• Semantics and Vocabulary of Information Elements


    Semantics and Vocabulary of Information Elements

    Cognitive linguistics is the field of research that studies the relationship between language and cognition.

    Information Element Semantics by L. Kochubeeva, V. Mironov, M. Stoyalova

    The tables below present phrases, topics, themes, and words that are commonly associated with different socionics information elements. They was taken from a book published in 2007 titled "Semantics of Information Elements" authored by L. Kochubeeva, V. Mironov, M. Stoyalova, and translated to English language by Rick. More on this study's methodology is covered here.

    Introverted Intuition

    time, processes, speed - crises
    - sense of time
    - a person's influence on time, and time's influence on a person
    interconnections; interdependence of objects, events, and processes  
    foresight or anticipation (through a sense of processes)  
    the nonmaterial part of the world within us - internal processes
    - adverbs denoting state of mind
    memory - associations or connotations
    the "music" of the inner world (of a person or any object, figuratively speaking)  
    uncertainty - perceiving imagery
    • water-related metaphors and expressions
    • birth and death imagery; mirror and reflection themes; vocabulary that demonstrates uncertainty that can't be reduced to a rational description
    • associations and figures of speech not united by a central concept (as in Ne), but based on free association
    • metonymy and synecdoche; metamorphosis; symbolism, catachresis; oxymoron; synesthesia
    • discussing processes;"the history of the issue"; "the philosophy of the situation"
    • discussing imagery, associations, and recollections
    • foresight or anticipation
    • interconnectedness of objects and processes
    • the topic of changes
    • the topic of style

    Extraverted intuition

    indicating the time context; time intervals/jumps - crises
    - reconstructing events along with their timeframe
    indicating speed, periodicity, and duration  
    variants of situations; assessing and realizing possibilities  
    matching and coincidence  
    the essence of things; grasping the main point - similarity
    • superfluous use of subjunctive forms of verbs ("who could've thought," "if he had," "I would," etc.)
    • listing options or variants
    • air and flight-related images, metaphors, and expressions
    • figures of speech: ambiguity, puns, unexpected comparisons, metaphors, alogisms, paradoxes
    • using or failing to use opportunities that arise (who was lucky and who wasn't)
    • talent; talented people
    • unique events
    • cases (e.g. strange cases); tales; abstract stories "with a meaning"
    • the topic of changes
    • the topic of style

    Introverted sensing

    information received through the senses and from one's one body:
    taste and smell
    - shades of flavors and smells
    touch; tactile sensations - physical contact
    - shades of touches
    - memory of sensations, flavors, scents
    sensations - the body
    concreticizing sensations by location - internal and muscle sensations
    - physiological processes
    poses; changing poses  
    needs and their satisfaction - food
    - drink; drinking
    - sex
    - health
    - cleanliness
    physical characteristics - consistency
    - changing the physical traits of any objects, including inanimate objects
    one's habitat - shades of color
    - clothing
    • superfluous use of qualitative adverbs [specific to Russian]
    • imagery from the world of flora and fauna
    • metaphors related to food, physiological processes, etc.
    • synesthesia: ("warm light," "sweet pain," "soft lighting," a "juicy" or "dry" word, etc.)
    • associating objects to a specific location or object
    • physical sensations and experiences and feelings related to them
    • physiological needs: food, sex, etc.
    • health
    • comfort; arranging one's habitat for one's day-to-day activities
    • designing things based on what is at hand (and not based on an abstract concept)

    Extraverted sensing

    visual perception of objects - color
    - graphic designs
    - light characteristics
    constant physical traits of objects - size and shape
    - amount
    - other physical traits
    space (as in location) - objects' location in space
    - indicating objects within one's field of vision
    desires and their fulfillment - desires
    - presence and absence
    manipulating objects (in both the literal and figurative sense) - describing contact with objects (both physical and figurative contact)
    power and energy - struggle and resistance
    • metaphors based on physical impact
    • frequent switching to the present tense
    • frequent switching from imperfect to perfect form of verbs [specific to Russian]
    • preference for transitive verbs
    • relating spatial relationships to specific objects
    • frequent use of indicative pronouns
    • frequent use of the imperative form
    • discussing objects that actually exist and everything that can be done with them (paint, move around, throw out, etc. depending on the context)
    • designing things based on what is at hand (creating new forms out of existing materials, and not based on abstract concepts)
    • analyzing situations of conflict
    • needs: who doesn't have enough of what, who has or has acquired what (with a demonstration)

    Introverted logic

    describing thinking processes - expressing thoughts
    - constructions of correspondence that reflect the train of thought (logical connectors)
    - introductory phrases
    - issues related to reflecting thought processes; clarifying one's position
    - evaluating mental capabilities
    objects' structure - describing spatial relationships and how objects are situated in relation to each other
    - social boundaries determined by agreement
    - "geometry" in the figurative sense
    comparing and classifying - constructions of comparison
    • minimizing vocabulary (significant words) and maximizing grammar — prepositions and introductory statements
    • frequent use of complex prepositions
    • grammatical form
    • correct phrase construction regardless of whether or not the phrase has meaning
    • use of "geometrical" language in figurative meanings
    • certain fields of scientific knowledge: geometry, formal logic, scientific classifications and systematizations
    • cartography; architecture
    • organizing formal structures; defining work duties
    • analytical activities of any kind
    • interaction with formal structures

    Extraverted logic

    exact knowledge - correlating names with phenomena
    - substantiating things
    - units of measurement (as units of information facilitating the accuracy of information transferral)
    - clarifying questions
    - paraphrasing in order to ensure exact transfer of information
    objective phenomena and laws  
    objects' dynamics; controlled processes - production; technologies
    - evaluating quality; process indicators
    - objects' operational characteristics
    - the operational characteristics of people as objects
    • listing and repeating
    • complex sentences using words such as: "then..., then..., then...," "and then..., after which...," or "which"; strings of causes and effects
    • "mechanical" similies and metaphors
    • describing the interaction and reactions of people using technical terms and analogies
    • indicative pronouns ("this," "that") always followed by the name of the object
    • illustrating one's reasoning with examples
    • optimizing actions and processes
    • correct actions in various situations
    • clarifying information
    • perfecting old and inventing new methods and forms of activity
    • new constructive applications of objects in a concrete situation

    Introverted ethics

    describing one's feelings and attitudes toward things and people - influences on feelings
    - feelings
    describing relationships between people as a constant factor - describing psychological distance
    - links (between people)
    evaluating objects - evaluations that include oaths or insults
    - constant traits; personality and character traits
    - evaluating people's behavior
    • superfluous use of diminutive and augmentative suffixes
    • qualitative adjectival evaluations
    • constructions using the word "relationship"
    • metaphors related to "links"
    • relationships between people
    • evaluating people (personality and character traits) and their deeds and conduct
    • evaluating the motives behind behavior
    • empathy; the ability to feel what others feel and understand their motives

    Extraverted ethics

    describing fields of relationships and actions that take place between people - describing influences on living objects
    describing external, observable manifestations of emotions - spectacles
    - describing emotional states or degrees of arousal
    using sonal forms of words as a means of expressing emotions - describing audible behavior and imitating sounds
    - situative word creation to convey shades of emotion
    - expressive interjections and exclamations
    • frequent use of emotionally charged adjectives
    • combining emotional adjectives and adverbs that are opposite in meaning
    • quoting poems, songs, etc. that reflect their current emotional situation
    • informal, colloquial, "non-dictionary" vocabulary
    • intentionally violating the stylistic flow with words that are either highly colloquial or archaic
    • intonationally conveying emotional states
    • personification of inanimate objects; increasing the number of actors involved in each story
    • gossiping
    • evoking emotional reactions in others
    • changing and creating any kind of emotional atmosphere and any kind of nuances in communication
    • strong emotions and impressions

    Socionics.us - http://www.socionics.us/works/semantics.shtml

    Information Aspect Semantics by Prokofieva

    Full article: http://en.socionics.ru/index.php?opt...254&Itemid=137

    Logic of Actions Te

    – movement, activity, transfer, deed, achievement.
    Knowledge – qualifications, method, skills, fact, erudition.
    Work – business team, instrument, mechanism, process of production, technology, ability to work, functioning.
    Reason – adequacy, profit, common sense, use, pragmatism, reasonable actions, rationality, rationalism, expediency, effectiveness.
    Economics – enterprise, worth, ability to do with money, price.

    Logics of Relationships Ti

    Dimension – more-less, long – short, parameter, distance, commensurability, comparison, standard.
    Understanding – analysis, detail, synthesis, universality.
    Order – leveling, classification, control, sequence, to range, strictness, register.
    System – regularity, hierarchy, organization, cause and effect relations, theory.
    Structure – positional relationship of objects, interrelations, construction, subordination, position, correlation, chart.
    Formal logics – algorithm, distance, proof, “if – then”, law, instruction, informatics, cybernetics, mathematics, official relations, rights and duties, rules (including etiquette), programming, equality, justice, statistics, equation.

    Ethics of Emotions Fe

    Agitation – fervour, indignation, nervousness, dormancy, pressing, emotional experience, depression, calmness, passion, ecstasy.
    Stimulus to action – inner impulses, mood, determination, fanaticism, energy, enthusiasm.
    Expressing emotions – artistry, hot temper, impetuosity, intonation, use of superlatives in speech (ugly, sinister, remarkable, disgusting, charming, marvelous, spectacular), weeping, restraint, ability to control emotions.
    People’s emotions - admiration, wrath, mood, insult, panic, sorrow, joy, romanticism, fear, anxiety.

    Ethics of Relationships Fi

    Moral categories – good – evil, ideology, morals, morality, decency, religion, conscience, good – bad.
    Attraction – obtrusiveness, tiresomness, dislike, repulsion, attachment, psychological distance, inclination.
    Feelings expression – undue familiarity, tactfulness, diplomacy, mercy, tenderness, indulgence, tolerance, ability not to hurt, humaneness.
    Feelings – kindness, envy, anger, love – hatred, sympathy – antipathy, compassion.
    Peoples’ relationships – animosity, friendship.

    Intuition of Opportunities Ne

    Seeing opportunities
    – insight, feeling of unity and interrelation of processes, striving for coming to the point, integral perception.
    Opportunities – viability, potential, resource, abilities, talent, chance.
    Uncertainty – suddenly, “pie in the sky”, somebody, polysemy, maybe, perhaps, unusual, unexpectedness, paradox, something.
    Search – choice, hypothesis, guess, intention, ideas, invention, find, irradiation, optimality, discovery, supposition.
    Gist – inner structure, real feature, basis, openness, contents, essence, publicity, simplicity, purity.

    Intuition of Time Ni

    – future – past, time interval, uptime, some day, moment, pause, period, later, duration, timeliness, deadline.
    Doing with time – to wait – to catch up, generations relationships, time esteem, planning, prevention, accuracy, time management, to hurry, strategy.
    Prognosis – perspective, foresight, retrospective.
    Processes development in time – genealogy, changeability, history, youth – old age, be about to happen, sequence of events, the present, getting experience, development, earlier – later, epochs changing, evolution.
    Speed – fast – slowly, deceleration, rhythm, soon – long, tempo, acceleration.

    Will Sensorics Se

    Possession – wish, ownership, to defend, alignment of forces, striving, sphere of influence, tactics, territory, ability to take the area, feeling of being a master, expansion, “I want”.
    External qualities
    – looks, contrast, beauty, form, colour, brightness.
    Mass – many, gathering, crowd.
    Manifestation of will qualities – readiness to use one’s energy, to reach (to get), goal achievement, to conquer, to make smb. do smth., to give orders, leadership, complete readiness to action, to suppress, to subdue, decisiveness, to assault.
    Force – weight, ponderability, power, will to win, pressure, violence, repulse, will-power, resistance, confidence, physical strength.
    Status – authority, ambitions, standing, importance.

    Sensorics of Sensations Si

    Sensations – gustatory (bitter, sour, sweet, salt), tactile (prickly, soft – hard, sharp, fluffy, rough), colour tones, pliant, pleasant, firm, resilient.
    State of health – health, delight, rest, relaxation, satisfaction.
    Taste to life – harmony, design, quality, “a real bird in the hand”, convenience, pleasure, cosiness, aesthetic satisfaction, comfort.
    Sensing oneself in space and time – here and now, sense of area, sense of one’s relations with area, quality of area, ability to render area. Reliability.[/QUOTE]

    Information Element Semantics from Wikisocion

    Extraverted Intuition Ne
    Related words
    * in general, basically, for the most part, more or less, pretty much
    * general, overall, basic, main, core, fundamental, overview
    * guess, suppose, imagine, reckon, conjecture, venture, hazard
    * possibility, potential, likelihood, opportunity, chance, luck, fortune
    * important, key, critical, crucial
    * origin, crux, root, source
    * initially, recently, any moment now, at the moment, until, since, later, once again, sometimes, occasionally, frequently, often, all the time, every time
    * sudden, abrupt, unpredictable
    * option, alternative, choice, crossroads, juncture
    * coincidence, concurrence
    * come together, fall into place (''of events'')
    Real examples of Ne-related statements:
    * get to the root of
    * you basically imply that...
    * What I really meant was more that...
    * Here's another idea.
    * I have a prospect/opportunity for you.
    * Here is another option...
    * Just some random thoughts...
    * in the long run it makes more sense to...
    * ... and discovered lots of parallels with other things
    * Within a week or so...
    * that's the main commercial activity I've been involved in here recently since...
    * it seems that things are coming together to allow me to do this
    * Any ideas where we can...?
    * ... has real potential
    * You seem to have found a great niche
    * Imagine that!
    * Something really interesting is...
    * Now just imagine for a second that...
    * Suppose we go there and...
    * I happen to have just spoken to him.
    * Now is the critical moment.
    * If I had gotten there earlier, I would have had time to figure things out first.
    * One thing I have noticed is that...
    * It has become clear to me lately that...
    * I'm starting to realize...
    * I'm pretty good at figuring out...
    * So hypothetically...
    * Well I think in that situation I would have responded in such-and-such a way.
    * I just had one of those breaking-through-a-layer-of-the-matrix twilight-zone like experiences (creative Ne)
    Features of Ne speech
    Ne-ego types have a tendency to use the conditional tense frequently, ex: "would be", "what might happen," etc.

    Introverted Intuition Ni
    Related words
    * anticipate, expect, envision, await, sense, foresee
    * causation, influence, consequence
    * reflect, mirror, signal, indicate, point to (''all figurative'')
    * clear, muddy, muddled, foggy, hazy, murky, blurry, fuzzy, faint (''all figurative'')
    * bode, foreshadow, predict, promise, dream, echo (''figurative''), calamity
    * disturbing, troublesome, troubling, worrisome, troubling, foreboding, sinister, ominous, fateful
    * calm, serene, tranquil, idyllic
    * mysterious, cryptic, deep, shallow, obscure
    * recollect, remember, retrieve, recall, call up, hark back to
    * indefinite, vague, uncertain, unclear, nebulous, unknowable
    * mire, quagmire, morass (''all figurative'')
    * contemplate, think over, mull over, ponder, chew over, muse, reflect, ruminate, meditate
    * transitory, ephemeral, fleeting, passing, short-lived, transient
    Real examples of Ni-related statements
    * Another week has vanished into the netherness of "history".
    * My past is a blur.
    * This is highly unlikely.
    * I guess it's a matter of interpretation...
    * It depends on perspective one takes ...
    * The thing I still find unclear is...
    * my thoughts are all tangled
    * in the spirit of ...
    * perhaps we shall meet in person again... indeed time will tell...
    * I recently got the clearest vision I ever had in my life
    * It was the culmination of the ineffable poignancy of my youth.
    * this might seem to suggest that ...
    * wait a little, she's taking her time thinking it over
    * It flows smoothly between them rather than switching suddenly from one to the other across a gap.
    * All there is light. We see not yet just because we are blinded by its holy flame. But thats all there is to come. (Fe-Ni, Ni-creative)
    * Actually its not real confession, but more in a way of my belief that the universe through people wants to again find its most glorified position of finding love and oneness through the lack of it. (Fe-Ni, Ni-creative)
    Features of Ni speech
    Ni types naturally look beyond what happens on the surface to the underlying dynamics and thus omit many specifics in conversation. To Si-ego types this may give an impression that they don't know what they are talking about or are being intentionally vague which evokes suspicion. Ni-ego types may have difficulty putting their thought processes into exact words. Since these are dynamic types, their imagery is not static but evolving due to their progressive thought process. When you hear to them tell a story, it is similar to watching a video i.e. one easily sees how one thing leads to another (if-this-then-that).

    Ni types may talk in terms of probabilities and likelihoods when referring to past situations and information. When talking about future course of events, instead of using conditional tense ("what might happen") they will more frequently use affirmative future tense ("this will happen").

    Extraverted Sensing Se
    Related words
    * people's appearance, looks: beautiful, gorgeous, ugly, fat, skinny, ripped, blonde, red-head, tall, short
    * physical properties of objects: shape, size, mass, weight, dimensions, length, width, height, depth, big, huge, tiny, small, enormous, large, round, square, bent, straight, flat, stretched out, wide, high, low, narrow, thin
    * physical modifications: throw, take, pull out, push, stuff, open, let out, hang, pick up, set, squeeze, crush, pick, shake, grab, snap up, bend, shove, stick, jab, yank, whack, fling, thrash, bang, bump, slice, cut, break, crush, beat
    * rip into, size up, take down, bring down, tear down, build up, tackle, hold up, withstand, take, handle
    * lock on, target
    * flinch, vacillate, crack, collapse, cave in, give in, crumble
    * protect, fight, strengthen, weaken, intrude, defend, put up with, resist
    * restrain, control, submit, subdue (''all figurative as well as literal'')
    * pop up, flash by, disappear, look around, immediately noticed
    * shiny, flash, sparkle, twinkle, light up, glitter, glare
    * this high, this low, this much, this little (''while showing with your hands'')
    * inside, around, behind, far away, across, in the middle, backwards, at a slant, from the side, nearby, right in front of
    * that one, this one, this thing, that one over there, here, there, from here, over here
    * solid, limp, weak, strong, active, relaxed, restrained, energetic, mobilized, ready
    Real examples of Se-related statements
    * don't throw words around
    * amorphous butts
    * Shove that into your mind.
    * Get a life!
    * my restless desire to just graduate is getting the best of me
    * on the ball
    * People just want to see me crumble.
    * When life throws you a curve ball, you've got to handle it.
    * Just sit down!
    * Oh shut up, man! (''in jest'')
    * I have to take a lot of crap.
    * Don't cry over spilled milk.
    * They cornered me
    * No matter what, I'll be on top.
    * fold under pressure
    * clean up your act
    * We need to keep our eyes on the ball.
    * How dare you!
    * She looks strong enough.
    * you had a pretty controlled reaction to it
    * you don't have a life off the screen!
    * anything you come up with is as far from reality as you are from a vagina
    Features of Se speech
    Statements of Se leading or creative types often reflect what currently *is* rather than how events are evolving (unlike Ni-ego types) since all Se-ego types are static. On forums, Se types may suddenly switch to writing in large font sizes in order to make an impact.

    Introverted Sensing
    Related words
    * sensation, impression
    * sense, feel (not emotionally, but physiologically or 'in one's gut')
    * get into, adapt, adjust, make oneself at home
    * to stomach, to stand, to tolerate
    * people's physical characteristics in terms of their physical condition
    * digest, swallow (''figurative as well as literal''), chew, cough, sneeze, sweat, blow nose, wheeze, pee, poop, freeze, fatten up, put on weight, shower, rinse off
    * aroma, smell, taste, aftertaste, twinge
    * sour, sweet, salty, rotten, bitter, putrid, fresh, crisp, juicy (''figurative as well as literal'')
    * smooth, rough, sharp, dull, glossy, sleek, slick (''figurative as well as literal'')
    * dry, parched, baked, moist, wet, damp, hot, boiling, sweltering, steamy, muggy, toasty, warm, lukewarm, cold, freezing, frigid, cool, refreshing, chilly
    * touch, hold, clutch, grip, grasp, tickle, wiggle, pet, caress, stroke, squeeze, scratch, rub
    * pain, ache, burning, itch, chafe, chafing, soreness, warmth, rumbling
    * bliss, cloud nine, rest, relaxation
    * uncomfortable, restless, fidgety
    * comfortable, cozy, intimate, snug, soothing, homely
    * enjoy, satisfy, sate, humor, indulge
    * be hungry, be in the mood for, try, snack, have a bite, have enough, get full, eat, feed, feast, overeat, pig out
    * get dirty, soil, clean up, mess up, care for, wash, clean off, cleanse
    * dirt, mess, stain, wear and tear, filth, grime, grease
    * sticky, gluey, gummy, pasty, runny, stringy, grimey, greasy
    * pliable, flexible, elastic, malleable, supple, firm, hard, solid, stiff, steady
    * reliable, tangible, stable
    Real examples of Si-related statements
    * It turned into this squishy mass.
    * She looks yummy.
    * You look the same as you always did.
    * It's blazing hot!
    * a flood of spring sunlight
    * The heat is about to kill me, but I'm getting used to it.
    * ... which you'll get tired of quickly
    * get settled {''or'' get settled in}
    * at least I feel comfortable in it
    * Once life settles into an even rhythm I hope to...
    * just enjoying life
    * drenched in sweat
    * The right side of my head is kind of tender.
    * I was weak, sweating, and shaking
    * pukey green color
    * my body still thinks I need to sleep.
    * Music today is like a big bowl of soup.
    * I cannot stomach it.
    Features of Si-speech
    A preference for mentioning details and specifics: instead of saying "a newspaper" a Si-ego type will specify, "my copy of the May 18 edition of the Atlanta Times that I picked up last Tuesday from Lucky's supermarket". Si-egos are dynamic types and will express how something has happened rather than how something is. Their speech can have a flow-like quality to it where they are listing a sequence of events supplying plentiful sensory details and specifics to their stories as they remember them.

    Extraverted Logic
    Related words
    * external sense of doing something: efficiency, effectiveness, reward, productivity
    * movement, motion, speed, acceleration, displacement, rotation, process
    * production, work, end product
    * diligence, industriousness, industry, conscientiousness
    * shrewd, sharp, proficient, capable, sensible, adept, venturous, confident, resourceful
    * confused, unreliable, impractical, presumptuous, irreverent, contemptible
    * direct, objective, dry statements lacking in personal qualifiers
    * justified, unjustified, verify, support, refute, confirm, debunk
    * reliable, confirmed, observed, unreliable, unconfirmed, hypothetical, unverified
    Real examples of Te-related statements
    * It provides both usefulness and a way to double-check...
    * What are you trying to accomplish?
    * You are just talking out of thin air.
    * you might get more value for your efforts doing the following ...
    * This sounds like a questionable venture. It does not justify the extra time/expenses.
    * You'll be able to lift it easier if you move your hands further apart.
    * To say that there is consensus is wildly misrepresentative.
    * Get a clue.
    * You are clearly losing exact definition regarding your own narrative, therefore I'll let you off the hook. Consider it a freebie.
    * A man who both claims he doesn't follow any model of socionics and who is also unwilling to specify the model he is using is not worthy as a typology commentator because he is not willing to open himself up to peer review and to reach common conclusions and methods.
    Features of Te-speech
    All Te-ego types are dynamic, thus they will interconnect events one after another in speech. Thus their speech will have a flow-like quality to it. Content may be lacking in personal elements.

    Introverted Logic
    Related words
    * logical statements of static estimation: "this is true" "this is not valid" "this is incorrect"
    * therefore, consequently, thus, hence
    * correlation, similarity, distinction, compatibility
    * denote, define, mean, signify, designate, refer to, constitute, correspond to, pertain to
    * satisfy (''i.e. a requirement''), comply with, match, cohesion
    * establish (a rule or principle)
    * counterpart, analogue, equivalent
    * characteristic of, of a ____ nature
    * according to, corresponding to, in view of, in terms of, apart from, given ___, equivalent to, tantamount to
    * consider, call, deem, regard, associate ____ with
    Real examples of Ti-related statements
    * this is inconsistent
    * correlates rather poorly/well
    * This idea is incoherent.
    * You are contradicting yourself...
    * Now on that point, I'm going to have to take issue.
    * I think this definition is more accurate...
    * I can't hate her for this specific reason...
    * Why did he do this? What was his reasoning?
    * I need a reason to do anything.
    * Do you understand what I'm trying to say?
    * Only when absolutely necessary.
    * Is it or isn't it?
    * What does that refer to?
    * What did you mean by this?
    Features of Ti-speech
    In debates and discussions, types that value Ti may inquire about definitions and criteria of their conversation partner. Since Ti is subjective, these types have a sense that other individuals may be using different operational sets of definitions, criteria, laws or premises.

    Extraverted ethics
    Related words
    * personal qualifiers (moods, character traits) as could be observed by person's external behavior and manners with emphasis on qualifiers and actions that are externally harmonious: considerate, charismatic, pleasant, graceful, tactful, unrestrained, uninhibited, well-behaved, patient, understanding, easy-going, responsible, sincere, dishonest, quarrelsome, spiteful, egotistic, risible, sad, happy, moody, morose, brooding, sullen, shy, quiet, demure, vivacious, enthusiastic, excited, energized
    * congruity, external harmony in relations
    * bedevil, befuddle, discombobulate, dazzle, tantalize, torment
    * howl, wail, bawl, roar
    * honk, blare, beep, toot
    Real Examples of Fe-related statements
    * I'm sorry that your situation with John went so poorly
    * I was shocked and overjoyed to hear of it!
    * It bothers me when people choose ignorance, especially when it hurts others (Fe-Ti)
    * God, why is everyone so focused on it!
    * You aren't being helpful to our new recruits.
    * He deserves anything she could say about him.
    * I don't want to criticize her [in person] because I'm afraid of hurting her feelings.
    * I *really* love that couch! (Fe-Si)
    * He's usually really easy to cheer up.
    * You were very rude towards the bus driver.
    Features of Fe-speech
    Use of illustrative adverbs and superlatives (e.g. ''absolutely amazing!'').

    Introverted ethics
    Related words
    * personal qualifiers that are implicit, implied within the context of external behavior, actions, and manners
    * sentiment
    * relate to, sympathize with
    * support (''i.e. supporting something'')
    * community
    * share
    * to bring (people) together
    * to open up (''figurative'')
    Real Examples of Fi-related statements
    * This bugs me.
    * I just don't care for...
    * I am truly grateful for...
    * This kid gave his heart to us, he gave his heart to University of Florida (Fi-creative)
    * It is just exciting to be around things that old (Fi-Si)
    * I felt bad about the situation
    * I just wanted to say how touched I was that...
    * I have a lasting gift from you which some of my friends do not have: the knowledge that you are there when I need you, and the knowledge that you really care.
    * I must have the most considerate son. How well he knows me!
    * I did not realize how terribly alone and lonely she must have been.
    * I sent that old monster off yesterday. (Fi-Ne referring to an appliance)
    * What a terrible thought!
    * Do you feel differently now?
    * I feel so gloomy and depressed
    * I am so much looking forward to spending some time with you.
    * Wishing you were here...
