published from time to time. Big work on a vocabulary compiling is done by V.D. Ermak in Kiev [2]. Many other socionics suggest their own semantic tables.

    Different socionic schools have not agreed on many matters, attributing of one or another word to one or another aspect is being discussed. Possibly, an outside observer is reminded by this situation of Mitrofanushka’s efforts to answer the question whether the word “door” is a noun or an adjective. He makes a serious conclusion that if a door is applied to its place, then it is an adjective but if it just exists in a store-room, that means it is a noun. It seems funny but it resembles the modern state of affairs with studying socionic aspects semantics. At present semantic matters are at a stage of scientific research. And how can one study new things not making mistakes or not suggesting different ideas? How can one understand the things nobody has ever understood? So, we have to study and suggest different versions.

    Here we will give our variant of typical terms of socionic aspects, basing first of all on works by A. Augustinavichuite [1, 3] and I.D. Vaisband [4] and proved by our practice of socionic diagnostics and consulting.

    We will inscribe two things helping to disclose the aspect contents into the description of each.
    1. General question to the aspect (by I.D. Vaisband).
    2. General verb (by R.K. Sedykh [5]. With my small comments.
    Table. Aspects semantics.
    Aspect Aspect semantics Question Verb
    Logics of actions ;P
    Profit, movement, action, knowledge, method, mechanism, use, deed, work, reason, technology, fact, expediency, economics What to do? Is being done
    Logics of relationships ;L
    Analysis, law, hierarchy, dimension, classification, understanding, order, right, distance, system, structure, formal logics What is the main? Is being calculated, proved
    Ethics of emotions ;E
    Excitation, mood, indult, panic, emotional experience, weeping, stimulus to action, joy, romanticism, laughter, anxiety, peoples’ emotions, enthusiasm What is good? Is being emotionally experienced
    Ethics of relationships ;R
    Good – evil, love – hatred, morality, morals, attraction – repulsion, decency, sympathy – antipathy, a skill not to hurt, humaneness, feelings What does one like? Is being felt
    Intuition of opportunities ;I
    Suddenly, inner structure, uncertainty, search, potential opportunity, ability, essence, integral perception, chance What is perspective? Being perceived on the whole
    Intuition of time ; T
    Time, history, generations relationships, planning, prognosis, past – future, processes development in time, rhythm, speed, hurry What will happen?
    What happened?
    Being anticipated
    Will sensorics ;F
    Power, influence, appearance, will, wishes, beauty, mass, complete readiness for actions, strength, tactics, territory, form, colour What is needed?
    What is beautiful?
    Being seen
    Sensorics of perception ;S
    Harmony, “now and here”, health, quality, comfort, pleasantness, state of health, convenience, satisfaction, cosiness, aesthetics What is now?
    What is pleasant?
    Is being sensed

    The table contains only short descriptions of information aspects for the general idea about them, the more full variant can be found further. The words are grouped by the factors (homogenious in meaning). A number of term given below is not full either. We give only the main terms which let us form the general idea of the semantics of each aspect of information about the world. As we deepen our knowledge of aspects the list can be continued.

    Jung: “In reality we use the terms existing in the language, clear and easily understood by everyone. If, for example, I am talking about “thinking”, only a philosopher does not know what I mean, but any amateur will find it clear; we use this word daily and every time mean the same by it. However, if we ask an amateur to give the exact definition to thinking, he will find himself in a very difficult situation . The same is true about “memory” or “feeling”. As it is difficult to define scientifically such direct psychological terms, so much they are easy for understanding in everyday language..” [6].

    Logics of Actions

    Action – movement, activity, transfer, deed, achievement.
    Knowledge – qualifications, method, skills, fact, erudition.
    Work – business team, instrument, mechanism, process of production, technology, ability to work, functioning.
    Reason – adequacy, profit, common sense, use, pragmatism, reasonable actions, rationality, rationalism, expediency, effectiveness.
    Economics – enterprise, worth, ability to do with money, price.

    Logics of Relationships

    Dimension – more-less, long – short, parameter, distance, commensurability, comparison, standard.
    Understanding – analysis, detail, synthesis, universality.
    Order – leveling, classification, control, sequence, to range, strictness, register.
    System – regularity, hierarchy, organization, cause and effect relations, theory.
    Structure – positional relationship of objects, interrelations, construction, subordination, position, correlation, chart.
    Formal logics – algorithm, distance, proof, “if – then”, law, instruction, informatics, cybernetics, mathematics, official relations, rights and duties, rules (including etiquette), programming, equality, justice, statistics, equation.

    Ethics of Emotions

    Agitation – fervour, indignation, nervousness, dormancy, pressing, emotional experience, depression, calmness, passion, ecstasy.
    Stimulus to action – inner impulses, mood, determination, fanaticism, energy, enthusiasm.
    Expressing emotions – artistry, hot temper, impetuosity, intonation, use of superlatives in speech (ugly, sinister, remarkable, disgusting, charming, marvelous, spectacular), weeping, restraint, ability to control emotions.
    People’s emotions - admiration, wrath, mood, insult, panic, sorrow, joy, romanticism, fear, anxiety.

    Ethics of Relationships (R)

    Moral categories – good – evil, ideology, morals, morality, decency, religion, conscience, good – bad.
    Attraction – obtrusiveness, tiresomness, dislike, repulsion, attachment, psychological distance, inclination.
    Feelings expression – undue familiarity, tactfulness, diplomacy, mercy, tenderness, indulgence, tolerance, ability not to hurt, humaneness.
    Feelings – kindness, envy, anger, love – hatred, sympathy – antipathy, compassion.
    Peoples’ relationships – animosity, friendship.

    Intuition of Opportunities (I)

    Seeing opportunities – insight, feeling of unity and interrelation of processes, striving for coming to the point, integral perception.
    Opportunities – viability, potential, resource, abilities, talent, chance.
    Uncertainty – suddenly, “pie in the sky”, somebody, polysemy, maybe, perhaps, unusual, unexpectedness, paradox, something.
    Search – choice, hypothesis, guess, intention, ideas, invention, find, irradiation, optimality, discovery, supposition.
    Gist – inner structure, real feature, basis, openness, contents, essence, publicity, simplicity, purity.

    Intuition of Time

    Time – future – past, time interval, uptime, some day, moment, pause, period, later, duration, timeliness, deadline.
    Doing with time – to wait – to catch up, generations relationships, time esteem, planning, prevention, accuracy, time management, to hurry, strategy.
    Prognosis – perspective, foresight, retrospective.
    Processes development in time – genealogy, changeability, history, youth – old age, be about to happen, sequence of events, the present, getting experience, development, earlier – later, epochs changing, evolution.
    Speed – fast – slowly, deceleration, rhythm, soon – long, tempo, acceleration.

    Will Sensorics (F)

    Possession – wish, ownership, to defend, alignment of forces, striving, sphere of influence, tactics, territory, ability to take the area, feeling of being a master, expansion, “I want”.
    External qualities – looks, contrast, beauty, form, colour, brightness.
    Mass – many, gathering, crowd.
    Manifestation of will qualities – readiness to use one’s energy, to reach (to get), goal achievement, to conquer, to make smb. do smth., to give orders, leadership, complete readiness to action, to suppress, to subdue, decisiveness, to assault.
    Force – weight, ponderability, power, will to win, pressure, violence, repulse, will-power, resistance, confidence, physical strength.
    Status – authority, ambitions, standing, importance.

    Sensorics of Sensations (S)

    Sensations – gustatory (bitter, sour, sweet, salt), tactile (prickly, soft – hard, sharp, fluffy, rough), colour tones, pliant, pleasant, firm, resilient.
    State of health – health, delight, rest, relaxation, satisfaction.
    Taste to life – harmony, design, quality, “a real bird in the hand”, convenience, pleasure, cosiness, aesthetic satisfaction, comfort.
    Sensing oneself in space and time – here and now, sense of area, sense of one’s relations with area, quality of area, ability to render area. Reliability.

    Polysemantic Terms

    Very often it is difficult to apply a word unambiguously to one or another aspect. However, the scope of mentioned word lets us understand and feel what we are talking about. Socionics is a young science being developed by a small number of enthusiasts. Many specifications are still ahead. That is why I am writing only about the things I know and tested in practice.
    In our speech we often come across polysemantic terms, which are universal and capacious. There are words, and there are many of them, which relate to a few aspects at the same time. Their meaning varies due to the context. Such words cause different associations with the people of different types. Using them one should always clearly understand what really your interlocutor means.
    For example, one say that the word “money” should be applied to will sensorics as a symbol of status, belonging to a certain social group (rich – poor). Others say that the term “money” should be applied to economics: that is the symbol of profit, something being put into business. Which of these points of view is correct? Both, according to the context. In some cases this word can be applied to other aspects. It can look as follows.

    Semantic meaning of the word “money”
    something being earned
    the symbol of calculation, business accounting
    finance opulence, the means to getting authority, power, confidence
    the means to living, sustenance, comfort, convenience; the symbol of stability, steadiness
    finance opportunities, and also treasures
    wealthy future, the guarantee of realization of plans
    the way to enjoy life
    the way to be respected, to get recognition

    But there is a combined perceiving of words. For example, money as an object of collecting, numismatics. Here there is also the aesthetics in design of each (), and history (), and uncommonness () etc.

    It is interesting to analyze in this connection the terms we consider universal, that is love, duty. The analysis of these words has been made together with E.A. Udalova.

    The word love can be interpreted like that, for example:
    Aspect semantic meaning of the word “love”
    a feeling of deep emotional sympathy, affection
    passion, emotional experience, admiration, joy and sorrow
    pleasant sensations, embraces, kisses
    pride for the beloved one, the feeling of belonging, responsibility for those who you love
    affection for old people and children, “love forever”
    a chance to happiness, expectations of something unusual
    commitment and the call of duty
    cooperation in life, in private life, in children upbringing

    Or the word “duty”, for example:

    semantic meaning of the word “duty”
    moral duty, feeling which makes one put other person’s interests ahead of his own
    worry about those who depend on us
    feeling of responsibility or feeling of dependence
    patriotic convictions, necessity to defend Motherland
    permanent liability, responsibility for future generations
    necessity of considering consequences of one’s deeds, words, decisions
    liability and rules to others
    borrowed money that one should pay back

    Offered interpretations claim to be absolutely full. Possibly, some of them need clarification. That is only an attempt to illustrate the way the socionic functions choose “their” information from the mainstream. We will be glad to hear ideas and add-ins on this theme.

    1. A. Augustinavichuote. Socionics: book 1. Introduction. Book 2. Psychotypes. Tests. – M: “AST”, SPb: “Terra Fantastica”, 1998.
    2. V.D. Ermak. Explanatory Dictionary of aspects of information flow. Socionics, mentology and personality psychology. №№ 1 – 3, 1998.
    3. A. Augustinavicuite. About symbols. Content analysis of symbols used in socionics. Socionics, mentology and personality psychology, № 2, 1998.
    4. I.D. Vaisband. Who am I? A little about socionics. Znaniye – sila, №№1, 3 – 10, 1992.
    5. R.K. Sedykh. Informational psychoanalysis. Socionics as metapsychology. M.: NPP “Menatep-Trust”, 1994
    6. C.G. Jung. Psychological Types. – SPb: “Juventa” – M.: “Progress – Universe”, 1995.