
Gulenko's Erotic Attitudes



An ideal of such woman - physically strong the man, reminding supermen from the American insurgents. She wishes to test on herself its force, to resist to his impact, to feel a victim. In love games prefers the different forms of an antagonism kindling passion of the partner. In women of this type are at times immanently inherent masochistic features. The truth is far from being all from them give itself in it the report.


Idealizes ? the woman. His is arranged under its tastes, respects in her strong-willed qualities. In behaviour that emphasizes the dependence and ? he is pulled out from under the control. In attitudes with the woman he subconsciously expects orders, dirty tricks, reproaches. ? receiving similar reactions, involuntarily provokes their display.


"Victim" the woman. Plays on the weakness, vulnerability or a disorganization, provoking thus Aggressive the man to active and resolute actions was able. In love games for her strong embraces and force of a man's body have the greatest value, conceding which she shows the humility to will of the man.

Men of Careful type seem to her convenient, but too boring partners, and Infantile she in soul counts and at all weak-willed weaklings. With men similar to such as Victim the woman enters in complex, with implied sense of the attitude, competing with them sacrifices and demanding for it of special privileges. Quite often similar games exhaust both literally.


Copyright 2004 Jimmy Cartrette. All rights reserved.